NYK '14 offseason thread

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  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

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dream world:

trade Melo to the Cavs for the #1 pick, let Phil cook, sign all the quality vets left in the league chasing a ring and willing to take a pay cut

Knicks interested in signing Patty Mills
. I think he works on the Spurs and that system. Anywhere else he'd just be meh. 
Yall sound ridiculous with this "Im over Shump" and "Hes too inconsistent" 

DUDE IS 23 YEARS OLD... Everyone on this team was garbage this year besides Melo. There was 0 offensive flow so imnot gonna fault our 22 year old player to the point where im gonna say that "Im done with him" because he failed to get into an offensive flow this season when other players with more established offensive reputations failed to get into a flow as well and the only player who was able to was potentially the best all around offensive player in the game today.

Also besides his scoring Shump really didnt have that bad of a season. He was a top 5 rebounding guard this season, and was the most effective defender on this team. So again im not gonna exactly fault him when he is by no means an offensive minded player and he failed to find offensive rhythm on a team where even offensive minded players failed to produce.

Iman has the skillset to be a contributor in this league we just gotta be patient. We will regret not being patient with him.

Like I said he is only 23. You all keep bringing up Bruce bowen comparisons when Bruce didnt even enter the league until he was 26 and didnt become an effective contributor until he was 30. So please everybody chill out for a second.

Also while we are on the subject of Shump, here is an excerpt from a bleacher report article I read this morning about "Knicks likeliest to thrive under Derek Fisher," related to what I have been saying on here about Shumpert potentially being able to find his niche (and also filling a major team need) as a triangle offense point guard... Which again, is much different from a Mike Woddson/Dantoni point guard, which is why this could potentially be a spot he could learn/thrive even though all past attempts to play him at the point have been unsuccessful:
Particularly in the triangle, Shumpert  seems to slide right into a few areas. As a wing player—a la Trevor Ariza  or Metta  World Peace with Los Angeles—he has the ability to nail down open looks from three, as well as cut to the rim for points.

If the Knicks insist on running him with point guard minutes, the triangle seems to be a system that could mask his deficiencies. Some knocks on his game in regard to the point are his decision-making and ball-handling, while in triangle sets, the point guard isn't relied on for much of either.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Knicks need to hang on and develop Iman he is still very young and could thrive in the triangle at a couple of spots. And if he is able to do it at point guard, more power to him because that would fill a MAJOR need for us as a team,  while also giving us the luxury of having Iman be possibly the best defensive point guard in the league - one of our biggest weaknesses this season because we couldnt play Shump at point/guard other points without killing the offense - which might not be the case under Fisher and the triangle offense.

Article is here if anyone is interested:

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Please don't get excited by Patty Mills. Yeah, he played well during this series, but what about the rest of the year? I'm sure there's a better option. People are fooled by nice production in just a few quarters of play. 
Chuck is one of my top 3 fav players ever, but yeah, I think he was a bit too hard on Lebron. He def was ring chasing when he went to Houston. The thing is this, to win, you've always needed to have at least two stars on the team. There's no two ways about it. I'm sick of people still complaining about what Lebron did. He had bum *** teams on Cleveland and a blind man could see that they weren't going to win anything if he stayed, it was painfully obvious. I don't get why they keep saying he should have stayed to build anything. He was there for six years and management gave him no help. What was he to do? Now he's labeled as a ring chaser, which is unfair imo. What Lebron did wasn't that different than what teams did before.

He's a ring chaser who left his hometown at the tender age of 25 to go to another mans team and city (during the time) and colluded with these dudes for years to do so.

Yea, that sounds like a lot like a ringless Barkley at 33 years old, broken down and fat joining up with Hakeem and Drexler, who were old as well and past there prime.

Aw man some of you never learn :lol:
Chuck is one of my top 3 fav players ever, but yeah, I think he was a bit too hard on Lebron. He def was ring chasing when he went to Houston. The thing is this, to win, you've always needed to have at least two stars on the team. There's no two ways about it. I'm sick of people still complaining about what Lebron did. He had bum *** teams on Cleveland and a blind man could see that they weren't going to win anything if he stayed, it was painfully obvious. I don't get why they keep saying he should have stayed to build anything. He was there for six years and management gave him no help. What was he to do? Now he's labeled as a ring chaser, which is unfair imo. What Lebron did wasn't that different than what teams did before.

He's a ring chaser who left his hometown at the tender age of 25 to go to another mans team and city (during the time) and colluded with these dudes for years to do so.

Yea, that sounds like a lot like a ringless Barkley at 33 years old, broken down and fat joining up with Hakeem and Drexler, who were old as well and past there prime.

Aw man some of you never learn
whatever man
Just thought about this....Chuck saying dudes are punks for doing this, meanwhile he took his *** to Houston and played with Pippen and Olajuwon and didn't win anything.

Barkley was older and at the end of his career. It's not the same as what Lebron did with Wade and Bosh. Those 3 were all entering or in the prime of their careers. Huge difference from what Barkley, Malone, Payton did etc
Anybody have good stories of the OJ debacle? 20 year anniversary today.

