NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Have any other lifelong ride or die Knick fans lost faith in the team/organization? After 20+ years of being a die-hard fan, unfortunately that's where I've found myself going into this season. I felt like last year was our opportunity to make a deep playoff run, but we all know how that played out. I'm just tired of it all.


Jaded Knicks supporter
I wouldn't go into panic mode just yet. it's still early in the season.

can someone help with my sig? :nerd:
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Just reading this news was crushing. I knew it would be some time but 4-6 weeks is definitely gonna hurt. Maybe this injury will wake the rest of the team up as they appear to be sleepwalking through the season.
Well guys if it makes you feel any better after completely simming the first season in my 2k14 assoc to see what would happen the Knicks made it to the Conference Finals as the 6th seed soooo there's still hope right..

They lost to the Heat in Game 7 by 3 point :smh: :smh:
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on some real tho, im in panic mode.
nothing is looking remotely good right now. 3 straight losses, the team is careless with the ball, defense is giving up lots of points.

think about it long term, this is our last year with Melo. team is in shambles. cant do anything right. coach aint changing nothing bc he's stubborn.
Melos been thinking about it during the offseason, thus him saying that he wants to be a free agent. id want out too, if the team is looking like this.

i hate that excuse of the new guys transitioning. doesnt mean that turnovers should be a problem.

i figured we should go back to playing small, but with Tyson out for a month or two, the early half of the season is going to be UGLY.
im talking about losing 4-5 games in a row.

i dont see us winning more than 2 games this month (Bobcats on Friday, Spurs just bc JR will be back, or we might win vs Atlanta)

every team we play this month are comfortable with their system. their guards are effective. Felton will be useless against them. and they all have big players, pause, that play big (rebound, post)
with no Tyson this month, we are done.

we also got a lot of 'hype' games. meaning that the other team will step it up just bc theyre playing Melo and the Knicks. smh

i expect us to have more losses than wins by january, and MAYBE be .500 by the All Star break
Theres no rhythm. No pick n rolls, no off ball screens or anything...like i dont understand.
I watch these ****** stand in one spot on the basketball court on offense and efense and i ask if this is real life
I don't see why I shouldn't be worried. Someone enlighten me. Show me the bright side of getting destroyed on the boards already and having your primary rebounder go down for 4-6 weeks. On top of all the other issues.
i mean it's a long season that takes us to may of next year, but having a crucial part of our team out - one that we can't immediately replace with other players on our team - for a month and a half is going to be a considerable setback.

i don't understand why anyone would be nonchalant about this either

it affects how other players play, the toll the extra weight they have to carry takes on them as well, as the growing/potential dissatisfaction any current high profile players have in the long run with the way the organization is run

not crying wolf, but to claim that anyone is overreacting at the state of affairs that the knicks have going on at the moment is pretty myopic
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I don't see why I shouldn't be worried. Someone enlighten me. Show me the bright side of getting destroyed on the boards already and having your primary rebounder go down for 4-6 weeks. On top of all the other issues.

The situation sucks but I think Woodson can motivate this team to rise to the challenge and during our great streak at the end of last season we played well in multiple games without Chandler. The team knows they can weather the storm but it is going to take a team commitment with defense, rebounding, and ball movement on offense.
listening to the podcast right now.
i just posted basically everything SAS said :lol:

anyways, its going to be an UGLY start bruhs.
i wont be posting here because ill be busy packing up my Knicks gear and hiding it until they win some games.
keep them alcoholic beverages ready guise.
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