Oakland RAIDERS Season Thread

I don't think Dennis Allen is that great of a coach. After 1st game I didn't expect anything from this team this year. AL left this team in Cap Hell and I didn't think it was possible for a turn around this season
I was against going for a QB this year but we have to look at them now.

Earlier today I saw Javon Walkers picture of when he got beat up. Do you guys remember when Jerry Porter became a diva? :lol:
Drew Bledsoe, man :smh: :lol:

Javon Walker is another one of those mistake signings where Al had to eat the contract to get out of. Son never even played more than a half the season the first year of his contract. After that he sat the whole damn time until he was released. This bull**** that we deal with :x

Jerry Porter was awesome, I wish he stayed.
Just saw that Brady Quinn was named the starter. I don't want this game to be a story of redemption and path to success for Quinn...They better crush and harass that man. Make him Chad Henne.
Do you guys remember when Jerry Porter became a diva? :lol:

When I used to work at a Raider Image my manager told me he was at the colosseum a few years back and he saw Porter tell Cliff Branch he wore 84 because he was 4 times the receiver Branch ever was :rolleyes :rofl: Moss got in that dude's head bad.
Do you guys remember when Jerry Porter became a diva? :lol:

When I used to work at a Raider Image my manager told me he was at the colosseum a few years back and he saw Porter tell Cliff Branch he wore 84 because he was 4 times the receiver Branch ever was :rolleyes :rofl: Moss got in that dude's head bad.

Once Brown and Rice left this guy changed. I remember his last season in Oakland was so bad everyone was treating him like a rookie they even dropped him in an ice tub. :lol:
I don't get this team man. We play great on the road against one of the best teams in the L and then seven days later our offense and special team units look like complete **** at home.

The D should receive some kind of service award for the shift they put in on Sunday.

Miles Burris is an animal I've been telling my fam all season.

That said, one thing that's different about this team is there's always hope, even when we're playing like absolute ****. For me that hasn't been a staple of the Raiders over the last decade. When things were going bad it was pack it up and wait for next week (the next season is probably more accurate).

I dont smoke dude.
Go on NFL.com and look at stats. He has 2nd fewest ints (4) among top 10qbs and is one of the top in yds/game. The only reason his qbr is low is the sacks and redzone ( under 10tds) we know who we can blame for that...knapp. Plus consider Palmer doesnt play the 1st half only the 2nd half lol (Knapp 1st half. Palmer 2nd half).
Btw who do you want as QB?!?!
You had Walter, Tui, Brooks, Russell, and Campbell and now you being greedy with Palmer? Come on man.

Palmer isn't great but I'd rank him somewhere between very good and serviceable. He's without a doubt the best QB we've had since Gannon but imo he seems to be missing the it factor I saw in him from the time he was at USC up until around 2006/2007.
Found this from Bill Romanowski's timeline:

The Raiders were going 3 and out over and over again for almost 3 quarters then suddenly in the 4th Palmer started to move the ball mostly by no huddle. RNF had various witnesses on the ground that are saying Knapp was visible upset that Palmer was NOT calling the plays that was in his head set in fact Knapp at one point began to get in Dennis Allen’s ear. So much that Dennis Allen had to use on those costly Time Outs. It was a strange time out when the Raiders were in the red zone Palmer still had 3 seconds on the clock and he was going to get the play off but Dennis Allen called a Time Out. Palmer went to the sideline confused, Dennis Allen thought he was having communication problem in Palmer’s helmet head set but it was not the case. Carson Palmer basically was ignoring Gregg Knapp’s calls and running the offense himself which ended up being a good thing. I am being told that the Raiders scored on every possession that Palmer did this and when Knapp made Palmer listen to his plays in the Red Zone Raiders had to settle for a field goal. Not to mention the 3 quarters when Raiders were not moving the ball at all. Gregg Knapp was seen on the sideline very upset..

Article link: http://raidersnewsflash.wordpress.com/


A Guide to Rebuilding the Oakland Raiders' Franchise
By Thomas Galicia (Featured Columnist) on October 22, 2012 2,652 reads 17
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Jason O. Watson/Getty Images
With a thrilling 26-23 victory in overtime against the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Oakland Raiders have plenty of reasons to celebrate for this week.

The Raiders not only got their second win of the season, but are also only a game out in the AFC West. They still have a game left against the San Diego Chargers and Denver Broncos, along with two games against the atrocious Kansas City Chiefs.

Along with their AFC West foes, the Raiders have a fairly easy schedule left throughout the rest of the season, with their toughest non-divisional games left coming on the road in Week 10 against Baltimore and another road game in Week 12 against Cincinnati.

