Official 10' NFL Offseason Thread: CIN sign T.O. 1yr/2m

"Pete Carroll? The same Pete Carroll who ran out on 'SC?" White told Jim Wyatt of the Tennessean. "I have no comment on Pete. I better wait ’til I’m on a team one day before I say anything.’"

The Jets better start paying their players otherwise no players are gonna want to come here with management breaking promises and lowballing their players
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

*@$* Albert Haynesworth with a ten foot poll. Dude is a !$!*$ and I hope somebody stomps on his face. 

You sound like the guys in Schefter's tweet:

Texts on Albert from NFL people "You can't fix a bad guy"..."He is a total JERK!"..."Hope media go to town with this one and tear him up."

...and you wanna talk about needing a new contract? What about CJ2K?

Chris Johnson: Titans are "not offering me nothing"

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on June 15, 2010 2:11 PM ET
CJ2K wishes he had it as good as Darrelle Revis when it comes to contract talks.

"Just got off the phone with my agent and its not good news," Chris Johnson tweeted. [We've strategically added letters for clarity.]  "I'm feeling like @Revis24 [Darrelle Revis] right now at least dey offering him something dey not offering me nothing."

The Titans running back embarked on a holdout that includes no easy solution, unless Tennessee becomes willing to give Johnson a short-term bump to tide him over.  We suspect the team won't entertain any new contract for a third-year player.

"Its like how u expect your players to give they all and put their bodies on the line when you not willing to give them what they deserve," Johnson said.  "How do you want a player to honor their contract but the team don't have to honor it. If you don't want to pay a player early don't cut a player early."

Johnson's tweets have become a target in our comments for their spelling and grammar, but his logic is crystal clear in this case. 

(And let's be honest: The spelling in most comments isn't any better.   Not to mention my posts.)


I feel bad for CJ and Revis.
Hopefully this leads to CJ leaving the Titans for a better team but I have a feeling both players will get paid eventually.
@(^# this fat %@+ Haynesworth..has anybody been reading Dockett's tweets/articles??

"Ok so everyone knows my contract is almost over in AZ. So I want to know from yall, how many of yall would wanna see me in a Skins uniform?"

"I'm sittin reading this artical on this Guy that plays for the LAST place NFC EAST TEAM! All I can say is PAY ME!! Its NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!"

"That's why I tell yall I'm nothing like these dudes, for a 100millon my %@+ will play 4-3, 3-4 5-9, 4-8, and still whip %@+! #PAYME"

I know it's taken out of context because he was talking with LaVar..but still..Haynesworth is a )*&#

London Fletcher: Albert Haynesworth is 'selfish'

With rain falling fast, the ******** left the field after less than 30 minutes of practice on Wednesday. Following the abbreviated practice, several players addressed Albert Haynesworth's absence, and perhaps none was as outspoken as linebacker London Fletcher, who called Haynesworth "selfish" and said the highly-compensated defensive tackle "can't be depended upon."

Fletcher is the unquestioned leader of the unit, and when he speaks, it's usually worth listening to. He didn't hold anything back when discussing Haynesworth and the defensive tackle's decision to skip the mandatory minicamp.

"I agree with the assessment that Albert has made a very selfish decision. When you play a team sport, you have to look at it and think about everybody involved in the situation. This is not golf, tennis, things like that where it's an all-about-you sport. What he's decided to do is make a decision based all about him. It's no different than his attitude and his approach to last year's defense, about wanting everything to revolve around him and him making plays. And if it didn't benefit him, he wasn't really willing to do it."

Asked if the locker room could embrace Haynesworth should he return, Fletcher said:

"Obviously, he's under contract with the Washington ********. From a business standpoint, I don't see them giving him $32 million and trading him or giving him away. He has the option to give the money back if he really doesn't want to be here. He could always give the money back. But once he decided to take money from this organization, he's a Washington *******. I say, yeah, he can come back if he shows he's willing to buy into what we're doing, if he's going to be on- board with what we're trying to do. One man is not going to stop what we're trying to accomplish this year. One man is not going to stop what we're going to accomplish this year. We've got big goals set for us this year, high aspirations. Football is going to be played with him or without him. We're going to play some good football.

