**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

^^^i'd agree with everything you said except for the fact i've had to watch this @%$@@@@ coach for the last 2 years and try to make sense as to why i should still have faith that even with the right players, we'd still do @*$+. amar'e is right, and i really hope his honestly doesn't land him in trouble, cause we all know how much dolan hates hearing the truth.
i know i'm going back and forth on this whole dolan/d'antoni where should the blame lie but %$%! d'antoni, still. he might know more and have more experience, but @*$+ i think anyone who watches the knocks on a nightly basis can see the total lack of attention paid on the defensive end. even tonight, before the game, i taped the pregame and watched it, Tina C asks dantoni "what went wrong in the Minny game what needs to change?" his answer: "our spacing, gotta help amar'e more"...@$%$+%# IDIOT YOU EVER HEAR OF DEFENSE, EVERRRRR??????????

mike d is an offensive coordinator, plain and simple. yea he's an NBA coach, but how many team do you see switch EVERY pick on defense. ok yea we don't help ourselves out, but @*$+..isn't the coaching staff supposed to put the players in the best position to win? so switching every pick, creating a mismatch on EVERY @$%$+%# possession just cause the other team knows we switch everything so they just run simple CYO cross screens to create these mismatches..is goddamn %!%+*%%$%!$$+ elementary and not putting our players in the best position to succeed on the defensive end. so %$%! you mike d

i said before the year i'd give the TEAM 25 games, and I will stick to that, but I can't @$%$+%# help but to get tight as a @%#@$*%#@+%@ when i see that our coaching staff isn't putting the players in situations to thrive, and getting pounded like we some brokeback #%%*%* just cause our coaching staff just simply fails to acknowledge certain defensive principles is a @$%$+%# joke. @*$+ teams wouldn't need coaches if everyone coached like dantoni, he's a "players coach" GOOD! so im glad your team enjoys jacking up shots with 20 on the shotclock down 15, im glad you don't preach defense, and even when you're asked something about the defensive end, you reply that we need to clean it up offensively. congrats mike d, you @$%$+%# suck, @*$+ i'm so @$%$+%# tight right now at this dude
why why why
dubA u totally right, no one that's grown up on the knicks in the late 80s into the 90s gives 2 !!!+@ about run and gun. let's see this team just put the clamps on teams down the stretch, GET STOPS and hold em to 1 shot, how refreshing would that be, and i wouldn't even call that changing our "style" how about we need a philosophical change

and to homie who said this is all moot if we get Melo,
I'd like to wish, but with this dude's system the only thing that is gonna help is to get Melo and CP3, clearly the coaching staff isn't changing the culture of the team, the players gotta, Amar'e is a good start cause the certainly talks it but he can't act on his words on his own, he needs help. we've been in this mode for years so as much as I love Wil, he's got a certain style of basketball imprinted in his head, it's obvious. There needs to be a coaching change or just a complete overhaul of the roster where we bring in players that WE KNOW will make the commitment and make sure they can do everything they can to change the culture of this team.

Mike D is a cancer, to this league, to offensive strategy, to defensive scheming, to everything right now.
I just got back from the game I was a LOT happier after the game than before. The reason behind that is because I got to meet the players and Donnie/D'Antoni and Walt Clyde!!!!!! I'll post pics later!!!

We def could've won this game if we hadn't tried to shoot our way back into it. We never tried to get the ball into the paint and seemed discouraged to play physical. Peopel started to boo in the 3rd quarter and a lot of people left the game around the sametime. It was really bad =/

Anyways, on to the pics. I sat in section 413. I got to see everything and it wasn't so bad.








So, before meeting Clyde again I got to meet some players. Met Amare, Wilson Chandler, Felton, Gallo, Tony Douglas, Turiaf, Fields and Rautins, Herb Williams, Donnie Walsh/D'Antoni. I got to really talk to Amare the most. I told him how we really need him to bring in Melo to the Knicks. He said he agrees lol. Donnie said the samething lol. I got to talk to Walt and he said they'll know what's up by next week when we go out to Denver.

My boy who works as an intern told me that there's this rumor floating around that we're talking to Indiana to work a trade to get Melo. It involves us giving up Gallo and Curry and some others for Granger and a first round. We use them and ship them off to Denver for Melo. That's just the base, he said theres more to it.

