NT's "True" Hollywood Stories (athletes, too)...post up anything you got that's funny.

I've had a few run ins here and there. Semi-dated a player from PSU's basketball team the year after they did work in the tourney in 2004. Wasn't serious at all, but it was annoying as hell how connected athletes are to their phones and schedules.

My wild cousin(girl) has gotten me backstage to a bunch of concerts. She just has that attitude that seems to get noticed by bands and their people. Funniest one was hanging with this one band (finally remembered it was Puddle of Mud) backstage at the 9:30 club with my cousin and they're all drinking Jack out of the bottle and serenading the girls with acoustic guitars and playing this really low key cool kind of vibe. Everyone is laughing and telling jokes and it seems to be a genuinely good vibe all around when one of the band members gets super serious out of nowhere and goes "Ok, when the **#$ are we gonna get our d___ s_____ed?!" and then the rest of the band gets serious too. I just remember feeling all kinds of awkward for the girls back there who probably thought they were no longer on the hook for these antics after some campfire stories. Needless to say, I went back out to the main floor and my cousin stayed behind lol. She wound up getting the lead singer's number and they still text quite a bit. She has a weird relationship with someone in Linkin Park too, but I dunno to what extent. I feel bad for her son because they go to LP shows every time they're around and she disappears backstage while leaving he and his friends out on the floor.

One of my favorites was when my friends and I ran into Hasim Rahman and his crew at Lexington Market what must have been hours (or maybe a day) after his fight with Holyfield. I got a crabcake from Faidleys and I'm waiting for my friends to come up to eat (they were at Parks). My one boisterous friend comes up and says he just saw that boxer getting some Jamaican food and dude looks like he's got a tumor on his face. I had to see it in real life, so I go to get up to find him and he and his boys sit about six tables away from us. My friend goes over to him and gives him props for repping Baltimore and such and then goes "Yo, why you gonna let Evander headbutt you like that? I'd have kneed him in the balls if he did that to me!" He and his boys laugh, but Rahman kind of looks down and you could tell he was disappointed with how things worked out, but it just looked so damned strange on him with that caveman looking face.

Also stopped at Pilot after high school one day and saw Wu Tang's bus there and hung out with them for a few minutes. Really cool guys and they were genuinely happy we were fans of their music. Ghost and La the Darkman were high out of their minds though. Rza was all business. You could tell he had his mind on business at all times. Ghostface had always been my favorite of that crew and I tried talking to him, but he seriously couldn't string together a coherent sentence he was so high. I told U God I had Turbo charge as my ring tone and he didn't believe me and couldn't believe it when I played it. He told Rza but he didn't seem to care lol.
So I'm interning at WPXI (local Pittsburgh Channel) in early 2011. I'm sitting at the computer uploading a story I had written for their website when I see/hear a little kid run by my cubicle. I stand up (its around 8PM and not too many people are in the office) to see what the hell is going on and I hear a soft voice say "Hey, get back over here buddy." The kid walks back in the other direction and I see Troy Polamalu jogging over.
I was completely caught off guard, then he turned to me and said "sorry about that, I hope we didn't interrupt your work." I was like "Uhh No, not at all. Wow, I'm a huge fan and a lifelong Steelers fan. It's an honor to meet you." He was extra humble and said Oh wow, Thank you and something like the Pittsburgh fans have always been so nice to me etc. etc. I dont remember exactly his words but he was very appreciative and shook my hand as Alby (local sportscaster) was walking over to see where he and his kids were.
Very cool experience and Troy was a really cool and humble dude. This was like two weeks before we went to the super bowl and lost.... :frown:

I've played ball with him a couple of times at my gym (LA Fitness at the Block in Orange) He would pop up during the off season to run games. The man is definitely cool and humble.
Everyone is laughing and telling jokes and it seems to be a genuinely good vibe all around when one of the band members gets super serious out of nowhere and goes "Ok, when the **#$ are we gonna get our d___ s_____ed?!"

