NYK '14 offseason thread

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  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

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  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

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arguing endlessly about how or why bron and the big 3 should or shouldnt have came to be, doesnt have anything to do with the knicks and our current situation. the that should be talked about is melo and whether its worth him staying. **** a lequeen james.
As a pseudo Knicks fan -- in that I don't like to see them suck -- I have no idea why anyone would want fat boy on the payroll for the next 5 years. Let him walk and countdown the days until that crook Amare is gone. Clean slate in Manhattan would be cathartic as hell. It ain't like Melo and Amare are going to challenge the Heat next two years. Destroy and rebuild from the ground up. Half *** rebuilds never work. Do it for real and be happier fans in the long run.
I don't think any Knicks fans care about or should care about LeBron leaving the Cavs. It's more about where he should've went and why. Ofcourse this was before anyone considered the possibility of a Big 3 in Miami. Everybody but Cavs fans and ppl who are fans of players staying with one team their whole career made the argument that Bron should leave cuz he never was going to win in Ohio.

Anybody telling you he should've stayed and he would've eventually won a ring or two is stupid.

I thought this was more about him having to join other superstars in order to win and it tainting his legacy. To me that's just how the fans feel. I know KD, Chris Paul, Melo, etc. want rings just as bad and if things ever lined up and worked out for them they'd do the same if the opportunity presented itself.

I personally was never against the super teams and wanted one here. I was posting about articles and ways about Melo and Bron teaming up before the decision. I just won't bs about how they're formed. LeBron and Wade planned that out with Bosh probably before the season even started. That's not what happened with KG and Ray.

THIS. East sucked and Stern padded their record to market Bron as the second coming. Superstar treatment from the refs and this dude looked like a God at 24-25 y.o.
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As a pseudo Knicks fan -- in that I don't like to see them suck -- I have no idea why anyone would want fat boy on the payroll for the next 5 years. Let him walk and countdown the days until that crook Amare is gone. Clean slate in Manhattan would be cathartic as hell. It ain't like Melo and Amare are going to challenge the Heat next two years. Destroy and rebuild from the ground up. Half *** rebuilds never work. Do it for real and be happier fans in the long run.

Easy buddy. Amar'e didn't force the knicks to give him that contract. And to his credit he has worked his *** off. Yes he caused two of his injuries (jumping to touch the top of the back baord, punching a glass case), but his knees were on borrowed time anyway.
Triangle requires a center who can pass the ball properly.

And I would take Patty Mills. Ain't like we asking him to be a star. Triangle PGs just need to knock down threes, and Patty can knockdown threes. The man shoots 40.6% from 3 for his career. If he can mimic his role at best I'd be happy because if we are running the triangle and we have limited options than beggars can't be choosers. If Patty as a starter doesn't work, we'd still have our back-up PG and can use 2015 to find the true starter. Gotta get creative.
Triangle requires a defensive PG that can hit the open 3. Patty Mills is not the answer. Unless Phil sees Patty as a Steve Kerr lite.
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Like I said, all I'm expecting Patty to do is knockdown the 3. If it doesn't work we still have him as a back-up. This season is gonna be a throwaway because I highly doubt anything big will happen so we might as well just go along for the experimental ride :lol:
As a pseudo Knicks fan -- in that I don't like to see them suck -- I have no idea why anyone would want fat boy on the payroll for the next 5 years. Let him walk and countdown the days until that crook Amare is gone. Clean slate in Manhattan would be cathartic as hell. It ain't like Melo and Amare are going to challenge the Heat next two years. Destroy and rebuild from the ground up. Half *** rebuilds never work. Do it for real and be happier fans in the long run.

How is dude a crook? Because the Knicks gave him that much? Aside from the bonehead injuries, those knees can be attributed to his all star years with PHX in Antoni. I honestly believe that Melo and Stat can challenge now that Stat is healthy, but we'll see how this summer plays out.

