**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

2011-02-23 12:47:16DraftExpress: As an isolation scorer, Jimmer Fredette ranks 19th in NCAA (min 50 poss). Top 3: Reggie Jackson, Andrew Goudelock, Charles Jenkins
From DraftExpress.com http://www.draftexpress.com/profile/Charles-Jenkins-6189/#ixzz1MdI72t2u

6 3' 220 PG from Queens Averaged 23 and 5 last season don't know too much about him but it looks like he had a great 4 year career statistically at Hoftra and has size at the PG position.

id rather take Darius Morris. Reminds me of a poor mans Mark Jackson. Plus hes ran the pick and roll like a beast all year at UMich. Mark was picked at #17 also btw... just saying

my ideal situation is Minnesota winning the lotto tonight and taking Kyre at 1 thus allowing us to trade for Rubio and handle our PG issues. Than proceed to take Faried or that big Congo center at 17

besides that if we just take 17 with no trades this is the order of who i like (that should be available)

1. Faried (yes hes undersized but we need a player that does EXACTLY what he does to play alongside Amare, he would come in right away and be a rebounding machine)
2. Morris
3. Congo (raw as ##$+ but if he can pan out hed be a perfect center for us with his athleticism/ shot blocking. we dont need a scoring center)
4. Singleton (yes i know were good at the 3/4 obviously but he is a defensive BEAST)
5. Tyler Honeycutt
6. Tobias Harris (yes i know a 3/4 again but his upside is better than 90% of this draft at only 18 years old and hes a NYer)
7. Josh Selby
8. Shelvin Mack
9. Norris Cole
10. Jenkins
11. Jeremy Tyler (i still wouldnt count him out)

idk thats just me though. No one else really intrigues me whatsoever unless we trade up or some other player falls
Someone is gonna drop they always do , if it's Bismack which it most likely won't be we better pick him

Also the lottery is fixed and that kid is annoying as hell
Kenneth Faried, Reggie Jackson and Tristan Thompson are the only people I been keeping an eye on at this point. BPA wouldn't upset me either though.
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Someone is gonna drop they always do , if it's Bismack which it most likely won't be we better pick him
Don't get me wrong, if through some miracle he does drop... and we don't pick him, I'll throw my laptop through my TV screen.
Kid is going to be a monster.
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Kenneth Faried, Reggie Jackson and Tristan Thompson are the only people I been keeping an eye on at this point. BPA wouldn't upset me either though.
I like the idea of any of those 3. Reggie's still a little to sided towards a scoring PG for my taste, but I wouldn't disapprove.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Someone is gonna drop they always do , if it's Bismack which it most likely won't be we better pick him
Don't get me wrong, if through some miracle he does drop... and we don't pick him, I'll throw my laptop through my TV screen.
Kid is going to be a monster.

Word , I tossed things when we picked Jordan Hill over Jennings I can't imagine how pissed I would be if we passed on Biyombo if he's on the board.

I think we should try to deal Turiaf for Sessions if we do draft a Big
time to move on from even discussing that kid unless the Knicks have plans to trade into the top 6 or 8.
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

Someone is gonna drop they always do , if it's Bismack which it most likely won't be we better pick him
Don't get me wrong, if through some miracle he does drop... and we don't pick him, I'll throw my laptop through my TV screen.
Kid is going to be a monster.

Word , I tossed things when we picked Jordan Hill over Jennings I can't imagine how pissed I would be if we passed on Biyombo if he's on the board.

I think we should try to deal Turiaf for Sessions if we do draft a Big
THIS. Especially if Cle goes for Kyrie (which doesn't make that much sense to me if they do). Wouldn't be surprised if Dan didn't want to be scorned by another black guy and draft Jimmer

Mentioned earlier this season that I like how Sessions would fit here. Throw in TD too. He may not like being the back up to Baron but he'd have to swallow his pride backing up CP3 cuz he should start over Billups. Which might be the harsh truth for that banged up vet.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

This is true but if you're Dwight would you really want to go there after they gave up your front court help & future pg?  Are you really in a position even equal to the one you left?  Can't see him agreeing to that deal... But that's just me tho.
Why? He still wants to be the #1 guy, he is clear cut that in ATL.  And they might not necessarily have to give up Smith as well.  IF they did they would prolly still have some cap room left to go out and grab a point guard or something.  Plus he is from ATL.

As much as Joakim is my dude, I don't think he is really worth that much on a team that isn't good.  IF you have good pieces, he is exceptional but if you got bums, he really isn't going to make you much better.

I agree... He's like the ultimate complimentary piece.