This band has just got a new fan.
lol some good stories in here..
aite here's one..one time my family was in Milwaukee for a family reunion. So im in the hotel about to go into the fitness room, I try to open the door but its locked..i look up at the tv's and one of those cinemax soft core porn joints was on the tv playin (this is the mid 90's) and there are two white guys on the stationary bikes lookin up at the tv ...So im like damn i wanna work out and watch some soft core too so i start rattlin the door tryna get them to turn around and open it...so the biggest dude, the one closest to the door gets off his bike and turns around mad as hell like wtf are you doin??...it was the british bulldog!!! otha cat never even stopped peddlin he jus looked over his shoulder for a sec and turned right back around.. he was owen hart... lol man i jus stood there shocked starin at em..this was like the height of monday night raw and i was a big wrestling fan at the time...BB face jus got red as hell and he put is hands on his waist cop style like man get outta here..so i left.
The next day i saw marlena who used to be with golddust in the lobby. She was lookin good her rack game was impressive, also got a quick glimpse of sable
Went to the bathroom ran into golddust said "wats up?"..he said "hey man hows it goin" i was shocked.. in real life his voice was deep as hell.. i thought he was gonna sound like mike jack.
I got a few more i might throw up later

:smokin:smokin @sable
So one day in Philly im out on delivery for my office and im walkin up town and normally when i walk i always look at the ground most of the time (its just a habit looking for money or looking at kicks) As im walking i notice a fresh pair of Space Jams. ( i had on CG 3s at the moment) I look up and notice its Andre iguodala (Big Sixers fan by the way). I stop and try to start up a convo about kicks asking if they were DS and all that, So now where ina convo about kicks and i take my phone out to ask for a picture. When i asked him he said 15 bucks i looked em like he was crazy and i started to walk away. I take 3-4 steps and he says come here man i was only playing with ya meanwhile im still lost cause i dont kno if i wanna believe him or not. A couple seconds go by and i see that hes willing to take the picture, So i give my phone to a beautiful lady he was with and she took the picture for me. This was about 2 years ago

I got plenty more stories about how i met Wale, Wiz and Spitta. IM bout to go on lunch break real quick
There was this one time where Harvey Hale who used to play for Wake was at this party his senior year and tried to hit on these high school girls and he walked up and introduced himself saying he played on the team and all this. One girl didn't hesitate and said "***** I don't know you" :rofl:
 This is only cool to me because I know who his dad is. Random to see his name in here.
Nothing too crazy. Christmas night 2007, me and my then girl friend went to go watch National Treasure 2 at Tinseltown in Fayetteville, GA (for my ATL heads). The theater is pretty desolate, but there was a guy sitting in our row wearing a hoodie. I noticed dude had a ring on shining heavy. Turns out it was Ludacris. Watching National Treasure 2. Alone on Christmas night.
Met monta Ellis last year. I was working at honey baked ham. A black phantom pulled up and this guy I worked with was saying zebo just pulled up. I was In a hair net and a dirty apron. Everybody was acting like they were scared to speak so I walked from the back and said what's up mr Ellis! And shook his hand. Dint know my hand was dirty. I got ham juice on his hand and he didn't notice. He rubbed his chin and got a small piece of ham on his face.
I walked back to the back acting like I was dribbling and saw a ham on the floor that needed to be thrown away. I picked it up and tried to shoot it into the garbage can and missed. Didn't know the manager was behind a shelf and it landed right next to his foot. Almost got fired,that day


Was in Towson mall one day walking around when i spot a chick with some serious mass....i follow dat mass, and run up on shorty with the the thirst....turns out it was buffie the body, she had a big secuirty guy next to her looked like he was ready to **** any body up

Yea, I think dude she used to mess with was a cop or something... That dude is cool with my homeboy that works in Lens Crafters... My homeboy told me dude used to show off them home vids he had in his phone of him and Buffy... :lol: :pimp:

As for me,

Back in '98, I used to play ball down at Mount Royal Rec Center... At the same time, Carmelo Anthony played there but in a higher age bracket...

I played for the bum squad of my bracket, but we'd all practice together after the winter league was done...