Just makes me sick, like it is a trend like jogger pants to hate on Stat's contract for the reason the Knicks didn't win titles, yes, his contract was large, but let's be honest, there were other problems as well,
The nail in the coffin was that Houston game early in the season. A couple posters had said that something was wrong with this team even during preseason but that Houston game REALLY did it to us. That was the start of a 9 game losing streak :smh:
How is dude a crook? Because the Knicks gave him that much? Aside from the bonehead injuries, those knees can be attributed to his all star years with PHX in Antoni. I honestly believe that Melo and Stat can challenge now that Stat is healthy, but we'll see how this summer plays out.

Just makes me sick, like it is a trend like jogger pants to hate on Stat's contract for the reason the Knicks didn't win titles, yes, his contract was large, but let's be honest, there were other problems as well,

Let it go. Amare is washed. Career over. Sounding like Chicago fans waiting on Rose. It's curtains for those dudes. Thing is, Rose is a solid dude. But I always thought Amare was the corniest ***** on the planet.
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The nail in the coffin was that Houston game

I vividly remember the Dirk bounce-in game winner, Noah triple double by halftime, and Steph torching us at MSG all happening within a week.

That's when I felt the nail in the coffin. :smh:
Watch Phil go NBA2k and clear all our bad contracts before the season starts. If only Donnie could've done it without trading draft picks.
Don't really want any role players from the spurs.

Main reason they work for the spurs is because of Pop and the chemistry and system they have going on. We can get good role players elsewhere.
Also, Kawhi Leonard isn't The finals MVP Kawhi Leonard on the Thunder. I think that needed to be said
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I vividly remember the Dirk bounce-in game winner, Noah triple double by halftime, and Steph torching us at MSG all happening within a week.

That's when I felt the nail in the coffin.
Im pretty sure Steph went off at MSG last season... and if he did go off at MSG this season than im pretty sure it was last year when he went off off but we still got the W

Also for all of you triangle haters... Get over it. Were running it. Doesnt matter what you think of our personnel it is part of the reason we brought in Phil, it is what he believes in and how he won, and its a large part of why Fisher is here as well.

Patty Mills is a more than capable triangle point guard and like people have said before me its not like we are over flowing with options here. Nobody is overreacting to Mills' NBA Finals or saying that we should go after him instead of Kyle Lowry or Rondo. Those options arent available for us, he is.

As far as I see it when it comes to point guard we can either bring back Felton as the starter (no), promote Prigioni to starter (no), develop Murry into a starter (not there yet), develop Shumpert into a triangle point guard (intriguing and like ive said possibly our highest ceiling option but he may not be fully there yet either), draft a point guard (no picks), or look to free agency with the mini-MLE and if we do that there is no better option than Mills.

He is young, he is a competitor, he is a locker room guy, he wont be too pricy, and he is a system point guard which works for the triangle. One of the things I keep preaching about the triangle is that one of its beauties for us is that it is one of the few systems we could run that makes devalues point guard and makes him an offensive role player. Mills can fit that role. He is a great shooter, smart passer, and aggressive defender.

For all of yall hating on his defense:
Knicks president Phil Jackson denied he has told Felton he is looking to trade him, but his woes last season on and off the court have the club looking for a change. His faulty perimeter defense often caused chaos, with the Knicks forced to always be in rotation.

Despite his size, Mills is a sturdy, active defender. In fact, the high-tech SportVu rating, which tracks by cameras how far a player travels in a game, ranks Mills No. 1 in the NBA per minute.
Again, I dont know how that **** works and I dont trust all these fancy metrics used in the NBA but Mills is fast and feisty defensively. As much as I dont trust that system I can guarantee you Felton wasnt ranked highly without even checking. Dude is a high character guy/team leader (Felton isnt), he is in shape and quick (Felton isnt), hes a good 3 point shooter (Felton isnt), he is at least a very active defender (Felton isnt), and he is young (Felton isnt so much anymore). Unless the Knicks have confidence that they can groom Shumpert into the starting PG right away or unless we trade Melo for draft picks and draft a point guard it seems like a no brainer using the mini-MLE on Mills to plug in as triangle point guard if he is willing to accept.

