**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

So how many people think Amare is just trying to spare himself from criticism? Or is he genuinely concerned with the work ethic of his teammates?
Spare himself from criticism? Man listen, any criticism he's getting is mostly media-driven or from impatient fans. He simply can't do it by himself. Yes, he's forcing a lot of shots. Yes, he needs to hit the boards a bit harder. But he's not lacking EFFORT. I doubt he's trying to deflect blame. He's simply stating what he sees. Hell, he's saying exactly what a lot of the diehard fans are saying themselves.

Originally Posted by DubA169

why should we chant fire dolan?

so he can bring back isiah out of spite?
Seems like he'll do that regardless....

I'd love to hear a "+%%# YOU DOLAN - CLAP, CLAP, CLAP-CLAP, CLAP" chant in MSG.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

So how many people think Amare is just trying to spare himself from criticism? Or is he genuinely concerned with the work ethic of his teammates?
Spare himself from criticism? Man listen, any criticism he's getting is mostly media-driven or from impatient fans. He simply can't do it by himself. Yes, he's forcing a lot of shots. Yes, he needs to hit the boards a bit harder. But he's not lacking EFFORT. I doubt he's trying to deflect blame. He's simply stating what he sees. Hell, he's saying exactly what a lot of the diehard fans are saying themselves.


Also, forget about chants, period. 

The only way we are going to see change is if we stop going to and stop watching games.  Or if we get a young owner that really wants to win e.g. Cuban 

Either way, it's going to be a while.
Why would INDIANA give up Granger for Gallo and Curry ? AND a first round ? LOL

Only thing I would see was if Bird saw himself in Gallo ?

Accoring to the last person that spoke to Walsh we were getting Bron, Camby, Korver and Crawford.. and we would re sign Jeffries next season.. how many of those players do we have now ?
didn't he say we were getting ray allen also? ahha

i don't blame amare...

i'm not even mad at dolan at the moment. he has basically let walsh have free reign. i still completely the the guy but what do you want him to do right now?

i would force a defensive assistant coach down dntoni's throat. tht's ll i can think of. no reson to fire him unless you know who you want to hire.
Knicks rotation will be

And we leave Mason Jr. on some ones door step


i want this
After Amar'e blisters teammates, Stoudemire and Raymond Felton meet separately with D'Antoni in office. 
Nah i forgot coach hired Rautins as the Knicks defensive specialist because he's a good 3pt shooter.

(This is coming from a Knick fan in his heart of hearts) I wonder what all of the hardcore Knicks fans from July are thinking now? It's one thing to be a fan, (I'm a Mets fan), but having blind faith into an organization that is still going nowhere is insane. Of course signing Amar'e was a decent start, but as I said before, he needs help. It's clear he needs a real PG. I like Ray, but still he is more of a backup quality, not a starter. How many times will we see Amar'e try to create his own shot and lose the ball? He can't dribble. This team is a mess. D'antoni needs to be fired, this isn't working. I'll end it here because I can go on, it's the case of the same old Knicks doing the same old thing. If I didn't care about them, I wouldn't post, so please rabid Knick fans calm down and don't yell at me lol
My biggest gripe is with the effort.  You can cry all you want about the holes in our roster (and there are plenty) or how it'll take time to gel but there's no excuse for the lack of effort through ten games.  Outside of Amare and Turiaf (and Mozgov when he can actually stay on the floor), no one is playing hard enough or with anywhere near enough intensity.  There is no pride on this team.  I can't wait for the day when D'Antoni is gone because this largely falls on his shoulders, it's the same culture from the last 2+ years that's a joke.  Jack up jump shots whenever you want and it won't matter if you don't play a lick of D, you'll still stay on the court.  A joke.
Yes, Amare is forcing things but by and large he's giving us exactly what I thought he would and he can't do this on his own.  But at least he's playing hard, more than pretty much anyone else can say.
[h2]A Seven Point Plan (one for each loss) to Save the New York Knickerbockers and their Gimpy Season[/h2]
Complete the following steps to save your season:
  1. Recognize that Toney Douglas and Ray Felton are very good NBA players who play defense, play hard, and score well.  Also recognize, however, that each of these players pounding the ball is part of the reason that the offense is not working.  Felton certainly puts up good assist numbers, but more in the mold of the assists compiled by Stephon Marbury in a drive-and-kick system.  D’Antoni needs motion offense, not stationary targets for a penetrating point guard.  Personally, I think Felton has it in him but he needs to be better coached.  As for Douglas, he needs to understand that his albeit impressive shot-making from isolations on the perimeter must not be the identity of a good team; it has never worked for teams employing Ben Gordon and it will not work for the Knicks.  A “system
I seriously wish I could be the Knicks owner and fix this embarassement of a franchise.
Defense clap clap, defense clap clap. Knicks aren't playing D,its been said here about 1time per page. The Knicks roster has so much potential. It hurts, it really hurts.MRONEGATIVE, u have the best avy in this thread.No contest. Thank you sir.

I havent checked in for a while ... Black Ops & School took over my life 

But all i have to say in the Knicks

Son, I am disappoint 
......... again.
That "7 Point plan" is on target. See, it's not rocket science, everyone sees what needs to be done. It's just a matter of whose going to step up and voice those things, ahem Amare.

And i like what Amare's been saying, but he has to prove it, not just say it.

BTW, that trade scenario sucks.
I cant stand Chandler. Dude takes the worst possible shots at the most ridiculous times. If we cant get a first round pick for him id take it in a hearbeat.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

  1. Recognize that Danillo Gallinari is being completely marginalized by the domination of the ball by the point guards and Wilson Chandler.  When Felton or Douglas is working like a madman to penetrate and dish, then Gallo can only get in the way.  Instead, how about Gallo initiating the pick and roll with Stoudemire fifteen feet from the basket?  In order to stop the Rooster from draining short jump shots in rhythm the defense will have to bail on Stoudemire; Steve Nash’s shooting prowess was always a big part of the pick and roll success in Pheonix.  Gallo’s size and precision shot could be the tonic for Amare to get going as well.  Check tapes of Gallinari playing in Italy and you will see a point forward who handled the ball often.  I’d rather see Felton and Douglas waiting patiently on the perimeter than the Italian kid that Donnie Walsh drafted because of his potential to be an all-around superstar.  The only way to generate hope for the future of this team is to cultivate Gallinari’s all around game; otherwise, the team’s ceiling is average at best until they sign a star free-agent two years from now.  I don’t feel like waiting, do you?
  2. Kindly remind Wilson Chandler of the radical jump in efficiency that he experienced last season when he decided to stop shooting three pointers.  Chandler’s identity is important to this team because one version of Chandler (the inefficient scorer) hurts the team while another version (the versatile role player) fills gaps on an incomplete roster.  I do think that Chandler is more poised and confident than at any other time in his career, but rebounds and slashing need to be his focus, not jump shooting.  Chandler’s PER is an admirable 18.1 right now because of his emerging all around game, not his middling jump shooting.
  3. Reward Landry Fields’ slashing game with more minutes.  He has the second best true shooting percentage on the team and his aggressive approach needs to be a model for the other perimeter players.  Give Bill Walker the same opportunity; his pump-fake a three pointer and then drive in for a dunk move is a fantastic weapon.

I wonder how many times I say this.. I'm not a coach..

How hard is it for the best "offensive" coach to just tweak things to become better?

Juss saying...
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