One morning, I'm shooting around with like 2 other ppl playing a game of 50... Melo walks in and starts taking over the game...

He misses a shot, I get the ball and try out one of my secret moves (before the And 1 era came alive)...

I had this move that was just like the Iverson spin move-reverse the ball trick, but with mine, I just brought the ball back under my legs (pause)... (corny move I know)

So I set it up with a regular spin move, switch hands, and broke out the move, and dude guarding me falls for it... I bang the jumper...

Everybody else is going :wow: -in'... Melo is under the basket goin crazy! Laughin', dappin' me up like 'I'm use that move!!... You caught him!!... Etc..."

I'm like >D "yeah ok", but deep down im like :pimp: to get that respect from a dude that everybody else respected, even as yung as we were...

Fast foward, to 2000, I'm at a Catholic HS game, and Melo is playing... During the game, he gets the ball on the wing and hits the EXACT same move I had! Drains the jumper... Crowd is going crazy!... I'm sittin' in the corner TIGHT... Mad as hell like, 'Yo, this dude stole my move!!"... Homeboys lookin at me like :smh: >D "Eff is this dude talkin' about?"... "You was a bum!"... etc... I'm tryina explain what happen, but to no avail...

Fast foward to '03, Melo does the exact move again and scores in a game against either Nova or Pitt (cant quite remember)...

To this day, I stand by that move and my story... :lol:
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Was hanging out with Doug Benson a couple weeks ago at Buffalo Wild Wings. Dude was so blazed.

Met Slug at a bar during the day before a concert. Shot a game a pool with him. That same night Ant was just walking around the venue drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. We had a 10 min convo about MF Doom.  

Not really a celebrity but I was chilling on Venice Beach one day and went to get a funnel cake. While in line I recognized the dude from True Life that got the calf implants. I started roasting dude and people realized he was and were laughing. Dude looked so pissed.  
Too many funny stories ill do some I can speak on.
Earlier this year I'm in the Beverly center going to the LV store in there and I walk in and Rudy Gay is in there with Michael Conely (Lakers were playing memphis the next day) and in another corner of the store is young dro and some of his boys. I walk in alone and everybody is looking at me like who the **** is this *****? I walk in between dro and his boys as they are looking at shoes and pick up 3 pairs of shoes and I buy 3 scarves a wallet, purse and one of those big *** trunks. When I leave the store there is this huge circus because two people have to help me carry all this stuff. As I walk out one of jocs boys says, "A ***** you a actor or something?!" I yell back, "nah, I strip at chippendales." As I was walking out Rudy Gay is right behind me and he is on his cell telling somebody what just happened. He ask me if I'm really a stripper and I'm like nah and he starts dieing and just walks off alone.The whole store gets quiet and I walk out laughing at the top of my lungs. Best part is I wasn't buying any of the stuff that I got. My homegirl works for a huge celebrity stylist and all of the stuff was already bought and payed for I was just picking it up for her because I was in the area and she was getting her hair done for an event. The shoes were for Lupe Fiasco and some awards show he was attending. The purse was a gift for a managers wife and the trunk was scarves were for her boss. Atlantic records was paying for it all I was just helping a friend out. Haha

A few years ago after the emmys I'm at a late night spot in hollywood that everyone goes to after they get out of the clubs. Im faded beyond the point of return and at the table next to me is the cast of glee ( they just killed the Emmys) One of my boys is like, "yo that's precious" real loud. In walks in mama walrus Gidibe and the big mound of chocolate terror she calls her body. I'm dumb drunk so my dude is like ill buy your meal if you go holler at her. Me being the type of dude I am I not only accept but I get up grab the Mexican lady outside selling roses and ask her to come back inside so I can buy the rose put it in my mouth and get on one knee and ask precious for her contact. Well us being drunk as **** and not giving a Damn we didn't have the mental faculties to consider that not were we loud as hell but everyone within 30 feet could hear us including precious. So when I return to the restaurant precious gets up walks in front of me and yells out, "move *****" and blows up the spot and now the whole restaurant is looking at us. I take the rose and rub it on the tip of her nose and say, " relax, tonight I'm yours". She slaps the rose out my hand walks out the restaurant and the spot erupts into laughter. Some little gay dude from the show walks up to my table after I sit back down and tells me I'm a ******g ******* and they all leave. My boys are choking in tears and people start randomly coming to our table to tell me how funny that was.