I couldn't get any pics with the players because I didn't want to bug them and seem like a groupie
the only, ONLY thing i'll give to d'antoni is he works for this !+#@%%% idiot dolan...this dude is a !+#@%%% moron thats why I pray, that Melo can change things with this man. Do I think it will if we happen to get him, no, but still, i can never, and never will give up on this team. yea we got problems defensively, roster wise, coaching wise, but it's just such a helpless feeling when you know the root of the problems can't get fixed cause the real problem...the owner...FML
I cant imagine Mike D allowing Gallo to be traded. And i doubt that kind of scenario would ever happen TBH.

Glad i stopped watching after the first quarter.
^^^is this what life has come to???...
I hear on a forum that a fellow Knicks fan talked to some players, there's a rumor floating...that I got off NT....and for some reason my spirits just SLIGHTLY SLIGHTLY lifted from how I felt before you posted......
I felt the same way bro. I was HEATED during the game. So upset that I started getting this horrible headache. I mean, i can't say what my boy said was true, because there is a possibility of it not happening, but he was the same person who told me about the Jordan Hill and Tmac trades. I was going to ask Donnie if it was true, but that could've gotten my boy in trouble

Oh, and he told me that Melo would have to be ******ed to go to the Nets. Prokorov is a douche (according to people in the league) and they have NO ONE on their roster. Favors isn't looking THAT good and Lopez is all they really have. He also said he'd rather Melo sign with us during the offseason than trade for him, because we'd have to give up a lot. He also said that people in the league are saying that Denver will trade him by the deadline; Melo is forcing Denver's hand and REALLY wants to come to NY.

From what it looks like--Denver likes Fields and Chandler, but we'd also have to give up Gallo and Curry somehow. They want the expiring and unload JR as well. He said we have the player's they want, it's just that we don't have a first-round pick and that's the deal breaker right now. If we had one, we could've had Melo weeks before the season began.

I hate trade rumors as much as most Knick fans, especially when it involves Melo but it's hard to not listen when people working with the Knicks/NBA is talking about it too.
Originally Posted by DubA169

its so frustrating watching guys like Fields and Gallo not getting the ball but Felton has to freakin force feed the ball to Amare in the high post every freaking possession. Felton misses Fields on a cut at least 3 times a game. Gallo has to clap and yell for the ball atleast 5 times a game. 

Go look at the box scores and Fields and Gallo were our best players the last two games by a margin but one of them doesn't even play in the 4th Q and the other can't have any plays ran for him. I mean people get on Gallo for jacking 3's but he only took 1 today and last couple of games he's been attacking the rim and drawing fouls relentlessly.

Theres a post on RealGM talking about how the offense should feature Gallo as "Option 1" i disagree but its a good idea to do when Amare's not on the court.

What a great offensive genius we have in our Coach. Can't get the hottest players on the court the ball and lets not even talk about defense. I mean +!% was he doing starting Amare at the 5 after halftime. That %#++ is not going to work. Chandler is no Marion but this idiot obviously does not realize this.
+1000000000. Couldnt have said it better myself.
I was too tight I didn't even see that passing thru the last 2 pages. way to tight but if i were calm and collected, this were school and i was asked why the Knicks suck that is exactly what i'd say
couldn't be more correct

option 1 is to jack up the first open shot unless Felton decides to dribble away the first 10 seconds trying to set up the PNR w STAT, failing, then giving him the ball 20 feet from where he was originally trying to post up, basically the college 3 point line. i know i really haven't seen a lot of felton in the L, I'm a huge heels fan so I saw him in college, he did his thing but UNC is UNC but back to the point, i really haven't seen a lot of ray in the L but thus far i can honestly honestly say that when he's going bad, he's worse than duhon, and it's not even close. there have been points this season where you can just see from when he gets the ball after a made basket or off a miss he starts to dribble w a certain swag, and I loved this at UNC cause it meant I'm going to the rack and no ones stopping me at UNC but here it seems more like now I'm gonna be a human grenade, unless the shotclock runs out on me
Imma hate you for giving me more hope. Actually I'm just gonna not believe it and say you only took a pic with Clyde and save myself the grief.
he's banned for 1 month. httb, he took a shot at you

From: JohnnyRedStorm.niketalk
Sent:November 14, 2010, 3:34 pm

they got me living across the street from httb's retirement center for the next month. smh. 
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Imma hate you for giving me more hope. Actually I'm just gonna not believe it and say you only took a pic with Clyde and save myself the grief.

its sad how good that Melo talk sounds right about now... but this is just unacceptable.. we need God.

