*Offical Signs of the Last Days on Earth Post

@ the dog pic, homie is just posted up
HangTight wrote:

-Spread of musical instruments
-Drinking of intoxicants and its being allowed
-Building tall buildings
-Appearance of women in clothes which do not cover them
-The talking of wild animals and inanimate objects to people

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Who gives a crap when it ends you won't have enough time to sit around and say I told you so. Tomorrow is not promised. Piss on what will happen worry about today. When it happens you won't know otherwise live your life.

Its always good to be ready.

I'd rather live my life than live my life wondering
Peep this. Lets say your married and have three beautiful children. Are you going to have protection or some type of security alarm to better protect them or are you just going to say nothing will happen. People need to read this stuff and peep whats been going on in the world and what is lined up to happen. Stop thinking it wont because the foundation is being laid. Act blind if you want but your going to see that big *expletive* building(analogy) going up sooner or later.

*%+ are you talking about? OP is talking about rapture and your talking about protection.
Lol let me break this down a bit more. I'd rather be ready for a thief in the night then not ready.

i was hoping this was a joke post. you do realize that they were saying the same @%+$ when my grandparents were kids right?

Yeah people shouldn't try to name dates. You can't do it. But alot more has come to pass since their day. Many countries are starting to link up withone another to form one country and currency (See the Euro. Maybe soon the Amero). The world has gotten so much worse. Things that were once unacceptable areglorified. Sex prior to marriage, homesexulaity and the degration of women. Don't say I need to catch up with the times becauese I'd rather not. Morelike "catch up with all this sinning". I'm not trapped in the 50's.
So basically the Islamic traditions about the end of days are just like the Christian traditions, everything is seen as a sign of the coming end of the world.

Ironically, Jesus told his followers to not speculate on when he is supposed to return and said that only the father knows.

Do Muslims have a similar statement from the Prophet against man trying to guess when the end of days are supposed to take place?
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Christianity kills me
I'm not sure why but I'd like to hear your reasons if you don't mind?

If I don't reply tonight I'm gone to bed. I believe I have the flu.

P.S. Yuku and its problems
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Christianity kills me
I'm not sure why but I'd like to hear your reasons if you don't mind?

If I don't reply tonight I'm gone to bed. I believe I have the flu.
Originally Posted by HangTight

Major Signs
-The Dijjal (Anti-Christ)
-The Return Of Issa (Jesus)
-The fire which brings the people together
-Da Xplicit One only uses 1 condom
-Judgment of mankind begins.

Im not worried
Some of you individuals need to relax. I never once stated that the world was going to END TODAY OR TOMORROW. All I did was post signs that are talked aboutand descrived from mostly the Hadith's that will occur at the end of times.
Originally Posted by 6demonbag

OP go see Bill Maher's Religulous

Damn religions driving people insane...

Yes, I have seen it.
Thought it was pretty funny.
And No religion is not driving me insane.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by HangTight

Major Signs
-The Dijjal (Anti-Christ)
-The Return Of Issa (Jesus)
-The fire which brings the people together
-Da Xplicit One only uses 1 condom
-Judgment of mankind begins.

Im not worried

Not this again.

Pretty much everything you posted is invalid. I'm not going to point out each and every flaw because it would take to long.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by RDubb

Originally Posted by LEFTFIELDGREEN

Originally Posted by AR Guy


come on now

I keep thinking hes about to start lecturing me on forest fires for some reason. Its too late, Im going to bed


Looks like he's about to talk to us about reading to our kids...

That Dog has stolen this thread.
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