Oakland RAIDERS Season Thread

-Defense :x
-Palmer did keep them in the game but those INTs were terrible reads
-The Playcalling on that drive that could of won the game :x
Today's game wasn't solely Carson's fault, you have to expect him to throw picks when he's being asked to throw 60 times. Have to understand taking both the good and the bad that Carson brings to the team.
The loss was a team effort. Can't let a running game shred you like that. There were still some stupid penalties. Hope McFadden and Goodson are ok. Can't have Carson Palmer out there with the entire game on his shoulders. You start haveing a qb like that thinking that he alone has to win the game is when mistakes happen.

61 attempts is crazy..I wonder if that's equivalent to a starting pitcher throwing like 110 pitches or something.

Huge pops to Reese man. Dude just steps up with or without the kudos. Just plays the game patiently and takes advantage when his number is called.

Carson to Denarius Moore on a deep in or comeback route scares the snot out of me. They need more reps with each other on that route.

Man oh man. I can;t wait to hear Bill Romanowski's comments regarding this game....

On to Baltimore.
Classic Carson Palmer performance.

But that Run D was a ******g joke.
Our DBs are a joke. No one could tackle, get off blocks, bad angles, penalties it was all there.
Could've used Curry out there.

Now we gotta beat the Ravens @ Bal and NO @ home to have a chance :smh:

DOUG ******G MARTIN TORE US THE **** UP. 220 yards in the 2nd half.
We had a 10-7 lead at halftime.
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So I didnt get to watch the game, but I was just driving home and listening to espnradio. The host Amy whoever just said that Martin had 197 yards BEFORE CONTACT today. That is absolutely unbelievable. Just how big were the holes to run through? :x
So I didnt get to watch the game, but I was just driving home and listening to espnradio. The host Amy whoever just said that Martin had 197 yards BEFORE CONTACT today. That is absolutely unbelievable. Just how big were the holes to run through? :x

He broke so many big runs on us :smh:
He broke so many big runs on us :smh:

There wasn't much boar hunting this game... Shaking it off and eagerly awaiting to hear about DMC and Goodson.

I hear high ankle sprain for DMC and is week to week. No status of Goodson that I see yet. Wonder if this means they'll go into the free agent pool. What's out there in case they do?
Classic Carson Palmer performance.
But that Run D was a ******g joke.
Our DBs are a joke. No one could tackle, get off blocks, bad angles, penalties it was all there.
Could've used Curry out there.
Now we gotta beat the Ravens @ Bal and NO @ home to have a chance :smh:
DOUG ******G MARTIN TORE US THE **** UP. 220 yards in the 2nd half.
We had a 10-7 lead at halftime.

All of this. And Curry wouldn't have helped that porous *** defense. We do not have the talent to win 8 games this year. Just get that Top 10 pick and rebuild for the future.
He broke so many big runs on us :smh:

There wasn't much boar hunting this game... Shaking it off and eagerly awaiting to hear about DMC and Goodson.

I hear high ankle sprain for DMC and is week to week. No status of Goodson that I see yet. Wonder if this means they'll go into the free agent pool. What's out there in case they do?

We could always bring back Cartwright :rolleyes
So I didnt get to watch the game, but I was just driving home and listening to espnradio. The host Amy whoever just said that Martin had 197 yards BEFORE CONTACT today. That is absolutely unbelievable. Just how big were the holes to run through? :x
those yards were carson's fault also....

i really wonder what game some of you guys are watching.
It's easy to put the blame on Carson. I still don't get what some of your deals are with him, dude threw 60 passes yesterday and was doing fine until the very end when they had him throwing deep balls after throwing 50+ passes.
^ Agreed. He will never be elite again, and we likely paid too high of a price for him. Nevertheless, I think it was the right decision last year and he continues to put us in a position to win. Now, he does also give some games away, but that's what happens when your entire offense relies on throwing. You cannot honestly tell me campbell would be doing better with the type of running game the raiders currently have.
JC was very Solid while he was here. The thing I liked about JC was that he didn't really force the ball the way Carson does
JC couldn't complete a pass over 15 yards though. And anytime he had a receiver going down the sidelines he'd overthrow it out of bounds 95% of the time.
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Campbell was fine here as long as McFadden/Bush were performing the way they were then. He was an acceptable QB whose accurate short-to-mid passes kept the defenses honest and stopped teams from loading up on the front line to prevent the run. If Campbell was here now with McFadden running the way he is, we'd be in a much worse position.
That trade for Carson was still *** anyway you want to slice it. You make a move like that if you're only one player away. We're about 15 players away just from seeing the postseason. With that said, he's ours and he's the best QB we've had since Gannon. That game last night got out of hand after the 3rd. The defense **** the bed and so he we are. I wouldn't be surprised if 8 of the 11 starters were gone (Houston, Wheeler, Branch).
So I didnt get to watch the game, but I was just driving home and listening to espnradio. The host Amy whoever just said that Martin had 197 yards BEFORE CONTACT today. That is absolutely unbelievable. Just how big were the holes to run through? :x
those yards were carson's fault also....

i really wonder what game some of you guys are watching.

I am very confused about your response to my post. I am assuming the Carson comment was sarcasm, but I guess I dont know for sure. And the second comment? I explicitly stated that I didnt get to watch the game, so unless you just that part of my post, I dont see the need for the comment.
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