Obviously, we want him to be a part of it, but he has to stop being selfish."

Fletcher said he wasn't surprised by Haynesworth's decision, given his past actions and attitudes.

"He can say what he wants to say about him not wanting to be here, wanting to be traded, things like that. There's ways he can not be a *******. Give the money back; I'm sure they'd take it. We'll move on without him. I want teammates who I can depend on, who I can count on, who in the fourth quarter of a situation, I know is going to be there to make a play or to do his job that the defense calls -- whether it's responsibilities holding up a lineman or penetrating a gap... I need guys I can depend on. We need people we can depend on. At the end of the day, right now, he's shown that he can't be depended upon."

Update: Here's a few more of Fletcher's comments today.

Question: Is it going to be a distraction and stunt the team's progress?
Fletcher: "It's not going to stunt our progress. As I mentioned, we're gonna play good football this year. The guys that are on the football field with us, the 11 men that line up, we're gonna play good football. It's up to the coaching staff to determine who the best 11 guys are to put on that field to put us in position to win football games."

Question: If Haynewsorth showed up, what would you tell him?
Fletcher: "Nothing. I haven't spoken to him up to this point. I saw him down at the Super Bowl in Miami; we had a little brief conversation but nothing major. So I would just expect him to come in, work hard, work like everybody else. It's really not much that needs to be said. This conversation has taken place with the coaching staff with management back in February when Coach Shanahan was first brought aboard. He knew what we were gonna be doing from a defensive standpoint, There's a lot of guys that have played in certain systems throughout their careers, whether it be a 4-3 defense, things like that. So it's a lot of guys making adjustments to a new change, 4-3 defense. A lot of guys put in that situation. Yeah, maybe they may not be ideally suited for it but they're making an effort to do that because they understand the big picture. They understand it's not about an individual, it's about a team. And we're trying to have a true team model here. Last year we had a lot of selfishness that took place and you got 4-12 out of that. This year, we can't have that."

Question: How early last year did you see signs that Albert wasn't happy, etc.?
Fletcher: "I think when he came in, he fit in. Off the field, obviously, he's a good guy. You like him, you can talk to him. He's not standoffish in that way, but it's just some of the things that if it doesn't benefit him - from a football standpoint - he just doesn't get the big picture of things. That's the really disappointing part of all this. When you decide to play a team sport, there's everybody else you have to take in consideration with decisions that you make, and right now he's not taking everybody else into consideration. It's all about him, how he's going to benefit, 'I don't wanna be here,' this, that, and that. You're in the wrong sport."

Question: Is it different if a player misses minicamp over a contractual situation than something like this?
Fletcher: "Yeah, it is. This is a situation that's really hasn't been...basically uncharted waters. Where a guy has gotten their money -- it's not about contract, this is about 'I don't fit the scheme.' Well, you don't know if you fit the scheme because you haven't been here, so until you come here and see if you fit the scheme...if they're gonna pay you what they're gonna pay you to be a 3-4 end or 3-4 nose tackle, come, be the best 3-4 end, 3-4 nose tackle that you can be, and at the end of the day we'll be happy with you."
why arent you ******** fans saying anything about why the ******** are changing defenses???

top 10 defense from last yr switching to a 3-4 ... why?

