NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

I need a gif of me stealing the ball from Henz on NT Pt 3 at like the 16 second mark and taking it to the rim lol. That's my NT basketball careerhightlight right there lol.
I have definitly played better comp. like at the other place I usuallly play on Saturdays but dudes weren't bad at all, and I think overtime it will keepgetting better.
Too many younger dudes around my way, so I'll def attend every one of these games.

Reminder we playin' football the following weekend.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Too many younger dudes around my way, so I'll def attend every one of these games.

Reminder we playin' football the following weekend.
Hopefully it goes through but Ill doubt we have enough to actually have a decent game with a line...
Nah, keep it at 10. You know people will be late regardless. The earlier you set the time the earlier people will be late (if you catch my drift).

Football would be tough, where at though?
I think i missed the part in the thread title, where it says SEMI-PRO or ALL-STATE...

Dudes just wanted to play basketball & met up and actually had a decent run...

This was far from the BEST COMP i've played against, BUT MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO SHOWED UP COULD ACTUALLY PLAY..

LIKE MEZ said the COMP around my way is trash or the park is empty so i'll def be at all of these...
So I just go to the gym, and them 5$, and they'll let me in? Also how efficient is NY public transportation, since it's looking like renting a car isgoing to be no less than 90$ a day (and I'm sure more once I tell them I'm 24). Let's say I want to see the following, the Bronx Zoo, Ground Zero,Niketown, a Nike outlet, Coney Island Park, and Times Square, could I do all that with just a Metrocard?

Its looking like I might end up by myself too, homie couldn't get off work Friday or Monday. I'm leaving Dallas Friday at 6am, leaving LGA Monday at9pm
a metrocard won't get u to an outlet (at least not quickly i think). The rest you get to with mass transit.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

So I just go to the gym, and them 5$, and they'll let me in? Also how efficient is NY public transportation, since it's looking like renting a car is going to be no less than 90$ a day (and I'm sure more once I tell them I'm 24). Let's say I want to see the following, the Bronx Zoo, Ground Zero, Niketown, a Nike outlet, Coney Island Park, and Times Square, could I do all that with just a Metrocard?

Its looking like I might end up by myself too, homie couldn't get off work Friday or Monday. I'm leaving Dallas Friday at 6am, leaving LGA Monday at 9pm

Yea, MTA is legit, and ain't no need to hit up outlets, just go the sneaker boutiques downtown, and all of those things are pretty accessible to get too.
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