Man, I haven't been in this thread in a minute, but I'm so jealous of you guys down in the South with practically zero gun laws lol. I went to lunch with my mom today, and afterwards I went to the LGS down the street "just to look". I've been wanting a S&W 686 revolver for a while, but apparently they're falling off the California roster and are kind of hard to come by (have to be modified to single action prior to purchase and then converted back to normal afterwards). Only a couple models are on there, but none are what I was looking for. So the guy brings out a Dan Wesson 715 with a 6" barrel, and I'm sold. As they're doing the paperwork, I see a Sig Sauer 1911 with the SSE job and long *** barrel. I ask the guy how I can get off roster guns and he said that I'd have to buy them there because they only have certain barrels/guns etc..I brought up the HK45, and how I wish they were on the roster, so he goes to the next counter and pulls one anyway, on 7/14 I pick up my new Dan Wesson revolver, and on 8/15 I pick up my new HK45 lol. Still need to order my WC 1911...damn