Haslett has coached a 4-3 for 10+ years... now hes gonna coach a 3-4

Mike Shanahan has coached in the league for how many yrs... and he was a 4-3 coach...


the Skins dont even have Huge MLBs to excell in a 3-4

wheres this NoseTackle thats supposed to anchor a 3-4?

why did they pay Albert 21 Million after Albert already said he wasnt gonna be around?
Shanahan got yall fooled.

sometimes people are so focused on what the media writes that no one focuses on the real issues

The NFL is the only place where fans root for the bosses over the employees
Originally Posted by PapaPrem

The Jets better start paying their players otherwise no players are gonna want to come here with management breaking promises and lowballing their players

The CBA is holding up the signing of Mangold and Revis is still under contract for 3 more years. I'm a huge Revis fan but 16-17million a year is suicide for a team that needs to sign their 'core' players. I have faith in the FO that something will get done, but many teams are shying away from contracts because of the lingering CBA issues.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

why did they pay Albert 21 Million after Albert already said he wasnt gonna be around?
Shanahan got yall fooled.

thats the funny thing about it. Nobody is talking about how from day when 1 with the deadskins Albert said if you change to a 3-4 you better trade me. and the deadskins told him when he signed they wouldnt change to a 3-4
Players even said Haynesworth quit on them last year when plays weren't being run to his strengths....dude wasn't even on the field half the time or in shape. That being said, we all know the talent he has. He's one of the best defensive players in the NFL when he's actually trying.

From what I understand, Haynesworth and Shanahan had a sit-down a few months back....Haynesworth was given a cut-off date to find a trade partner. If he didn't (and if he took the bonus money), he was expected to attend the mandatory team functions. Well, he took the money obviously

Even tho the skins have statistically had a top-10 defense in the 4-3 in years past, there were MAJOR holes. Something needed to be tweaked. Whether or not this change to 3-4 is going to make a difference, only time will tell. This team had reached their plateau in the 4-3, so I'm curious to see what exactly Haslett is going to do with the same talent in a different scheme. All I know is Orakpo is going to be put in a better position to make more plays. THAT is what I'm excited about....

Also, there wasn't any confirmation that Haynesworth was going to play strictly NT in the 3-4. He was going to be moved around a little bit to create mismatches....

he says he'll be there for training camp, so who knows? The fact that there weren't any serious trade talks involving AH should tell you something....yeah, he's got a big contract...but he's a damn headcase.
why arent you ******** fans saying anything about why the ******** are changing defenses???

top 10 defense from last yr switching to a 3-4 ... why?

As a current DC area resident I can say that I honestly appreciate this post Gunna.  Unfortunately you gotta realize that alot of the Skins fans, be it either here on the boards or here in town are just trained to follow orders from the ******** front office for some reason.  Over the years I've seen a few ******** fans smarten up and realize how people like Daniel Synder and a few others are gradually destroying the The Washington ******** brick by brick but you still have these die-hard loyal fans that don't see the chaos and destruction that the front office has done.  From outrageous game day parking prices to not allowing fans to bring signs into the stadium, it all leads to this sheep mentality that alot of Skins fans have, and it's rather sad.  Fans around here don't really hold the front office accountable for too much these days and they don't ask the right questions of them, that goes for the media as well.

Even tho the skins have statistically had a top-10 defense in the 4-3 in years past, there were MAJOR holes. Something needed to be tweaked
That would be the Secondary champ.
at any NFL exec giving a Verbal cut off date to find a trade or take this 21 million bonus and abide by what we say...

If any of you believe that %!#$%@%! then Shame on you!
basically, if youre an owner and your GM or coach agreed to that without putting it in writing, you as an owner would fire that guy. ASAP.

Didnt Shanahan claim not to be attempting to trade Albert?

do you think Tom Brady would be okay with running the spread option? same premise as moving to Fat Albert to 2 gap read & react Nose tackle.

they have not been upfront with Albert Haynesworth ever since he signed.