Amar'e Wants Knicks To 'Grow Up' And Play With Urgency

Amar'e Stoudemire isn't accustomed to what happened at Madison Square Garden on Sunday night.

The Knicks were trailing by 18 points against the Rockets and fans started to boo the home team, headed for their fifth straight loss.

"It's definitely something that I'm not accustomed to. It's not fun," Stoudemire said. "We're a young team and we make mistakes but we can't keep doing the exact same thing every night. We just gotta find a way to grow up."

Stoudemire had 25 points and eight rebounds, but New York was outscored 14-4 in the opening minutes of the fourth quarter.

"I don't understand why we're not playing with the urgency. I'm not used to that," he said. "We're not playing like we're on a four-game losing streak, now five. We don't have that sense of urgency. It's almost as if it doesn't matter and it's not something I'm used to."

Good leadership out of Amare.

But this system sucks without an all star PG.

Being up by 18 and jacking 3's is backwards.
Originally Posted by XVIIIAirJordan

I give it until the 25th game before Amar'e starts to gived up and throw in the towel!
It seems as if it's gonna be way before that.

Spoiler [+]
Amar'e Stoudemire fired his sneaker against a water cooler in a fit ofrage Sunday night. The Knicks' $100 million man then sat motionless,ice packs on both knees and a look of disgust on his face.

Stoudemire, coincidentally enough, is using the locker stall that oncebelonged to Patrick Ewing, and there were many times when Ewing feltthe same physical and emotional pain. The one difference, of course, isthat Ewing experienced these moments in May and June. Not inmid-Nov.ember.

The wheels are starting to come off the Knicks' season and Stoudemireis livid over what he sees. Following the Knicks' lethargic effort in a104-96 loss to the Houston Rockets, Stoudemire questioned the attitudeand heart of his teammates and wonders if the losing mentality at theGarden is to blame.

"This is something that is a foreign land for me," Stoudemire said. "Wehave to figure out how to stay together and see if we can turn thisaround."

The Knicks lost their fifth straight game and are 3-7 heading intotheir West Coast trip that begins Tuesday in Denver. And yes, CarmeloAnthony will be there - but he'll be playing with the Nuggets.

Stoudemire will need the help of his current teammates, who he believesdon't have the right mind-set when they take the court, especiallyafter failing to play with any fire 48 hours after an embarrassing lossat Minnesota in which the Knicks blew a 21-point, third-quarter lead.

"I don't understand why we're not playing with the urgency," Stoudemiresaid. "I'm not used to it. We're not playing like we're on a four-gamelosing streak, now five. It's almost as if it doesn't matter. It's notsomething that I'm used to.

"I can't keep saying the exact same things. I keep saying it but we're not having (a) reaction."

Stoudemire suggested that maybe he's talking "too much," since his message is apparently falling on deaf ears.

"Maybe it's the fact that the winning mentality has never been here,"he said of a franchise that has suffered nine straight losing seasons."I'm used to winning. Used to talking about winning. We just can't haveguys complacent and comfortable with losing. I keep saying that."

The Knicks are 1-4 at home and despite an announced sellout there wereseveral thousand empty seats. Garden chairman James Dolan was in hisusual baseline seat and he sat stone-faced as the Knicks were fallingbehind by 19 in the fourth quarter to a Houston team playing withoutYao Ming and starting point guard Aaron Brooks.

Midway through the final period, some fans booed while others headedfor the exits. A fan seated near the Knicks bench yelled at Dolan tobring back Jeff Van Gundy. These are not the sights and sounds Dolanwas expecting to see and hear this season with the addition ofStoudemire.

Nor does Dolan want to see Stoudemire, who has a history of kneeproblems, grimacing as much as he did in the second half. Afterward,Stoudemire revealed that he had suffered a bruised right thigh courtesyof getting kneed twice by Luis Scola, whose assortment of crafty spinmoves under the basket are reminiscent of another favorite formerKnick, Larry Johnson.