I have too many funny stories because I work in the industry but I can't tell because its against the code and they're personal. Ya'll would be surprised who lurks on here........
got me :rofl: as well

Kurupt knew his stuff too, they were kinda quizzing each other about certain songs and groups too. I think the old dude was shocked and impressed that Young Gotti had such an extensive knowledge of the same music that he liked. It was like the damn 'Odd Couple' in that airport bar...except they were drinking Heineken and Hennessy.
Too many funny stories ill do some I can speak on.
Earlier this year I'm in the Beverly center going to the LV store in there and I walk in and Rudy Gay is in there with Michael Conely (Lakers were playing memphis the next day) and in another corner of the store is young dro and some of his boys. I walk in alone and everybody is looking at me like who the **** is this *****? I walk in between dro and his boys as they are looking at shoes and pick up 3 pairs of shoes and I buy 3 scarves a wallet, purse and one of those big *** trunks. When I leave the store there is this huge circus because two people have to help me carry all this stuff. As I walk out one of jocs boys says, "A ***** you a actor or something?!" I yell back, "nah, I strip at chippendales." As I was walking out Rudy Gay is right behind me and he is on his cell telling somebody what just happened. He ask me if I'm really a stripper and I'm like nah and he starts dieing and just walks off alone.The whole store gets quiet and I walk out laughing at the top of my lungs. Best part is I wasn't buying any of the stuff that I got. My homegirl works for a huge celebrity stylist and all of the stuff was already bought and payed for I was just picking it up for her because I was in the area and she was getting her hair done for an event. The shoes were for Lupe Fiasco and some awards show he was attending. The purse was a gift for a managers wife and the trunk was scarves were for her boss. Atlantic records was paying for it all I was just helping a friend out. Haha
A few years ago after the emmys I'm at a late night spot in hollywood that everyone goes to after they get out of the clubs. Im faded beyond the point of return and at the table next to me is the cast of glee ( they just killed the Emmys) One of my boys is like, "yo that's precious" real loud. In walks in mama walrus Gidibe and the big mound of chocolate terror she calls her body. I'm dumb drunk so my dude is like ill buy your meal if you go holler at her. Me being the type of dude I am I not only accept but I get up grab the Mexican lady outside selling roses and ask her to come back inside so I can buy the rose put it in my mouth and get on one knee and ask precious for her contact. Well us being drunk as **** and not giving a Damn we didn't have the mental faculties to consider that not were we loud as hell but everyone within 30 feet could hear us including precious. So when I return to the restaurant precious gets up walks in front of me and yells out, "move *****" and blows up the spot and now the whole restaurant is looking at us. I take the rose and rub it on the tip of her nose and say, " relax, tonight I'm yours". She slaps the rose out my hand walks out the restaurant and the spot erupts into laughter. Some little gay dude from the show walks up to my table after I sit back down and tells me I'm a ******g ******* and they all leave. My boys are choking in tears and people start randomly coming to our table to tell me how funny that was.
I have too many funny stories because I work in the industry but I can't tell because its against the code and they're personal. Ya'll would be surprised who lurks on here........

