NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i've always liked matt barnes. total goon, but solid team player

tyson and slumper can get all the way outta here. send em packing. i do think slump will stay though
This was part of Phil's plan the whole time. Hype Kerr up as much as possible, get him to go to another and give up all their assets to the Knicks for utter trash.

My ***** Phil :pimp: :pimp:
i've always liked matt barnes. total goon, but solid team player

tyson and slumper can get all the way outta here. send em packing. i do think slump will stay though
It's Harrison bro. The young one with the upside who's shine iggy stole
ahh i just quickly saw barnes scrolling down and figured it was matt. oops
No retreads please.

No Lee, no Lin, no Marbury, no Nate, no Shandon Anderson, etc.

And his contract is horrendous.
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I'd do that trade just for Barnes. Think he's much better than how he played last year.
I don't think so. I hear all this talk about Harrison Barnes and his play has been underwhelming to me. 
He's a big 3 with range. Works best at the moment on a quick team that pushes the ball and spreads the court, but I think he could be more effective in general. Could be ok in the triangle if he's willing to focus and develop.
I'd do that trade just for Barnes. Think he's much better than how he played last year.
I don't think so. I hear all this talk about Harrison Barnes and his play has been underwhelming to me. 
He's a big 3 with range. Works best at the moment on a quick team that pushes the ball and spreads the court, but I think he could be more effective in general. Could be ok in the triangle if he's willing to focus and develop.
Idk, this is year what? 4 for me with Barnes? (I've been watching him since UNC) and I think he's just a solid role player, but the talk about him has been he's going to be a star. Idk, I still have to see more consistency from him. He's atheletic, but he only shows flashes of that. 
Eff patty mills! Lol role player that played big at the right time. I'd take him as a back up, just not at high price. I'm of the opinion that Pop is one those COACHES that brings the most out of his players. ..
Star is iffy with him. I'd be happy with 16-17 ppg. Think that could be reasonable. Hit some jumpers, cut to the basket for a few easy looks, could post up a little, etc.
Eff patty mills! Lol role player that played big at the right time. I'd take him as a back up, just not at high price. I'm of the opinion that Pop is one those COACHES that brings the most out of his players. ..
He about to rob somebody though
Patty Mills is pretty much Stephen Curry anyway. We'd be a better GSW
Say whut? 
You know I wasnt serious

But really from a money standpoint this trade kinda ***** us.
 I was about to say
On the surface it seems like a wtf trade by the warriors...but the only reasons they would want to make that trade is to get Tyson's expiring contract and not have to pay D. Lee for an extra year...Harrison Barnes has to get thrown in there to give the Knicks a reason to take on that extra year by Lee, as the Warriors just signed iggy so trading Barnes won't hurt as much
Id hate for that trade to happen. The revolving door that we call defense can only get so much bigger.
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