Honestly, not even being a ****, can anybody who is opposed to signing this guy give me a legitimate reason other than bringing up unrealistic point guard options or saying that we shouldnt play the triangle with this personnel (because we are)? Seriously, if someone has a realistic better scenario for the mini-MLE or a better point guard option for next season I would love to hear it.

Also, I am confident that Tyson Chandler will be traded this summer. But if he does happen to stay im sure Phil/Fisher can make him work in the triangle. Its not like Phil has always dealt with offensive guru centers, Luc Longley was a ******* stump out there. Dude was just as offensively inept as Chandler is and doesnt make close to the impact Chandler does defensively.

Fisher would just try and run the triangle using JR/Melo/Stat predominantly on offense with a guy like Mills out there for spot up treys and Chandler for around the basket finishes... and you know what I am confident that all of us would be very suprised at how effective it would be. This team won 54 wins last year playing system basketball.

JR, Melo, and Amare are all very talented players offensively they just are all ball dominant and havent had a great point guard to get them all involved. Because they are so ball dominant, trying to pair them together without a system that gets the ball out of their hands is a recipe for disaster, which it has been since theyve been on this team.

In 2013 it worked for us because Amare was injured for the majority of the season so we moved Melo to the 4, played system basketball with great ball movement led by a dual-PG threat and a bunch of shooters around Melo and Tyson there as a defensive anchor. If they played together next year in a system like the triangle that has gotten ball dominating players to share the ball in the past, I am extremely confident that Melo/Amare (assuming Amare is as healthy as he was last year) would play better together as teammates than they ever have in NY, and JR would revert more into the JR of 2 years ago than the disaster from last year. Plug in role players like Mills and Chandler, with a bench of Prigioni, Shump, THJR, Chandler, even Bargnani, even add in the low expectations (will be a plus for this team) and im not saying that they compete for a title but I am almost certain that they would surprise the **** out of us with how well they played...

And then of course we would continue the trend of ONLY being bad in years when we dont have a draft pick 

But this all depends on Melo staying. If melo goes, get some picks and tank tank tank and tank some more
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If only Donnie could've done it without trading draft picks.

That T-Mac trade was quietly IT level awful.

Im pretty sure Steph went off at MSG last season... and if he did go off at MSG this season than im pretty sure it was last year when he went off off but we still got the W

He didn't even have to play the 4th. :smh:
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^ Man totally forgot about that game, good looks.

That boy loves playing in MSG.

I swear there isnt a player in the entire NBA I would rather the Knicks acquire than Steph Curry. I ******* love his game, would love it here being 1a to Melo's 1b or vice versa, and he isnt a **** like Lebron.

Ive always been a fan but I was down in Miami this past year in great seats and watched him just go off and demolish the Heat. Sometimes you just gotta watch a player up close and personal to realize how great he is. He just made everything look so ******* easy. Step back 3s from no business ranges and he just knew everything was falling.

He just had this look on his face even while he was warming up that I will never forget. Just this demeanor/swagger about him during warm ups. I always talk about it since ive seen it. He just looked so ******* cool. He was doing all this crazy **** warming up, handling the ball and going in for these nuts revers layups or 3 pointers and hitting everything and just had the expression like it was all so easy to him. And then he went on to just pick apart Miami, as a scorer but also as a floor general. Not since Iverson had I ever been so impressed watching a player play live. I still cant get it out of my head, watching him warm up and just thinking like I hope I can ever look that cool doing something at one point in my life. 

Ive been rooting for the Warriors as my #2 team ever since theyve gotten D-Lee (them and wherever Nate has been but hes bopped around + has had stints with 2 teams I hate in the Celtics and Bulls), but from watching them alot because of Lee ive fallen in love with Curry's game...

Obviously combined with my hate for the Heat I very much enjoyed going nuts and watching him merk Miami on their home court. 
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It's looking like Lowry to the heat, which is too bad. He could've stayed in Toronto and really helped that team develop even further.
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