Official 10' NFL Offseason Thread: CIN sign T.O. 1yr/2m

Panthers are making nooooo moves this offseason...but thats nothing new.

Is John Fox seriously going to go into the season with Matt Moore the starting QB.

this @%@@@%* team needs to win time to rebuild or whatever they doing.

please go after Jason Campbell or Marc Bugler. Its not fair to Smitty or that Backfield.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Panthers are making nooooo moves this offseason...but thats nothing new.

Is John Fox seriously going to go into the season with Matt Moore the starting QB.

this @%@@@%* team needs to win time to rebuild or whatever they doing.

please go after Jason Campbell or Marc Bugler. Its not fair to Smitty or that Backfield.
John Clayton said on NFL Live yesterday that Campbell wants to go there and it's up to Carolina if they want to and what they offer.

I was also reading some Panthers Forum and alot of people prefer Matt More over Campbell
Trust me doggie

im far N. Carolina, Im not the type to use the race card, but most of those people screaming that are hicktown rednecks...

shidd I've even heard people argue that they'd rather have Matt over Vick and McNabb...
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Vernon has no future with the Jets. Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane, still can't grasp being an OLB and he can't be a DE in our system. I still think he has a chance with another team where he can play DE, but in terms of a Jets future, he has none.
you're absolutely right vernons a 4-3 de  
I am not a professional scout or anything but I watch a lot of football and I think I have a decent understand of things but how could ANYONE watch Vernon Gholston move in space and think he would play standing up? He would play like Jane no matter WHERE he lines up because that is who he is but there is no way I would have drafted him and put him in a 3-4 giving him no shot to succeed. And this aint hindsight anyone can look back on my posts and see I said this from day 1.

Disclaimer: I was wrong on Brian Orakpo but he will be EVEN BETTER in the 3-4 the skins will run now
it's more the owner, Jerry Richardson, not wanting to take on more high priced contracts than Fox not wanting guys there

He's cleaning house with expensive contracts.

Funny thing is, he's one of the guy's spearheading the owner's lockout this year, yet he was one of the driving forces in getting the players CBA approved in the first place.

And I may be alone in this on this board, but I want to see Moore get a shot at starting a full season.
Originally Posted by Put em up

im far N. Carolina, Im not the type to use the race card, but most of those people screaming that are hicktown rednecks...

shidd I've even heard people argue that they'd rather have Matt over Vick and McNabb...
Yeah that's a damn shame, I would have thought Panthers were smart and would have tried to get Vick the moment he expressed interest...

EDIT : Fizzy makes a good point about the Panthers owner...

Keep it real with me man, I know DMV people are talking superbowl this year, now that McNabb is there.

People who are extremely positive, yeah...alot of work has to be done though to even have a shot at the playoffs though...until then just gotta


I mean one of these years, things HAVE to fall in place to get Lombardi # 4 right?!
come on gift, let them know the truth ... people around here are DUMB HYPE about this over the hill bum ... people talkin about being favorites in the NFC East ... talkin about if they add okung in the draft and hit on one of their 3 remaining picks at whatever position it may be, they are easily up there with the vikings and saints ... talkin like the playoffs are a given, the only question is how far they can go ...

i'll admit, the skins have had the best offseason of any team in the NFC ... but they always do ...
Trust me, seen the script a million times and I know the likely end...but what can I say, it's an optimistic/faithful fanbase coming off a terrible season and this time competent football people are running the show...there's no other choice as a fan of the team, but to hope for the absolute best
I HATE/LOVE how everyone always overlooks my Giants. I like flying under the radar yet it's terrible when everyone thinks we will end up at the bottom of the divison.
Originally Posted by TheGift23

Trust me, seen the script a million times and I know the likely end...but what can I say, it's an optimistic/faithful fanbase coming off a terrible season and this time competent football people are running the show...there's no other choice as a fan of the team, but to hope for the absolute best

Yea, but I mean every time a new regime comes in and new players arrive, it always feels EXACTLY the same. Like yea we got Shanahan now, but it's still the ******** and for that reason I feel like there will always be a bunch of little things holding us back from actually being a good team.
Just look at last year's game against the Saints, who else loses a game in that fashion
%$$! like that, I mean, it just feels like we are always destined to fail. The only time I didn't feel like that was during Gibbs II in 05, towards the end of the year I thought we were one of the better teams in the league and were executing our %+@%! off.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Shanahan though. I think we will be in the 7-9/9-7 range next year. The thing about Shanahan that I like historically is that his teams rarely go through "rebuilding" years. They might not be great, but they are at least competitive even while they are reloading.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by TheGift23

Trust me, seen the script a million times and I know the likely end...but what can I say, it's an optimistic/faithful fanbase coming off a terrible season and this time competent football people are running the show...there's no other choice as a fan of the team, but to hope for the absolute best

Yea, but I mean every time a new regime comes in and new players arrive, it always feels EXACTLY the same. Like yea we got Shanahan now, but it's still the ******** and for that reason I feel like there will always be a bunch of little things holding us back from actually being a good team.
Just look at last year's game against the Saints, who else loses a game in that fashion
%$$! like that, I mean, it just feels like we are always destined to fail. The only time I didn't feel like that was during Gibbs II in 05, towards the end of the year I thought we were one of the better teams in the league and were executing our %+@%! off.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Shanahan though. I think we will be in the 7-9/9-7 range next year. The thing about Shanahan that I like historically is that his teams rarely go through "rebuilding" years. They might not be great, but they are at least competitive even while they are reloading.

i also want to thank the ******** for doing all this wheeling and dealing, cuz there is no way in hell jerry jones sits and watches this !@*$ happen without making some type of splash ... im thinkin hes gonna try to trade up and fill our safety needs with EB or ET ... maybe go the b marsh route ... no way in hell he continues to do nothing ...
5am, oh believe me I'm really sure alot of us feel that way...I'm just trying to explain to these guys who aren't fans and don't understand why a select group of fans are still managing, at this point, to get really excited/thinking big things going into a season for the team.

Damnitzdom, curious why do you feel people sleep on the Giants? Many of us know how consistant the Giants have been from the beginning of the decade and I don't know of ANYONE respectable who thinks the Giants are going to be at the bottom this year...   
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

I HATE/LOVE how everyone always overlooks my Giants. I like flying under the radar yet it's terrible when everyone thinks we will end up at the bottom of the divison.

I like being overlooked. We're coming back strong this year. I have faith in Perry
I live in the DMV and I haven't heard one ******* fan say Superbowl.

come on gift, let them know the truth ... people around here are DUMB HYPE about this over the hill bum ... people talkin about being favorites in the NFC East ... talkin about if they add okung in the draft and hit on one of their 3 remaining picks at whatever position it may be, they are easily up there with the vikings and saints ... talkin like the playoffs are a given, the only question is how far they can go ...

Keep it real with me man, I know DMV people are talking superbowl this year, now that McNabb is there.

Double negative
I know cats is talking wild in DC bc they talking crazy down here.

1. Oldest avg age backfield.
2. Suspect O.line
3. Non producing WR core except Moss of course.
4. Overpaid Secondary.
5. Finally got a respectable QB.

I really don't understand how Hog fans still talk playoff and superbowl ever year. Half my family Skins/ me I hear it every year.
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