As soon as I saw this thread title, I knew you'd have some good stories. That Precious story is gold. If you got anymore, feel free to drop them because I know you got millions.
Too many funny stories ill do some I can speak on.
Earlier this year I'm in the Beverly center going to the LV store in there and I walk in and Rudy Gay is in there with Michael Conely (Lakers were playing memphis the next day) and in another corner of the store is young dro and some of his boys. I walk in alone and everybody is looking at me like who the **** is this *****? I walk in between dro and his boys as they are looking at shoes and pick up 3 pairs of shoes and I buy 3 scarves a wallet, purse and one of those big *** trunks. When I leave the store there is this huge circus because two people have to help me carry all this stuff. As I walk out one of jocs boys says, "A ***** you a actor or something?!" I yell back, "nah, I strip at chippendales." As I was walking out Rudy Gay is right behind me and he is on his cell telling somebody what just happened. He ask me if I'm really a stripper and I'm like nah and he starts dieing and just walks off alone.The whole store gets quiet and I walk out laughing at the top of my lungs. Best part is I wasn't buying any of the stuff that I got. My homegirl works for a huge celebrity stylist and all of the stuff was already bought and payed for I was just picking it up for her because I was in the area and she was getting her hair done for an event. The shoes were for Lupe Fiasco and some awards show he was attending. The purse was a gift for a managers wife and the trunk was scarves were for her boss. Atlantic records was paying for it all I was just helping a friend out. Haha

A few years ago after the emmys I'm at a late night spot in hollywood that everyone goes to after they get out of the clubs. Im faded beyond the point of return and at the table next to me is the cast of glee ( they just killed the Emmys) One of my boys is like, "yo that's precious" real loud. In walks in mama walrus Gidibe and the big mound of chocolate terror she calls her body. I'm dumb drunk so my dude is like ill buy your meal if you go holler at her. Me being the type of dude I am I not only accept but I get up grab the Mexican lady outside selling roses and ask her to come back inside so I can buy the rose put it in my mouth and get on one knee and ask precious for her contact. Well us being drunk as **** and not giving a Damn we didn't have the mental faculties to consider that not were we loud as hell but everyone within 30 feet could hear us including precious. So when I return to the restaurant precious gets up walks in front of me and yells out, "move *****" and blows up the spot and now the whole restaurant is looking at us. I take the rose and rub it on the tip of her nose and say, " relax, tonight I'm yours". She slaps the rose out my hand walks out the restaurant and the spot erupts into laughter. Some little gay dude from the show walks up to my table after I sit back down and tells me I'm a ******g ******* and they all leave. My boys are choking in tears and people start randomly coming to our table to tell me how funny that was.

I have too many funny stories because I work in the industry but I can't tell because its against the code and they're personal. Ya'll would be surprised who lurks on here........
This and the Matt Leinart story are gold

I know you got more Wise :lol: give em up
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Too many funny stories ill do some I can speak on.
Earlier this year I'm in the Beverly center going to the LV store in there and I walk in and Rudy Gay is in there with Michael Conely (Lakers were playing memphis the next day) and in another corner of the store is young dro and some of his boys. I walk in alone and everybody is looking at me like who the **** is this *****? I walk in between dro and his boys as they are looking at shoes and pick up 3 pairs of shoes and I buy 3 scarves a wallet, purse and one of those big *** trunks. When I leave the store there is this huge circus because two people have to help me carry all this stuff. As I walk out one of jocs boys says, "A ***** you a actor or something?!" I yell back, "nah, I strip at chippendales." As I was walking out Rudy Gay is right behind me and he is on his cell telling somebody what just happened. He ask me if I'm really a stripper and I'm like nah and he starts dieing and just walks off alone.The whole store gets quiet and I walk out laughing at the top of my lungs. Best part is I wasn't buying any of the stuff that I got. My homegirl works for a huge celebrity stylist and all of the stuff was already bought and payed for I was just picking it up for her because I was in the area and she was getting her hair done for an event. The shoes were for Lupe Fiasco and some awards show he was attending. The purse was a gift for a managers wife and the trunk was scarves were for her boss. Atlantic records was paying for it all I was just helping a friend out. Haha