Scola scored 12 of his 24 points in the second half while Stoudemire,whose only field goal of the fourth quarter came with 21.5 secondsleft, finished with 25. Stoudemire scored 12 first-quarter points butjust three in the fourth.

"Tonight was a scoring night," Stoudemire said. "I was able to scorethe ball at will. But again, as a team standpoint we weren't able tocollectively score the ball. It's definitely a tough situation with me."

Stoudemire said that the Knicks, who for the second straight game faceda team that was missing its starting point guard, are not creating easybaskets, which could be the fault of both Mike D'Antoni and RaymondFelton.

"It's tough when you have to work for every basket," Stoudemire said."We're not getting easy baskets out there. Whether it's up-tempo orfast break points, we have to do something to orchestrate easy basketsso guys can get into a rhythm."

When asked if it's less about execution and more about attitude,Stoudemire said: "More attitude, more heart. We have to show moreheart. We have to go after it. Loose balls, we gotta have those.Rebounds, got to get those. We have to play with more physicality andget after it."

Originally Posted by StylishStef89

What's the over/under on "Fire 'Antoni DOLAN" chants?
This is exactly what the fans need to be chanting. Not sure why this hasn't been the case yet. Yes, I know Dolan can't be "fired". But aiming their displeasure at coaches or players is fruitless at this point.

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yall taking it too far with the suicidal thoughts. Playing right in to stereotype/expectations of a Knick fan.
Agreed. I thought that was just a saying; "so and so fans are on suicide watch. lulz".
But some of you - though perhaps in jest - are going too far.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I'llstill go to the Garden cause I'm not going to stop loving ball but atsome point it becomes the fans responsibility for change.
Attitude reflects leadership. And Byron Scott is not a good coach. West coast trip is going to be a wrap, unless we can convince the mayor of Phoenix that Nash is an illegal immigrant and take him back to NYC with us.
So how many people think Amare is just trying to spare himself from criticism? Or is he genuinely concerned with the work ethic of his teammates?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

So how many people think Amare is just trying to spare himself from criticism? Or is he genuinely concerned with the work ethic of his teammates?

Amare isnt used to losing, he was always a contender in a very competitive western conference. Amare needs to be vocal as he is the leader of this team. Him criticizing the other knicks is justifiable because they are playing HORRIBLE on both ends of the floor. If Amare doesnt step up then who will? Gallo, Chandler, Felton
[h1]Eddy Curry: from the fescue to the rescue?[/h1]
33 m ago By Alan Hahn

 We can't let this month go by without showing more blind, senseless faith in the presence of Eddy Curry on this roster. He is the Starbury to my Berman. If only I thought enough to have him autograph that boxscore of the last game he played, since it might be the last game he ever played.

But it really shouldn't be. The Knicks appear to have put Easy E out to pasture, with plans to slaughter him for his beef (that being the heft of his expiring contract, you won't find cliche fat jokes here because like Avis, we try harder, we don't just attempt to make it looklike we're trying harder). I think there is no better time than now to play him.

First, consider the next four games are on the road, out West, with three of the four games starting after 10 p.m. ET -- When a tree falls in the woods . . . -- and with three of the four teams starting legit bigs, such as Nene (Denver), DeMarcus Cousins (Kings) and Chris Kaman (Clippers). Obviously Curry shouldn't even be in the gym when the Knicks run suicides with the Warriors, but aside from that game, it might be worth giving their unused $11.2M center some burn. Especially if Ronny Turiaf isn't quite ready or isn't quite 100 percent.

This isn't about defense or rebounding. This is about space-eating and a legit low-post presence for an offense that has a point guard who is struggling to run a pick-and-roll and a marquee power forward who is struggling to be a post-up player.

So make Eddy the focal. Dump it in and let him bang and draw fouls and also use em. He has six. No way he lasts more than 20 minutes, which means he can use a foul every three minutes. Tell Timofey Mozgov to do the same and now you have 12 hard fouls in the game.

While we're at it, let's have Eddy and Timo shave their heads and wear black sneakers, just to complete the look.

