NYPD Arrests a Man Over a Joke

Houston Police Deparment had this gang force for a moment driving into my neighborhood and stopping everyone that looked mexican or black gang member. I was walking with my homeboy to mc donalds 6 blocks from my house i got stopped 3 times in 6 blocks they made me take my jacket and my shirt off in the december to see if i had any tattoos. the worst thing is that i would asked them why were they stopping me and they would respond with " you fit the description". Now i learn something if your walking u dont have to stop and talk to them u have the right to walk away and just tell em "am i under arrest or am i free to go" they can pad you down but not go into ur pockets only if they feel you have a weapon.
Houston Police Deparment had this gang force for a moment driving into my neighborhood and stopping everyone that looked mexican or black gang member. I was walking with my homeboy to mc donalds 6 blocks from my house i got stopped 3 times in 6 blocks they made me take my jacket and my shirt off in the december to see if i had any tattoos. the worst thing is that i would asked them why were they stopping me and they would respond with " you fit the description". Now i learn something if your walking u dont have to stop and talk to them u have the right to walk away and just tell em "am i under arrest or am i free to go" they can pad you down but not go into ur pockets only if they feel you have a weapon.
giving cops a bad name....smh

"The official charges: harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest."

Some interesting discussion about a lady who had a totebag on her bike and was summoned
I'll never forget getting stopped by my local police. It's 1am. I'm heading home from a friends house. I'm stopped at a red light and upon turning green, drive away like any normal person would. I see a cop pass me going the other direction and upon passing me decides to u-turn and follow me through the intersection. Now the cop claims when I was sitting at the red light, my car was half way into the intersection and way past the white pedestrian line. He stopped me to make sure I was "okay"? For my own safety. I had no proof to back up those claims that I wasn't in the intersection, which is scary.

Abuse of power can run deep with these guys.. So I was stopped and questioned. I didn't smell of drugs or smoke or alcohol and had nothing on my record, so I was safe. I knew I could probably play it cool and be out of there in 4 minutes. But what sucks here is if you did have priors or did do some drugs, the stop itself was illegal. But you really have no proof of that. It makes you afraid of the police.

What's the craziest excuse a cop gave you all when they stopped you?

"The official charges: harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest."

Some interesting discussion about a lady who had a totebag on her bike and was summoned
I'll never forget getting stopped by my local police. It's 1am. I'm heading home from a friends house. I'm stopped at a red light and upon turning green, drive away like any normal person would. I see a cop pass me going the other direction and upon passing me decides to u-turn and follow me through the intersection. Now the cop claims when I was sitting at the red light, my car was half way into the intersection and way past the white pedestrian line. He stopped me to make sure I was "okay"? For my own safety. I had no proof to back up those claims that I wasn't in the intersection, which is scary.

Abuse of power can run deep with these guys.. So I was stopped and questioned. I didn't smell of drugs or smoke or alcohol and had nothing on my record, so I was safe. I knew I could probably play it cool and be out of there in 4 minutes. But what sucks here is if you did have priors or did do some drugs, the stop itself was illegal. But you really have no proof of that. It makes you afraid of the police.

What's the craziest excuse a cop gave you all when they stopped you?
The video starts off all light-hearted and funny, then
"Mind your business"
"I wasn't even talking to you man!"
3 doors swing open
In my mind: "%++*"

They really have nothing better to do?
3 deep in a big !+* van to stop dudes on bicycles??
then calling for backup

@ eddie kane
The video starts off all light-hearted and funny, then
"Mind your business"
"I wasn't even talking to you man!"
3 doors swing open
In my mind: "%++*"

They really have nothing better to do?
3 deep in a big !+* van to stop dudes on bicycles??
then calling for backup

@ eddie kane
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

He asked to see ID and he showed him. I think that is the law in NYC; you gotta show ID if asked for it.
i dont think thats da case....imma google it though, but you can't be arrested for not having ID...makes zero sense
In TX you go to jail without ID.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

He asked to see ID and he showed him. I think that is the law in NYC; you gotta show ID if asked for it.
i dont think thats da case....imma google it though, but you can't be arrested for not having ID...makes zero sense
In TX you go to jail without ID.
incase anyone was wondering, the officer had no right to stop the guy anyway

§ 140.50 Temporary questioning of persons in public places; search for
1. In addition to the authority provided by this article for making an
arrest without a warrant, a police officer may stop a person in a public
place located within the geographical area of such officer's employment
when he reasonably suspects that such person is committing, has
committed or is about to commit either (a) a felony or (b) a misdemeanor
defined in the penal law
, and may demand of him his name, address and an
explanation of his conduct.
2. Any person who is a peace officer and who provides security
services for any court of the unified court system may stop a person in
or about the courthouse to which he is assigned when he reasonably
suspects that such person is committing, has committed or is about to
commit either (a) a felony or (b) a misdemeanor defined in the penal
law, and may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his
3. When upon stopping a person under circumstances prescribed in
subdivisions one and two a police officer or court officer, as the case
may be, reasonably suspects that he is in danger of physical injury, he
may search such person for a deadly weapon or any instrument, article or
substance readily capable of causing serious physical injury and of a
sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons. If
he finds such a weapon or instrument, or any other property possession
of which he reasonably believes may constitute the commission of a
crime, he may take it and keep it until the completion of the
questioning, at which time he shall either return it, if lawfully
possessed, or arrest such person.
incase anyone was wondering, the officer had no right to stop the guy anyway

§ 140.50 Temporary questioning of persons in public places; search for
1. In addition to the authority provided by this article for making an
arrest without a warrant, a police officer may stop a person in a public
place located within the geographical area of such officer's employment
when he reasonably suspects that such person is committing, has
committed or is about to commit either (a) a felony or (b) a misdemeanor
defined in the penal law
, and may demand of him his name, address and an
explanation of his conduct.
2. Any person who is a peace officer and who provides security
services for any court of the unified court system may stop a person in
or about the courthouse to which he is assigned when he reasonably
suspects that such person is committing, has committed or is about to
commit either (a) a felony or (b) a misdemeanor defined in the penal
law, and may demand of him his name, address and an explanation of his
3. When upon stopping a person under circumstances prescribed in
subdivisions one and two a police officer or court officer, as the case
may be, reasonably suspects that he is in danger of physical injury, he
may search such person for a deadly weapon or any instrument, article or
substance readily capable of causing serious physical injury and of a
sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons. If
he finds such a weapon or instrument, or any other property possession
of which he reasonably believes may constitute the commission of a
crime, he may take it and keep it until the completion of the
questioning, at which time he shall either return it, if lawfully
possessed, or arrest such person.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

No one badge should have all that power...

The thing that bothers me is the other police never check the "bad cop".  In sports you see refs huddle and overturn bad calls.  For once I wish an officer would pull the "bad cop" aside without embarrassing him and say "c'mon man chill out and let's focus on the real criminals".  But they don't and you have 8 police officers participating in that non-sense because of one ego.

they are actually told not to show up another one. 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

No one badge should have all that power...

The thing that bothers me is the other police never check the "bad cop".  In sports you see refs huddle and overturn bad calls.  For once I wish an officer would pull the "bad cop" aside without embarrassing him and say "c'mon man chill out and let's focus on the real criminals".  But they don't and you have 8 police officers participating in that non-sense because of one ego.

they are actually told not to show up another one. 
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