I am only 26, so needless to say I do not remember much.
Just thought about this....Chuck saying dudes are punks for doing this, meanwhile he took his *** to Houston and played with Pippen and Olajuwon and didn't win anything.
Barkley was older and at the end of his career. It's not the same as what Lebron did with Wade and Bosh. Those 3 were all entering or in the prime of their careers. Huge difference from what Barkley, Malone, Payton did etc
Doesn't matter though. He thought he could catch one latching on to Drexler and Dream and Pippen came later. They all had rings and he didn't. He also averaged 19.2 and 13.5 his first year as a Rocket at 32. If that's the barometer of being washed then the clock is gonna strike real soon for Carmelo 
He's a ring chaser who left his hometown at the tender age of 25 to go to another mans team and city (during the time) and colluded with these dudes for years to do so.

Yea, that sounds like a lot like a ringless Barkley at 33 years old, broken down and fat joining up with Hakeem and Drexler, who were old as well and past there prime.

Aw man some of you never learn :lol:

revisionist history at it's finest dudes will flat out lie to make a point
He's a ring chaser who left his hometown at the tender age of 25 to go to another mans team and city (during the time) and colluded with these dudes for years to do so.

Yea, that sounds like a lot like a ringless Barkley at 33 years old, broken down and fat joining up with Hakeem and Drexler, who were old as well and past there prime.

Aw man some of you never learn :lol:
He said tender age

Agreed, but if they all coming off the bench than who is starting?? :x :lol:  
Maybe THJR maybe Patty
Maybe THJR maybe Patty
But thats my whole point. You said Millz, Shump, and THJR would be a good, inexpensive bench; and I agree, but at least one of them if not two will probably have to start.

I like the idea of bringing Millz in but recognize he is not leaving the Spurs and only taking the lower MLE (which is all we can offer him)  to come to a worse team and come off the bench again. If Millz comes to NY it is to be a starter. But im fine with making Millz the starter, he is only 25 years old and had a career year (not just playoffs) and it seems like he is hungry to make a big impact in this league. 

He is a great locker room guy who played a key cog on a championship team. He is quick and great from downtown and unselfish enough to potentially flourish as a triangle point guard, where again you are not expected to have to do as much as a normal point guard does.

I also saw somewhere that using the cameras they installed this season to closer examine on ball defensive abilities, Millz was the #1 point guard in the NBA or some **** so im fine with that after watching Felton get abused on that end all season.

Getting Millz to play point would also allow us to bring Shump off the bench, and I think Shump could really benefit from being a bench player this season. This way we would have the advantage of subbing him in as either point guard or on the wing instead of plugging him into one spot. I believe this would be an advantage for us for at least a season or 2 because Shump's highest ceiling on this team may be as a triangle point guard but forcing him into the role too soon could hurt his long term development. Having Shump come off the bench would allow us to use him alongside Millz/Prigioni and also spend some time getting the hang of the offense and learning the ropes at point guard.

Wouldnt mind starting Millz/JR (Who I think is going to start next year and will be significantly better than he was last year), and bringing Shump/THJR off the bench (along with Prigioni and Murray) with the idea in mind of developing both of their overall games (THJR's defense and ball handling, Shumpert's shooting and point guard play) and trying to mold them into the starting back court of the future.
Just like the majority of their roster. Dudes getting excited over Patty Mills now smh
Just curious but who else do you like for the mini MLE? I dont think that anybody is saying they would take him over Westbrook or some ****, but he just might be the best PG option available this summer that is also somewhat realistic, and he still might be a reach.

Also, if he had success as a "system player" in San Antonio than IMO he can also easily benefit off being a system PG in the triangle offense with similar success. His outside shooting ability would be a huge plus and he is very smart and at least 10x the defender that Felton is.
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I dont get this ring chaser talk, isnt that what you're supposed to do? You're either chasing a championship, money, or just coasting. Which one are you going to be?

and **** chuck and his hypocrisy, the man said he would murder one of his best friends for a championship on national tv.
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beh235 beh235 You're just going to have to learn to agree to disagree.

I get it, we know you don't think what LeBron did was wrong or should have an asterisk* near his name. But please don't compare what Barkley did or some other hall of famers have done because it doesn't relate. What LeBron did was never done by a legitimate superstar.

I'll never agree with his decision. Think he's the best player on the planet and will go down as one of the best of all time. Being that he's so great I thought he was better than packing his bags and giving up so he could go to Dwyane Wade's city & team. If anything he should have made Wade or Bosh join him, he was obviously the best player and he should have been calling the shots. Think LeBron was to obsessed with getting a "ring" that he started to doubt himself when I thought - he was always better than that.

But lets lay off this LeBron talk and just agree to disagree. We'll never sway each other to either side so whats the point of debating this. It's not like he's coming here, we just have to worry about Melo not going to south beach in the WWF league we live in now :lol:
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