NYPD Arrests a Man Over a Joke

Sure, the man could have immediately apologized, handed over his ID, got down on his knees... whatever else to stroke the cops ego and avoid what happened. Every idiot knows this, and also knows how the laws are twisted/ignored to justify any officers actions. That's not the point of this thread.

The point is how much of a waste of time/money/resources these kinds of things are. We got dudes with a badge and gun running around acting like 2nd graders with a god-complex over petty non-incidents. We don't need 3+ squad cars and ~8 officers to respond to a guy riding his bike on the street and another guy cracking a joke about it, only to arrest him... and waste even more time/resources. I don't know about you, but I get very angry knowing I'm paying for this. 

@ the cops ignoring the dude stoned/drunk across the street.
 @ the surround at 2:35. 
By this day in age with ALL the crooked cops out there.... ESPECIALLY in NYC, you'd think people would know better to chill out. Don't give a cop a reason. No matter how trivial it might be to arrest you. This !%@% is petty though.
By this day in age with ALL the crooked cops out there.... ESPECIALLY in NYC, you'd think people would know better to chill out. Don't give a cop a reason. No matter how trivial it might be to arrest you. This !%@% is petty though.
Most of you have no idea what NYPD is about.

Every cop thinks they're unique and an individual but when it comes down to it they're all slaves to their insecurities.

Slaves to a system which they don't fully understand and one that doesn't care about them.

It's all a fear tactic and they pump them up with all this talk about, "Go get those low-lifes."

I don't smoke weed and don't advocate it but I'll tell you the average day for a NYC teen, or at least one who makes the most out of life: Wake up, chill with their friends and smoke a blunt, have fun, chill with the opposite sex, etc..

An average day for an NYPD officer is chasing these kids down and acting like a bully when they find them. Who's truly the low-life in this situation? Who can look back on their life when they're older and think they went through good experiences?

Another thing is that I see people get arrested in the same places for the same crimes over and over. Just speaking factually if an arrest is ever made, it means the cop was too late. Where are the preventive measures? There are none cause the cycle is meant to be continued.

There's a lot I can say about the NYPD but I'll just conclude by saying that all officers and traffic cops are scum and if they weren't given guns, none of this %$%% would fly.
Most of you have no idea what NYPD is about.

Every cop thinks they're unique and an individual but when it comes down to it they're all slaves to their insecurities.

Slaves to a system which they don't fully understand and one that doesn't care about them.

It's all a fear tactic and they pump them up with all this talk about, "Go get those low-lifes."

I don't smoke weed and don't advocate it but I'll tell you the average day for a NYC teen, or at least one who makes the most out of life: Wake up, chill with their friends and smoke a blunt, have fun, chill with the opposite sex, etc..

An average day for an NYPD officer is chasing these kids down and acting like a bully when they find them. Who's truly the low-life in this situation? Who can look back on their life when they're older and think they went through good experiences?

Another thing is that I see people get arrested in the same places for the same crimes over and over. Just speaking factually if an arrest is ever made, it means the cop was too late. Where are the preventive measures? There are none cause the cycle is meant to be continued.

There's a lot I can say about the NYPD but I'll just conclude by saying that all officers and traffic cops are scum and if they weren't given guns, none of this %$%% would fly.
I personally don't feel the cop was justified in arresting him but what bothered me the most was the amount of cops that showed up..If anyone wants to justify that then have fun because you're not gonna convince me that two guys that are walking in their own neighborhood and did not make a physically aggressive gesture toward the cop or suggest that they had a weapon should have had 10 or so cops in the area to handle the situation..You're telling me 2 cops couldn't handle the situation, 4 max? While there were 10 cops trying to arrest a guy for being "disorderly" there was a guy a few blocks away robbing an old lady
I personally don't feel the cop was justified in arresting him but what bothered me the most was the amount of cops that showed up..If anyone wants to justify that then have fun because you're not gonna convince me that two guys that are walking in their own neighborhood and did not make a physically aggressive gesture toward the cop or suggest that they had a weapon should have had 10 or so cops in the area to handle the situation..You're telling me 2 cops couldn't handle the situation, 4 max? While there were 10 cops trying to arrest a guy for being "disorderly" there was a guy a few blocks away robbing an old lady
They arrested him because he was uncooperative and giving him a hard time so in turn they gonna give him a hard time, take him in, and give him a summons at the precient. But those cops must be rookies, they shouldn't have let their boy touch him like that for their own safety, and also the guy in the bike next to the van is a no no also.
They arrested him because he was uncooperative and giving him a hard time so in turn they gonna give him a hard time, take him in, and give him a summons at the precient. But those cops must be rookies, they shouldn't have let their boy touch him like that for their own safety, and also the guy in the bike next to the van is a no no also.
Smh so unnecessary

