NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

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  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

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  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

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  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

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Shump, Larkin/Early, and an expiring (Bargs/Amare) is the only deal I'd do now. Besides that its better to wait when he's a FA.
If he's so nice why hasn't the guy been to the playoffs?....this guy is eric dampier 2.0, you want to waste cap space on a guy that isnt going to get you over the hump be my guest. Phil is here to build CHAMPIONSHIP teams, your gonna tell me Monroe is a championship caliber player? answer that with a straight face.
Cuz the Pistons suck. Nobody is saying he's so nice that he'd carry a ****** team on his back.

He could be a championship caliber player. He'd have to be on a much better team to see if that's the case though.

I mean are you really trying to float the argument that players who haven't been to the playoffs yet can't be championship caliber?
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Monroe as a 1st option, like he was for his entire career, wont get you anywhere.

But as a 3rd option, yes he's a VERY GOOD complimentary piece on a contender. And like most 3rd options on contenders, they get 10-15 mill a year.
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All im saying is im not giving a fringe player in the league that much money, when you could be patient and go after someone can actually take you over the hump in the offseason.

I aint givin him 15 mil..... I havent seen anything from him that warrants that sort of pay day.
Monroe slander is absolutely unwarranted

The "no heart" "can't lead a team" "hasn't sniffed the playoffs" arguments are hillarious

Tons of heart
Shouldn't need to carry the team as a center on the Pistons
Hasn't sniffed the playoffs because he plays on the mf pistons dammit


Would be a legit lineup
I don't care for Monroe at all. Would rather keep our assets and hope the grizz have a bad season and we land Marc Gasol in FA without giving up any assets
Monroe as a 1st option, like he was for his entire career, wont get you anywhere.

But as a 3rd option, yes he's a VERY GOOD complimentary piece on a contender. And like most 3rd options on contenders, they get 10-15 mill a year.
Chandler Parsons is a prime example of that, and the $15M-per plus the Mavs awarded him this offseason.

Monroe slander is absolutely unwarranted

The "no heart" "can't lead a team" "hasn't sniffed the playoffs" arguments are hillarious

Tons of heart
Shouldn't need to carry the team as a center on the Pistons
Hasn't sniffed the playoffs because he plays on the mf pistons dammit


Would be a legit lineup
How many 24-year-old big men are going to give you a steady 15/10 per night? Monroe's offensive skillset is rare for a 6'11'' player who can play PF and C. He has finesse/touch and Phil's scheme could/should maximize his passing ability, which we saw flashes of at G-Town.
If it was that "rare" he would be in the playoffs, im done with the michael sweetneys of the world....this team has a mission to win a title during the next 5 years and monroe aint a guy whos gonna be apart of that PERIOD. The center position is not even a position thats is essential for you to win titles in this league, the heat won with with birdman and the spurs did it with splitter.

It looks as tho right now we have all the role players a team can possibly have, the next step is finding the next STAR to compliment melo. This is about a title not lockin down the 4th seed for the next 5 years.
If it was that "rare" he would be in the playoffs, im done with the michael sweetneys of the world....this team has a mission to win a title during the next 5 years and monroe aint a guy whos gonna be apart of that PERIOD. The center position is not even a position thats is essential for you to win titles in this league, the heat won with with birdman and the spurs did it with splitter.

It looks as tho right now we have all the role players a team can possibly have, the next step is finding the next STAR to compliment melo. This is about a title not lockin down the 4th seed for the next 5 years.
Basketball is a team game, you know that. When has Detroit had the true assets to say hey, missing the playoffs was a disappointment. Smoove is out of position at the 3, which is purely Dumars' fault. KCP wasn't ready in his rookie season, and Jennings has questionable shot selection. Talent wise, the Pistons are a fringe playoff team at best. The only thing Monroe really has working for him is being partnered with Dre Drummond.
The Pistons were a trash squad with a bunch of talent and no direction. I mean y'all criticizing Monroe the same way people criticize Melo....that squad was going nowhere with Jennings and Smith chucking up 3s galore and guys playing out of position.

