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The Brits loved them some Swerve.

Speaking of that coffin match Darby doing that moonsault off the middle rope then then the suicide dive through the ropes with his hands taped behind his byke was impressive as hell.
that was WILD
Damn so it's highly unlikely my guy Short Gable is the one to do it :frown:

Seems that way.

Wouldn't mind him doing IT either.

He deserves something like that after recovering from that Shorty G nonsense.
I hope he loses it the day before breaking the record

D Fly D Fly

Y’all think WWE will induct more ECW guys for next year’s Wrestlemania weekend?

Taz (long shot of course)
Bam Bam
Heyman is probably the only one guaranteed

Would love to see Dreamer and Raven go in together bringing their years long rivalry full circle but after the whole Dark side of the Ring controversy with Dreamer idk

Other notable names not in

Sabu(unlikely even though he deserves it)
The Franchise(maybe, has WCW + WWF accolades too)
Sandman(Could see him going in since he sobered up)
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