Cats screaming Eddie Kane had me cracking up tho

Some of the best memories from college is being wasted and mouthing off at cops and barely escaping arrest tho
Smh so unnecessary

Cats screaming Eddie Kane had me cracking up tho

Some of the best memories from college is being wasted and mouthing off at cops and barely escaping arrest tho
Not trying to start a "NY>SF/CA" (or vice versa) or anything because I find it so damn annoying but...

Do any Bay Area people see this stuff happening? I don't seem to see them have this power trip here in the Bay...But I could def. be wrong.
Not trying to start a "NY>SF/CA" (or vice versa) or anything because I find it so damn annoying but...

Do any Bay Area people see this stuff happening? I don't seem to see them have this power trip here in the Bay...But I could def. be wrong.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Not trying to start a "NY>SF/CA" (or vice versa) or anything because I find it so damn annoying but...

Do any Bay Area people see this stuff happening? I don't seem to see them have this power trip here in the Bay...But I could def. be wrong.

Oh they do. Trust. Being a black man in Oakland, CA is damn near cause to be shot on sight with OPD, and it's been that way for decades, not just since the few national headlines the past couple of years. There's some pretty sick history behind the police force out here and their actual motives/intent that dates back to the 60's.

LAPD is still probably a better comparison to NYPD but the reality is you got sick, demented, bastard, pig cops all over the country and it's just a matter of who you're unlucky enough to run into.

Unfortunately being black or latino will never help your cause.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Not trying to start a "NY>SF/CA" (or vice versa) or anything because I find it so damn annoying but...

Do any Bay Area people see this stuff happening? I don't seem to see them have this power trip here in the Bay...But I could def. be wrong.

Oh they do. Trust. Being a black man in Oakland, CA is damn near cause to be shot on sight with OPD, and it's been that way for decades, not just since the few national headlines the past couple of years. There's some pretty sick history behind the police force out here and their actual motives/intent that dates back to the 60's.

LAPD is still probably a better comparison to NYPD but the reality is you got sick, demented, bastard, pig cops all over the country and it's just a matter of who you're unlucky enough to run into.

Unfortunately being black or latino will never help your cause.
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

He asked to see ID and he showed him. I think that is the law in NYC; you gotta show ID if asked for it.
i dont think thats da case....imma google it though, but you can't be arrested for not having ID...makes zero sense
yes ninja, not arrested but in NYC you can receive a summon for not carrying an ID. Why he got arrested, not sure but maybe cause he was being a bit resistant but I dont know

true but they also can detain you...in the celly as well
for not being able to properly identify you
goes under that terrorism stuff... dada

i got stop the other day....searched and all no reason no nothing
+##@ gets me heated....
and these pork donut eating clowns just got back in the car and drove off....
wont even bother with the deets....but they was far out of line and wrong
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

He asked to see ID and he showed him. I think that is the law in NYC; you gotta show ID if asked for it.
i dont think thats da case....imma google it though, but you can't be arrested for not having ID...makes zero sense
yes ninja, not arrested but in NYC you can receive a summon for not carrying an ID. Why he got arrested, not sure but maybe cause he was being a bit resistant but I dont know

true but they also can detain you...in the celly as well
for not being able to properly identify you
goes under that terrorism stuff... dada

i got stop the other day....searched and all no reason no nothing
+##@ gets me heated....
and these pork donut eating clowns just got back in the car and drove off....
wont even bother with the deets....but they was far out of line and wrong
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