just notice everytime Haynesworth's name is mentioned in the media or on a headline, they attach 100 million to his name as if to sway some of the weaker minded individuals.
Gunna....Haynesworth was *****ing about playing in the 4-3 last year. I'm sorry, but I'm not about to make AH a sympathetic figure in all of this. Whatever the issues are it runs FAR deeper than the whole 4-3/3-4 scenario that's being painted. If he was serious about earning that $, he would have shown up last year in shape and ready to go. Skins are a dysfunctional organization, and Haynesworth is a headcase. These facts were known before both sides agreed to a contract. Both Haynesworth and the Skins deserve each other, and there shouldn't be ANY surprise at how things are starting to unfold. Skins shouldn't be shocked at Haynesworth *****ing...and Haynesworth shouldn't be surprised at the Skins being the Skins.
not makin him a sympathetic figure.

but he did not get along with the ******** from jump because he was told he could play one way and wasnt allowed to play the way he was promised he could play. and now the skins are trying to spin this in their favor with the media pulling the wool over peoples eyes. the only reason they are doing this is cus they are going to attempt to get some of his bonus money back

Check adam scheffter tweets, he has come out and said other gms and execs have hit him up telling him to bury albert and they hope the media sticks it to him. thats an agenda!
I dunno what was told to him, but all I can say is that he was upset about how he was being used in the 4-3 the skins were running. Who knows what promises were made to the guy in contract talks, but it should say something that he didn't even attempt to show up in shape before the %%+* hit the fan....there is equal blame to be placed all around....
Raider fans saying you want Albert - c'mon, do you even follow us? That type of move completely goes against everything we've been doing for the past 2-3 years in term of structure of the team + environment...AND we just got Lamarr Houston....c'mon now
[h1]Improved Heyward-Bey, McFadden have Raiders on the up and up[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td][td]�[/td][td]By Jason La Canfora��|��

[/td] [/tr][/table]
Unlock HQ Video HQ video delivered by Akamai

Would you believe it? I continue to hear good things about the progress of the Oakland Raiders.

In speaking with some people within the organization, there's been a lot of hype surrounding second-year receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey. He struggled mightily with his confidence last year as a rookie pretty much immediately, according to sources, and never got over that mental hurdle. New offensive coordinator Hue Jackson, who is earning rave reviews, "is pushing him to be great," according to a team source, and bringing out the best in him.


Heyward-Bey is an elite speedster, we know that much, but is erratic with his technique and drops too many easy passes. Earlier in the offseason those traits continued to stunt his development, but for several weeks now he's been hitting the Juggs gun before and after practice, and his concentration is improving. He made big plays in OTAs.

"If he stays on this track I really think he's going to do some exciting things," the team source said.

Less in the news has been the performance of another former first-round pick, running back Darren McFadden. He, too, is making an impression.

"He's very humble and is working his (backside) off," the source said. "He's finishing every run to the second level and doing extra work. It could be a breakout year."

And finally, I believe quarterback Jason Campbell will be a very competent quarterback for the Raiders this season, far and away better than anything they have seen at that position in a long time. Campbell was tossed from one system to the next in Washington and often asked to be something he wasn't; what he is, however, is an upright, dropback passer who should thrive in the vertical game.

That's Raiders football.

Unlock HQ Video HQ video delivered by Akamai Campbell was hampered by having so many coaches in his ear over the years, at times three or more on what were often bloated coaching staffs in Washington. Now he is back in a system that fits his skill set, and with just a single, daily voice dictating everything -- Jackson's. He's helping Campbell understand coverages and if players like Heyward-Bey and McFadden truly blossom, he should have ample targets (Louis Murphy is already a nice young receiver, and Chaz Schilens is back from injury).
[h1]Report: Jets could make Revis highest-paid DB in history[/h1]
As several key members of the New York Jets remain unsigned, the team appears ready to make cornerback Darrelle Revis the richest defensive back in NFL history with a contract offer worth over $100 million, sources tell Newsday.

Revis is due to make $1 million in the fourth year of his six-year rookie deal, but wants to be the league's highest-paid cornerback, surpassing the three-year, $45.3 million extension signed by Oakland's Nnamdi Asomugha last offseason. Newsday reports the Jets are willing to add six years to Revis' current deal, averaging around $12 million per season in addition to the $21 million he is already owed. New York has made Revis two offers, but he has rejected both.