A few years ago after the emmys I'm at a late night spot in hollywood that everyone goes to after they get out of the clubs. Im faded beyond the point of return and at the table next to me is the cast of glee ( they just killed the Emmys) One of my boys is like, "yo that's precious" real loud. In walks in mama walrus Gidibe and the big mound of chocolate terror she calls her body. I'm dumb drunk so my dude is like ill buy your meal if you go holler at her. Me being the type of dude I am I not only accept but I get up grab the Mexican lady outside selling roses and ask her to come back inside so I can buy the rose put it in my mouth and get on one knee and ask precious for her contact. Well us being drunk as **** and not giving a Damn we didn't have the mental faculties to consider that not were we loud as hell but everyone within 30 feet could hear us including precious. So when I return to the restaurant precious gets up walks in front of me and yells out, "move *****" and blows up the spot and now the whole restaurant is looking at us. I take the rose and rub it on the tip of her nose and say, " relax, tonight I'm yours". She slaps the rose out my hand walks out the restaurant and the spot erupts into laughter. Some little gay dude from the show walks up to my table after I sit back down and tells me I'm a ******g ******* and they all leave. My boys are choking in tears and people start randomly coming to our table to tell me how funny that was.

I have too many funny stories because I work in the industry but I can't tell because its against the code and they're personal. Ya'll would be surprised who lurks on here........
This and the Matt Leinart story are gold

I know you got more Wise :lol: give em up
Too many funny stories ill do some I can speak on.
Earlier this year I'm in the Beverly center going to the LV store in there and I walk in and Rudy Gay is in there with Michael Conely (Lakers were playing memphis the next day) and in another corner of the store is young dro and some of his boys. I walk in alone and everybody is looking at me like who the **** is this *****? I walk in between dro and his boys as they are looking at shoes and pick up 3 pairs of shoes and I buy 3 scarves a wallet, purse and one of those big *** trunks. When I leave the store there is this huge circus because two people have to help me carry all this stuff. As I walk out one of jocs boys says, "A ***** you a actor or something?!" I yell back, "nah, I strip at chippendales." As I was walking out Rudy Gay is right behind me and he is on his cell telling somebody what just happened. He ask me if I'm really a stripper and I'm like nah and he starts dieing and just walks off alone.The whole store gets quiet and I walk out laughing at the top of my lungs. Best part is I wasn't buying any of the stuff that I got. My homegirl works for a huge celebrity stylist and all of the stuff was already bought and payed for I was just picking it up for her because I was in the area and she was getting her hair done for an event. The shoes were for Lupe Fiasco and some awards show he was attending. The purse was a gift for a managers wife and the trunk was scarves were for her boss. Atlantic records was paying for it all I was just helping a friend out. Haha

A few years ago after the emmys I'm at a late night spot in hollywood that everyone goes to after they get out of the clubs. Im faded beyond the point of return and at the table next to me is the cast of glee ( they just killed the Emmys) One of my boys is like, "yo that's precious" real loud. In walks in mama walrus Gidibe and the big mound of chocolate terror she calls her body. I'm dumb drunk so my dude is like ill buy your meal if you go holler at her. Me being the type of dude I am I not only accept but I get up grab the Mexican lady outside selling roses and ask her to come back inside so I can buy the rose put it in my mouth and get on one knee and ask precious for her contact. Well us being drunk as **** and not giving a Damn we didn't have the mental faculties to consider that not were we loud as hell but everyone within 30 feet could hear us including precious. So when I return to the restaurant precious gets up walks in front of me and yells out, "move *****" and blows up the spot and now the whole restaurant is looking at us. I take the rose and rub it on the tip of her nose and say, " relax, tonight I'm yours". She slaps the rose out my hand walks out the restaurant and the spot erupts into laughter. Some little gay dude from the show walks up to my table after I sit back down and tells me I'm a ******g ******* and they all leave. My boys are choking in tears and people start randomly coming to our table to tell me how funny that was.