Birdman and Splitter were both essential to their teams, Birdman was the only rim protector aside from LeBron and Splitter was a solid defender, rebounder and facilitator from the post. Y'all are bugging right now, Marc would be great but he'll also be on the wrong side of 30 once free agency hits, you can get a younger big man with a similar skill set for the Triangle and additional room to grow in Monroe and your labeling him a bum? Crazy.
I would take monroe and splitter in a heartbeat, what im emphasizing is that you dont have to break the bank to acquire a good center.

What separates Marc form Monroe is the basketball IQ, the passing and the defensive mentality he brings to a team.
Monroe would be a good piece but I'm not that crazy on him either.

He can't defend anyone, has no jumper and isn't athletic.

We could get the same production for about 9/10 mill a year, he just has good name recognition and is young.

He essentially has the same output as a 2014 Amar'e Stoudemire.

Monroe's very skilled offensively on the block but he's a tweener that is missing a lot of elements to his game.

He could easily become another highly paid underachiever.

If we can get him for a couple of spare pieces that we currently have, cool but I wouldn't break the bank for him either...until he proves himself.
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I'll just disagree.

Monroe is not a bad defender and a good passer. He puts up 15-9-3 as a 24 year old on a a terribly coached team with absolutely no offensive system.

He's an all star caliber player and just like all good bigs will be paid.
lets just say we had the money and option to get both players should we get them and will we win a championship? Next year will be interesting because we will have our first round pick and 1 max free agent and also the money to use on someone else which the max could be marc gasol and then pickup monroe if hes a free agent... or save that money and not use it on monroe and bank on getting KD in 2016... this is all hypothetical of course
You guys DO know Monroe is 24yrs old, 6'11, and been in the league only 4 years right?

Yall criticizing the man like he's washed up, dude not even in his prime and played with a PG like Brandon Jennings who don't necessarily make anyone better.

Wish we could afford..... next year

M. Gasol
G. Monroe

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The only measurable Greg wouldn't bring is rim protection, but in terms of IQ and passing ability he's perfect but as said before we can agree to disagree.
All im saying is im not giving a fringe player in the league that much money, when you could be patient and go after someone can actually take you over the hump in the offseason.

I aint givin him 15 mil..... I havent seen anything from him that warrants that sort of pay day.
Like who? :nerd:

You the type of Knicks fan that keeps on waiting for next off season and the next group of FAs.

While I'm talking about getting a young big man not even in his prime that could greatly help this squad. I never once said anything about breaking the bank for anybody. Yall just want to create extra bull **** to your arguments now :smh:
I don't care for Monroe at all. Would rather keep our assets and hope the grizz have a bad season and we land Marc Gasol in FA without giving up any assets
This is ridiculous.

Why yall dudes keep doing this to yourselves? Hope for another team to have a bad season. Even that wouldn't guarantee Marc Gasol.
Erick Dampier and Mike Sweetney though :wow: :smh:
These dudes are making NBA offseason thread type comments for their arguments. Just saying any old wild **** that come to mind :lol: :smh:
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I really dont care who we trade if we decide to make a move by the deadline instead of waiting it out.

As long as THJ is not involved.
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Monroe would be a good piece but I'm not that crazy on him either.

He can't defend anyone, has no jumper and isn't athletic.

We could get the same production for about 9/10 mill a year, he just has good name recognition and is young.

He essentially has the same output as a 2014 Amar'e Stoudemire.

Monroe's very skilled offensively on the block but he's a tweener that is missing a lot of elements to his game.

He could easily become another highly paid underachiever.

If we can get him for a couple of spare pieces that we currently have, cool but I wouldn't break the bank for him either...until he proves himself.
I'm curious what active names in the NBA you believe can provide similar to Monroe's production at $9 to $10M-per. Serious discussion, please.
Just for starters Millsap makes 9.5 and is a much better player.

2 inches shorter and he averages almost more than 2x as may blocks, is stronger, is better at defending the stretch 4s that are taking over the league, has an infinitely better jumper and range, much better free throw shooter, just as good of a rebounder, racks up more assists, etc.

Monroe is looking for a max contract. In no way is he worth that IMO.

I can keep going down the list if you want.
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