Revis caused a stir by sitting out a few plays in Monday's first practice to show frustration at the pace of contract talks, but after a meeting with coach Rex Ryan on Wednesday, the two say they are ready to move on.

"It was a normal talk," Revis said after Wednesday's team practice at the New Meadowlands Stadium. "He just wanted to make sure I felt OK with everything that was going on and we could move on from here."

Ryan was clearly annoyed by the idea that Revis might have been fooling his coaches to make a point in his negotiations.

"We just wanted to see eye-to-eye and get on the same page," Revis said. "We got a little off the page. I skipped a couple chapters in the book. We talked and got back on the same page to understand each other in this whole situation."

In other contract news, center Nick Mangold is unhappy with the lack of progress in his talks. Newsday reports negotiations with tackle 'Brickashaw Ferguson appear to be progressing, but linebacker David Harris isn't expected to get a new deal until next year.

"We got a little off the page. I skipped a couple chapters in the book. We talked and got back on the same page to understand each other in this whole situation."

Tannenbaum doesn't strike me as dumb person... He'll find a way for this to not hurt the team from resigning the other guys that are looking for new contracts.

If 100M is what it takes and they're willing to pay it... Why not?

Revis doesn't strike me as a player who would mail it in after a big payday, so get the damn thing signed already...

Ignore the spoiler if you don't care about contract potential specifics or hate homerism

Spoiler [+]
I'm posting this as a reference to when contract details of Revis' actual new deal surfaces, and use it as a comparison.

This came from Jason423 (of on JetsInsider forum:

I guess I would look at a 7 year deal. Id guarantee Revis the first three years of the contract. He would receive a 21 million dollar signing bonus (basically the value the Jets owe him the next three years up front) along with the max allowable salary in 2010 (about 8.7M) to take advantage of the uncapped season. His salary would drop in 2011 to the maximum threshold (about 4.4M) and then rise each season by around 2.1M, which is the maximum allowed amount by the CBA. That would give him a salary of around 15.5M in 2016.

The deal would contain some type of signing bonus(discretionary, supercede, completion, etc...)in 2015 for about 15 million. Its money that essentially would void the contract and forcing a renegotiation. That is probably what Revis' side wants and also give the Jets the maximum cap flexibility. Revis' cap hits under this scenario would be 9.5M, 11.6M, 12.5M, 15M, and then two years in the mid 20s.

The real deal itself would be 5 years for 60.8 million for an average of 12M per year though the contract would read 7 years for 104.5M. Id think that would be fair enough for both sides.
If the deal Revis actually signs is somewhere along these lines I don't see how Mike T. isn't at least in consideration for Executive of the Year.
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Revis is not worth $16 million a year. 1 stand out season and He wants to be paid like Nnamdi? Boy stop

Could have at least said 7 million
that comes from jets fans and the league sayin hes the best corner in the L
The best though?

DELUSIONAL He is if He thinks He's worth near 20 million.


Yikes, Jets fans are NOT gonna like that

You can't talk like that about RevisChrist their savior

Revis Christ
. I pray that ends this season. It was getting ridiculous.

Nnamdi doesn't even deserve Nnamdi money

I know but at least He has put in solid/top notch shut down corner work for more than 1 season. I wish the Bengals had them week 1. Put all this Revis Christ mess to rest. Dude had A good YEAR.

Revis is a good Corner but take the 7-10 mil a year and shut up
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Both Haynesworth and the Skins deserve each other, and there shouldn't be ANY surprise at how things are starting to unfold. Skins shouldn't be shocked at Haynesworth *****ing...and Haynesworth shouldn't be surprised at the Skins being the Skins.

I see my boy DoubleJs07 is finally starting to see the light.  What a GREAT day this is!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

The NFL is the only place where fans root for the bosses over the employees

(Did that to piss ya off since I know how much you hate the man lol)
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