Mozgov looks frustrated, too, because he's also not a post-up player. He's a guy who finishes in the pick-and-roll (or did we already forget what he did in the World Championships?). But he never gets the ball in the pick-and-roll, even when all you ever have to do is chuck it toward the rim.

Clearly, it's time to try something dramatic. Hard fouls and low-post grinding might be it. Let Amar'e play off Curry as an offensive rebounder. With one big having to handle Eddy on the post, most teams won't have enough size to deal with Stoudemire on the weak side, or crashing from the high post. Against the Clippers, who have TNT in sneakers, Blake Griffin, a Curry-Stoudemire front line might actually be the best counter.

Yes, Eddy has let you down before. And before that. And before that. And . . yeah.

And he's only been cleared to practice for about a week now and with the schedule the way it has been, Eddy's had only three practices so far, with today's workout at MSG Training Center making it four. But hey, if he gets through this one, that'll be the most consecutive days of work he's gone without an injury since 2007-08!

Understand that it would take a lot to convince Mike D'Antoni to even put Curry in uniform, let alone put him on the court. But riding a five-game losing streak with torches and pitchforks at his door, D'Antoni needs some alternative thinking. Perhaps he won't tell Wilson Chandler and Toney Douglas to stop shooting early in the shot clock when the're in the midst of Mark Madsen-like rhythm, but with Eddy on the floor, Wilson, at least, is sure to defer to his big buddy.

This, of course, is 99 percent sure to fail. But that only means there's a chance it could succeed.

Look at it this way: last season, the Knicks were rolling along when D'Antoni tried to force Curry into the rotation to get him minutes and hope he might play well enough to engage someone to trade an expiring contract for him. If that worked out, Jordan Hill and those two first round picks may still be in ownership of the Knicks. Well, at least those picks. But it didn't, because Curry completely disrupted the flow of the Knick offense when he was out there and was a defensive liability (is this redundant?) and several Knick players at the time were upset with the obvious motivation of playing Curry, which took precedence over the success of the team.

But this time around, the offense is already a mess. So how bad could it be?

Could it really get any worse than Amar'e kicking the ball out of bounds as he attempts to drive to the basket against two talls blocking his sight and a small swatting at his high dribble? Could it be any worse than four players on the perimeter watching their long rebounds fall into the hands of the defense, who quickly turn it into transition offense?

At least with a low-post game, the shots are more likely to produce shorter rebounds and the Knicks can take advantage of their excessive length (6-10 Gallinari, 6-10 Stoudemire, etc.) to get to them. The Knicks are one of the best free throw shooting teams in the NBA (last night's game notwithstanding) so perhaps the object should be to play to their strengths.

Or at least try something else. A good coach maximizes the talent on his roster. Last I checked, Eddy Curry is still on the roster.

Just bloggin.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

I felt the same way bro. I was HEATED during the game. So upset that I started getting this horrible headache. I mean, i can't say what my boy said was true, because there is a possibility of it not happening, but he was the same person who told me about the Jordan Hill and Tmac trades. I was going to ask Donnie if it was true, but that could've gotten my boy in trouble

Oh, and he told me that Melo would have to be ******ed to go to the Nets. Prokorov is a douche (according to people in the league) and they have NO ONE on their roster. Favors isn't looking THAT good and Lopez is all they really have. He also said he'd rather Melo sign with us during the offseason than trade for him, because we'd have to give up a lot. He also said that people in the league are saying that Denver will trade him by the deadline; Melo is forcing Denver's hand and REALLY wants to come to NY.

From what it looks like--Denver likes Fields and Chandler, but we'd also have to give up Gallo and Curry somehow. They want the expiring and unload JR as well. He said we have the player's they want, it's just that we don't have a first-round pick and that's the deal breaker right now. If we had one, we could've had Melo weeks before the season began.

I hate trade rumors as much as most Knick fans, especially when it involves Melo but it's hard to not listen when people working with the Knicks/NBA is talking about it too.

you sir are undoubtily part of the illuminati (based on your avatar) so I will believe you.

Gallo to Portland for 1st round pick
fields, chandler, curry, and 1st rnd pick to Denver
Melo and Jr to NYK

Knicks rotation will be

And we leave Mason Jr. on some ones door step

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