If they're able to keep Josh, JJ, Mally & Kirk then yea that's definitely a helluva situation considering that JJ is probably the 3rd best 2nd option to Wade & Pau... That could be extremely disgusting

You both know your right, I have not ever been keen to the idea of trading Noah though.
Atlanta would Prob be giving up Horford, Teague, and picks. That is a better deal, because Horford is an elite PF waiting to happen.
I like Brandon Bass, but I aint taking him back in a Joakim Noah trade.
If you trade Noah and Gibson you lose everything that made this team unique defensively.
With Noah and Howard that is an unbelieveable defence. With just Howard they are still good but not as good.
Boozer and Noah are too much to give up imo + we would have to take back a craptastic contract to make it work.
No matter what the plausable deal the Bulls comeup with they can make Orlando somewhat satisfied, but the dream isnt worth the problems if its Noah and either Boozer or Gibson.
Soon as/ if Orlando insists on Noah any balls Forman and Paxton have are gone. And all Bulls fans know it too

Im not sure they arent right though and thats the problem.
as for Atlanta
Johnson 16+ a year
Smith 13+ a year
Kirk at MLE type number
Mall at what 7-8 a year?
then Howard?
With that Bench? It still doesnt work long term.
Thats the only reason Atlanta cant make that deal, cause Dwight wouldnt approve.
Bosh is the best piece that could be put into the deal, but other than that there is no one Orlando might want outside of Mike Miller.
I still think that if the trade is between
 ATL: Teague, Horford picks
CHI : Boozer, Gibson, Picks
Dallas: still dont know what they would offer to match these deals
LAL Bynum, Odom and a pick or 2
NYK: Stat and whatever else
MIA: Bosh and whatever else
The Choice has to be Chicago unless someone pulls of a 3 team deal.
Boozer and Gibson presents the best shot to win w/o
Drama (miami)
Open cap issues (atlanta)
Age ( LAL, with a core of Jamal,Kirk, Johnson ATL is included imo and Dallas.)
Injuries: Boozer gets hurt but its nothing Chronic like STAT, Bynum with their Knee issues.
But we will have to wait and see, cause I still dont know what the cap will look like,  and what Dwight actually wants.

I'd mess w/ Selby, kid is a 1000x better than what he showed at Kansas this year.  There's been recent success with guys who were top players in their class or at were once considered and then fell off a little (Jrue, Tyreke, OJ, Jennings).  He was just never healthy this year and never even got acclimated to a team that revolved around guys who were legitmate NBA players.

My list of guys I'd like to have (no order):
Josh Selby
Marshon Brooks (He is a 1000x the Scorer Landry is and we need an offensive spark off the bench)
Tristan Thompson
Chris Singleton (The guy I really want, becomes a lockdown defender for us who does all the dirty work)
Tobias Harris (Not ready to contribute at all but a guy with good potential down the line, plus Long Island native)
Kenny Faried
This dude Marshon Brooks has a 7 2' wingspan at SG

He's already better than Landry minus the fact he can score his $%# off
On Selby..

How does he, Melo and Amare work?

Different team structure, I'd say okay..could be worth it, roll the dice. On this team with those 2? just can't work. Things got real stagnant offensively once Melo came on board, throwing in a shooting PG only complicates things further, IMO.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

On Selby..

How does he, Melo and Amare work?

Different team structure, I'd say okay..could be worth it, roll the dice. On this team with those 2? just can't work. Things got real stagnant offensively once Melo came on board, throwing in a shooting PG only complicates things further, IMO.
He wouldn't play at all this year though with Chauncey and Toney still ahead of him though and he is an asset if he is there for a trade down the line for a trade in a draft with few guys with real potential.  And although he didn't exactly live up to standards at KU, he was hardly a chucking PG, was pretty balanced.
he hardly got to play PG, though..and that's my concern if you can't push Tyshawn off the ball.

IDK..I just think I'd rather get a big man that can step in and play a role right away. We nee a guard, but I think pairing someone next to Amare that can rebound and defend is a bigger need right now.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

On Selby..

How does he, Melo and Amare work?

Different team structure, I'd say okay..could be worth it, roll the dice. On this team with those 2? just can't work. Things got real stagnant offensively once Melo came on board, throwing in a shooting PG only complicates things further, IMO.

I agree. thats why if we go with a PG my choice is Darius Morris. He is probably the purest PG in this draft after Kryie and could potentially develop into a nice floor general considering he is only a sophomore and we have the pieces to put around him. Plus he strives in the pick and roll as well. If we dont select Morris i think id rather just take a big man with Faried being my ideal selection. (assuming Jimmer and Bismark are both off the boards as they probably will be)... also wouldnt sleep on Chris Singleton at all.
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