I have too many funny stories because I work in the industry but I can't tell because its against the code and they're personal. Ya'll would be surprised who lurks on here........
Brian Cushing was a reckless dude in HS (Bergen Catholic) rolling up to random house parties in our town trying to do work on chicks we all knew from an all-girls school.
Back in HS, Shady McCoy transferred to the local high school for a yr bc he got suspended from his normal HS. He was gon stay if he could've played on the football team. One day I'm walkin towards the gym, he's walkin away. We sit and chop it up for a min, dude look like he just lost his best friend so I see what's goin on w/ bull. He said he was mad that the AD wasn't gon let him play on the team for damn near no reason, then he walked away pissed like a lil kid who just got told "no"

Back when I was in about 6th grade, Nautica Binx (can't remember her real name to save my life) was walkin down the street like her ish don't stink (as she usually did but was coo w/ me since I aint beast over her) Me and my boy walkin out of his crib as she walks pas. I say whadup, sit and chop it up for a min, then she immediately says she has to go...too late. These two girls roll up on her on some "Yea what's all that u was talkin?" Before she could even say somethin, one shorty clocked her, had her nose leakin. Me and my boy was like Zaaaaaamn. Shorty disappeared that whole summer
so im going about my business and my girl calls me, like babe guess who i met today at work? im like, "who?" shes like smush parker....then shes like no hes nice he gave me his auto and phone number, but i didnt accept it

Am I the only one that knew exactly where this was going after this part?

No you weren't the only one.
nope, i wouldve dumped her right when she said "no hes nice"

i know that sounds mad paranoid but hes a pro ball player, thats a big difference from my girl sayin any other dude is nice
And one night at Downtown Denver bar it was like a tuesday. Me and my boy were out. Then all of a sudden Melo, JR Smith, K Mart, And Allen Iverson walk in along with LaLa. They order a bottle and are just chillin. Iverson just post up doesnt day a word. JR is chasing tail like no other. And Melo is getting hammered. The end of the night comes the waitress brings them the bill. Melo says "I am Carmelo Anthony I dont pay for stuff like this. You should be paying me to come here" and walks out. LaLa then pulls out the credit card and pays.

I got a lot of stories of Denver athletes. They all hang out in the same 3 bars
 Son does this everywhere :lol:

do basketball players get paid to show up places? now that i think about it, i would imagine they dont

maybe thats why they want to be rappers, rappers get paid to show up places, but pro ball players make more money
Was in Towson mall one day walking around when i spot a chick with some serious mass....i follow dat mass, and run up on shorty with the the thirst....turns out it was buffie the body, she had a big secuirty guy next to her looked like he was ready to **** any body up :rofl: :rofl:

dammit homie, i wouldve said somethin stil
Not as hilarious as some of the stories here, but I did see Stephon Marbury at the Beverly Center back when he was broadcasting his life over the interwebz for that brief period. Had a dude following him around holding a laptop filming him and everything.
One of my boys in high school's sister has a baby with Antonio Gates. One day I asked him if Antonio ever hooked him up with gear or jerseys or anything and he goes "nah, he gave me some used receiver gloves, though". Don't really know why but I still crack up every time I think about that.
Sophomore year of college I was at a party in my neighborhood (Donnybrook for anyone familiar with the Towson/Baltimore area) and in walks this giant black dude followed by a posse of like 6 dudes. I'm sitting there like, Hmmmmmmm I know I know this guy from somewhere. Finally hits me and my boy that it's Donte Greene from the Sacramento Kings. We dap him up and he's like, "Hey you guys mind if I play a game of Beer Pong?" We oblige and he and his boy, who actually plays for University of Montana right now beat me and my boy in like 4 OT's. He daps us up, thanks us for letting him play, takes some pictures with us and walks out. I followed him on Twitter the next morning and he had put up pictures of me and my boy talking about our Beer Pong game. :smokin Keep in mind he had been crushing a 4 Loko and when he leaves he hops in his truck still drinking it and just peels off. :lol:
do basketball players get paid to show up places? now that i think about it, i would imagine they dont
maybe thats why they want to be rappers, rappers get paid to show up places, but pro ball players make more money

Not sure if serious ...

But my ex and her friends are gymnast. They're also friends with nastia liukin. She was staying with them for a few days. I was chillin over there one day and had some honey roasted peanuts. Nastia goes "hey can I have some of your nuts?" Immediately had the spongebob grin and say of course. Till this day I joke w my ex telling her "nastia ate my nuts"
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