**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

i like our picks. i thought we did a solid job. especially with getting harrellson in the second round.

although i do feel like we still need more big men and someone else who can drop buckets off the bench. i'm sure those things will be addressed in FA






One thing that's intriguing about him, not only is he athletic, he's also extremely strong for a guard. He benched 18 reps. Compare that to 5 reps for DeRozan, 9 Reps for Wade, and 4 reps for Iguadala. There's no question he's got fantastic physical tools. If he can become a solid shooter, he has great potential.
So Jorts is pretty much like David Lee except he can rebound, block shots & finish around the basket?

What's it with Knicks fans wanting to trade rookies their first season and sophomore season? Let Fields pan out. Keeping him, letting Shumpert develop & possibly keeping Douglas is only going to strengthen our defense.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Is anyone else disappointed that we didn't draft Morshan Brooks? Shuepert sounds nice and all, but Brooks is a scorer and we should've drafted him.
Not that disappointed although I wanted him but I'm extra salty he's on the Nets.
Let's get this lockout settled & have our training camp get into place. Missing basketball already
Iman Shumpert is on Mike Francesa right now

EDIT: Thoughts on Shumpert
-He's a city kid who's from Chicago. So, he will fit right in with the NYC life.
-This kids seems to be all about defense.
-At 6'6" he says he's most comfortable playing the PG position. If he's half-decent this can be a MAJOR plus for us.
-His shooting seems to be a really BIG concern not only for the media, but you can tell he knows himself that his shooting is an issue.
-Dude is VERY strong for someone his size. If he's the real deal and pans out the way we want him to--He can guard Dwayne Wade.
-He seems like a quiet kid. Which is a good thing. He's willing to come in and do "whatever the team asks"(Shumpert) him to do.

I just hope we get to see what this kid is all about in the basketball court. Stupid CBA lockout
thenyknicks 10 mins 53 secs ago
Coach officially welcoming Iman Shumpert to the Knicks.

thenyknicks 8 mins 28 secs ago
"I play point guard, shooting guard, I'm a basketball player. Whatever they need me to do I'll do."- Shumpert

thenyknicks 6 mins 3 secs ago
"I developed a pride to not let people score on me."- Shumpert

thenyknicks NBA New York Knicks
"I wanted NY to pick me. I wanted to come here. The coach, the city, history and players, the opportunity doesn't come every day." - Iman

thenyknicks NBA New York Knicks
"Iman's ability lines up with what we want to do and are trying to do." - Coach D'Antoni

"Iman's workout was one of the best we've ever had here. From day one we were pretty sold on him."- Coach D'Antoni
Iman Shumpert Live Chat
Friday June 24, 2011

NYK: Hey it's Iman. I appreciate all the welcomes to New York City. I'm going to do my best to work hard every day and bring a championship to New York.

Comment From ghaffar.mahmood
What can you bring to the table of an already talented knicks team?

NYK: A defensive mindset at the guard position. Also i think I bring a lot of athleticism.
Comment From bibbin.george1
What are your thoughts on playing in Mike D'antoni's system?

NYK: I love him as a coach! I've been watching him since I was in high school just watching and seeing that he's got that big basketball mind. He's someone I want to learn so much from. Every time I have a conversation with him I want to learn as much as I can. I'm just bring a sponge.
Comment From john.soohoo
how does it feel knowing that your going to pass the ball to the likes of Melo and STAT

NYK: Oh that's gonna make my decision making a lot easier! They take a lot of pressure off you offensively. I can play free knowing I can play off those guys. I will get a ton of open shots. Now I got to knock them down!

Comment From harlemdakid.daytwon.telfair
welcome to the new york knicks

NYK: Thanks! Can't wait for the season to start!

Comment From ghaffar.mahmood
The team needs help defensively. How are you as a defensive player and what can you do to become better defensively?

NYK: I think I am a good on the ball defender as well as playing passing lanes. What I have to get better at is not taking so many chances. It had a lot to do with us losing this year. I took a lot of gambling to take intiative to get a win. I have to tone down the gambling and continue playing solid defense.

Comment From daniel.rovin
What excites you the most about playing in NYC and with this Knicks team?

NYK: With this Knicks team what excites me the most is to play with Chauncey Billups, someone I have idolized for a long time. Most about the city is I know Knicks fans are die hard. I grew up a Bulls fan, and for the Knicks to now have me, everyone in my camp is a Knicks fan. I wore orange and blue in high school, so I have no problem wearing it now!

Comment From
Ahhhh!! I knew harrellson was the way to Go, and yes he will be starting at centerI wanted Brooks also but Iman thug willWork out fine now all we need is to getEverybody together hope the CBA go smooth
i know its just words and highlights im going on but i like his attitude and think he'll be a good fit. he fills a position need at SG, and a need as far as defensive personnel. plus he helps in the grand scheme of matching up with the bulls and heat. also i know im getting ahead of myself but if we assemble a big 3 then he wont play the same position as any of the 3 players cuz we're not landing any marquee SG.ans theres no denying his work ethic if he's repping 18 times on the bench. he clearly is a willing worker. hopefully our staff channels his work ethic into developing skills and a jumper so he can at least hit the corner 3s like shawne williams in his first season.
Future Lineup


What do you guys think? Championship contenders?

im thinking
I think the Knicks are underrated winners of this draft. They got Iman Shumpert who is the 3rd best perimeter defender after Leonard and Singleton and he is a specialist and actually wants to play D.

Also they got Harrellson a big body at 275 who can give you good minutes off the bench with his hustle and has a won't back down attitude.

If they got a stretch 4 who can shoot it from 3 like Justin Harper or Chandler Parsons things would be looking great, but I think they did a good job.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

what's good with jerome jordan?
from last I heard he looks good and is ALOT better than when we drafted him, europe did him good. I fully expect him to be our starting C (knowing turiaf is gonna be injury prone). As far as Jorts, doubt he gets any playing time over turiaf/jeffries
Originally Posted by Mock
The more video on watch on him, the happier I am that we drafted him... it seems pretty consistent that he is the top athletic wise in the draft, if it's defense we want, it's defense we got!
I'd be shocked if Harrelson gets playing time. Don't be surprised if Pringles wants Jeffries back.
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Honestly it doesn't really matter what he meant. Yall getting on him cuz he wanted a friend to be drafted and that he ranks Selby's value rather highly. Like he can't be mad the Knicks didn't draft him or that his boy's stock dropped a great deal.

Acting like he said or did anything reckless.
  No...  he can't be mad about that.  That is 'reckless'.  It's unprofessional, especially for a guy who is supposed to be a team leader and welcoming young guys to the franchise.  How could that possibly not be an inappropriate way to act??
No it's not. or maybe you don't know what reckless means. You guys are just too sensitive. If anything what Melo did was something to laugh at not criticize. Exactly how are you seriously looking at tweets and then got the nerve to call somebody unprofessional? What tweet was unprofessional? He can't be mad his boy was getting passed up like crazy? A player I'd assume he personally believes in skill and talent wise? A friend? %!%$ outta here with that nonsense.

You acting like he was complaining and acting reckless on television. This is yet another problem with social networking. Dudes want to extrapolate from the littlest things to make it bigger than it is.
After reading some stuff in this thread. I'm impressed with Iman. Knicks always pulling some suprise pick.. I think this one will work out. The Bronx in me is still mad we didn't get Kemba lol.
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