NYC Ballers The Return of NT Laguardia Basketball vol. SUMMER 2011 June 25th

Nice that ya'll can get together and hoop. Don't think they would happen in Cali since we so spread out
I'll def be down, hopefully something outdoors if everyone is cool with that.

Not a big deal though, but the videos/pics would come out
if we can find a park with a playground, i'll definitely be there. The wife can't complain if I bring the kids with me.
I made some damn good stops in that 2nd video TB posted, blocking Varajao and stripping big man (nh) running right at me on a fast break.

That was a good W.

Henz0 with his hands on his head in the 4th video when the linebacker scored that layup on him.

My bro yelling "YEA MARC"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I'ma set the date for 4th but location still undetermined...still say outside even though I prolly won't be there
lol at the names.. dude is nice. tho.. And please dudes that come in here and see some of the videos yall have to relize that some of these games are taped when dudes are tired. and remember these aren't highlight plays either.

if yall think we wack come thru and we bust that __ no romo
I prefer if we keep it indoors as well. That gym is a Bish to get to from Brooklyn on Weekends but I dont have any alternatives. i know a friend that knows how to get permits to rent JHS gyms and whatnot. I'll look into it.
I don't mind indoors but unless ya'll can find some alternatives to Laguardia which has no ventilation and crappy floors, we should just play outdoors.

I do not mind renting if people show up, I can do some research today.
Originally Posted by KbUeNo12

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by amel223

Who's that linebacker dude

He a ringer?

someone said he's a  lurker. not sure. It's whatever
haha linebacker/tyreke/ringer here ya'll are crazy with these nicknames
I think I heard "janitor" mixed in there as well.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by KbUeNo12

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

someone said he's a  lurker. not sure. It's whatever
haha linebacker/tyreke/ringer here ya'll are crazy with these nicknames
I think I heard "janitor" mixed in there as well.
dude was playing with 28 sets of keys in his pocket. took a long %@+ lunch break just to ball.
Damn, I'm out in NYC next weekend and the weekend of the 10th. Wish I could run with you guys
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I am bringing my younger bro (he was at that bbq NYC get together a few years back in Flushing Meadows). Dude has a cast on and is still gonna play

Ya bro is a funny dude. 

tommykairra = Chris Paul 07-08.

It was nice meeting yall.  Yall are pretty good.   

@ me for blowing that layup towards the end. 

i should have went
smh, ronnie romance


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