With the way the AFC has shaken out so far this season, you can't count out the Raiders for 2012. However, after 2012 is a major question mark with the Raiders, as they face an uncertain future at quarterback (Carson Palmer is 32), as well as only five draft picks in 2013 and a 2013 cap number that is best described by NFL.com's Brian McIntyre:

In looking at the Raiders' long-term cap situation, they have fewer than 50 players signed for the 2013 season. Before base-salary escalators and incentives, those players account for $130 million in salary-cap dollars. With the cap expected to remain flat, cuts and restructures are likely. There is no offset language on Branch's contract regarding his 2012 base salary, 2013 roster bonus and most (75 percent) of his 2013 base salary, which should place Branch and his $10.9 million cap number next season on the "restructure candidate" list.

Despite a 2-4 start, Oakland is still in contention in 2012 thanks to a dramatic victory over Jacksonville.
Yikes, that's the only way I could describe that. A lot of Raiders will be unhappy at the end of next season, meaning the Raiders will have to make the most out of this season.

But as for the future, this is a team that can be rebuilt despite nearly a decade of ineptitude. Oakland already has a very good general manager in Reggie McKenzie, but more must be done by McKenzie.

1. Stop Trading Draft Picks: Hoard Them

This goes without saying, but the Raiders have had a dodgy history with the draft. Either they've messed up their selections or traded them outright. The most infamous trade was their Carson Palmer deal with Cincinnati, as the Raiders not only gave up a first-rounder in 2012, but a second-rounder in 2013 (that becomes a first -ounder if the Raiders play in the AFC Championship game). I can't argue with the rationale for the Raiders making the trade, but it has hamstrung their future.

The next time the Raiders have a full slate of draft picks will be in 2014. It would serve Oakland to not only hold on to those picks, but obtain other picks in that draft through trades (trading down in the first round of the 2013 draft would be ideal for Oakland to accomplish this, as it would likely not only mean an extra 2014 draft pick but another pick in 2013 as well).

2. Think Defense in the 2013 Draft

Carson Palmer seems to get a bad rap around the NFL; however, he has been very serviceable since the trade and leads a passing game ranked No. 9 in the league this season. While its running game is ranked No. 31 and has struggled all season, a lot of that is due to Oakland playing from behind most of the time this season.

But Oakland's defense has been horrible this season. It currently ranks No. 17 in the NFL in yards allowed per game, and No. 27 overall in points allowed per game. If anything costs Oakland a playoff berth in the wide-open AFC this season, it will be the defense.

Oakland will have to think defense in the upcoming draft and get some new talent to infuse the team, so that its offense isn't playing from behind so often.

3. Do Not Overreact to Head Coach Dennis Allen's Performance in 2012

Since Jon Gruden was "traded" to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2002, the Raiders have employed seven different head coaches.

Seven coaches in the span of 10 years isn't exactly a testament to organizational stability. The thought of Dennis Allen not lasting past 2012 would be another bad sign, as the Raiders need to show consistency from year-to-year.

Allen might not make the postseason in 2012, but that's no reason to jettison him after one season. The Raiders should give him at least one more season to help turn the team around.

4. Go With Palmer In 2013, but Groom His Replacement in the Meantime

This could go in many ways. Either the Raiders can continue to develop former Buckeye quarterback Terrelle Pryor as their quarterback of the future, or they can look for help at quarterback in the 2013 draft. They could also opt to do both and choose a quarterback in the later rounds, which is an approach used by general manager Reggie McKenzie's former team in Green Bay.

By developing a quarterback while Palmer continues to play, the Raiders won't have to rely on trading the farm for quarterbacks anymore and will build more stability at the position, which, like at head coach, they have lacked.

The Raiders are a team that aren't as bad as many make them out to be, but will need help going forward. By implementing these suggestions, the Silver and Black attack get back on their way back to the top of the AFC West.

link: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1381197-a-guide-to-rebuilding-the-oakland-raiders-franchise
Palmer is a good enough QB if he has a team around him. He won't win games by himself but can definitely take a talented team some places
Palmer is a good enough QB if he has a team around him. He won't win games by himself but can definitely take a talented team some places

That team certainly isn't the Raiders at this point in time. If we were to pick up someone like Carson in 2-3 years time, it would be a very different story.
By then Carson would be too old anyway. Anyway, I want this team to win as many games as possible...
It doesn't matter where we draft. Our biggest issue is depth.
We need as many quality players as we can get. I bet Reggie will trade back for multiple picks.
Hopefully we get lucky and hit a few homers. D-Moe and Burris have been our young players in a minute and they were both mid-late rounders.

1 game back with 10 to go. I'd take this to start the season.
What I need: Our ST to not commit turnovers. The OLINE TO STEP THE **** UP!!!

Our line was surprisingly good last year, this year not so much.
DMC will break a couple sooner or later.


What do y'all say to Huff playing CB for the rest of the year?
He started slow but has really improved these last 2 weeks.
I just wish Mitchell could take Giordano's spot.
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By then Carson would be too old anyway. Anyway, I want this team to win as many games as possible...
It doesn't matter where we draft. Our biggest issue is depth.
We need as many quality players as we can get. I bet Reggie will trade back for multiple picks.

Hopefully we get lucky and hit a few homers. D-Moe and Burris have been our young players in a minute and they were both mid-late rounders.

1 game back with 10 to go. I'd take this to start the season.
What I need: Our ST to not commit turnovers. The OLINE TO STEP THE **** UP!!!

Our line was surprisingly good last year, this year not so much.
DMC will break a couple sooner or later.


What do y'all say to Huff playing CB for the rest of the year?
He started slow but has really improved these last 2 weeks.
I just wish Mitchell could take Giordano's spot.

This is where I'm struggling. I need to be convinced that our draft position won't matter, because I'm worried that someone who could be a difference maker will be taken away from us. I don't want to see us win 6-8 games only to miss the playoffs and then have someone we desperately need be drafted just before our number is called. I'm probably wrong about how much the draft position matters, I just really hope impact players are off the board before we get a chance.

Huff at corner is okay for now. He's a solid choice simply given the fact that there is no one else on the roster to put there, but ideally I'd like to see him back at safety and draft/sign true corners to play there. I never like having to ask players to shift positions because of a lack of talent.
I don't get this team man. We play great on the road against one of the best teams in the L and then seven days later our offense and special team units look like complete **** at home.
The D should receive some kind of service award for the shift they put in on Sunday.
Miles Burris is an animal I've been telling my fam all season.
That said, one thing that's different about this team is there's always hope, even when we're playing like absolute ****. For me that hasn't been a staple of the Raiders over the last decade. When things were going bad it was pack it up and wait for next week (the next season is probably more accurate).
Palmer isn't great but I'd rank him somewhere between very good and serviceable. He's without a doubt the best QB we've had since Gannon but imo he seems to be missing the it factor I saw in him from the time he was at USC up until around 2006/2007.

who can we thank for the hope factor?

Carson Palmer

Defense is not bringing us back down 17 (although they keep us in games)

Run DMC has decided to hang his shoes given this atrocious Zone Block System he is forced to run.

And the coaches are pathetic.

If you watching Raider games in the 4th Qtr you can thank MR. CP3

The fact that Greg Knapp is still an offensive coordinator in the league leads me to believe that he has a storage of Owners and GM sex tapes that he threatens to release to the public or something.
After thinking over some of McFadden's runs from last season and this season, I've come to believe that it was a HUGE mistake bringing Knapp into the fold. It's deceptive to look at McFadden's rookie season and chalk up his struggles then as purely the result of getting used to NFL defenses. He played in the SEC, he went up against the toughest defenses in the country. The truth is, he's not a scat back, not the type to make quick cuts and find holes with patience. McFadden is a traditional power runner who needs a hole just big enough early on so he can explode in and punish defenders to break free. The ZBS asks for a RB who waits in the backfield just behind the line and looks for an opportunity; McFadden is not that kind of runner.

If we're going to try to convince Darren to stay with us after this season, we're going to have to jettison Knapp and the ZBS from the organization.
To be fair, Knapp wasn't the first choice for OC. With that said, he's here now and to play devil's advocate, why develop a scheme around a player (regardless of talent) who has not been able to stay on the field for an entire season. Yes, Hue Jackson's offense was sexy, but it relied/revolved exclusively around McFadden. It's not a bad idea to build an offensive foundation focused on balance. We're a much more dangerous team if opponents cannot simply zero in on one player to neutralize our offense. The past few seasons, I've always felt like this team had talent, but only in the starters and it really only took 1-2 injuries to completely devastate the team's success. That shouldn't be the case.

Sidenote: Miles Burris!!! We might have finally drafted a legit LB. *fingers crossed*
Imagine how a db must feel getting ran through by Mcfadden then have to chase DHB and D Moore on a play-action.....Would feel batman.
To be fair, Knapp wasn't the first choice for OC. With that said, he's here now and to play devil's advocate, why develop a scheme around a player (regardless of talent) who has not been able to stay on the field for an entire season. Yes, Hue Jackson's offense was sexy, but it relied/revolved exclusively around McFadden. It's not a bad idea to build an offensive foundation focused on balance. We're a much more dangerous team if opponents cannot simply zero in on one player to neutralize our offense. The past few seasons, I've always felt like this team had talent, but only in the starters and it really only took 1-2 injuries to completely devastate the team's success. That shouldn't be the case.

Sidenote: Miles Burris!!! We might have finally drafted a legit LB. *fingers crossed*

Streater was also a nice pickup. I really hope that we win on Sunday we have a lot of guys coming back. soon.
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