**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

In tonight's game alone, Gallo's IQ was higher based only on the fact that he got to the line a lot by attacking the basket, pump faking, etc.. while Fields was a little off since he traveled twice then dribbled the ball off his foot and had the ball almost bounced off him out of bounds late in the game (luckily we got the 24 second call)...If you only watch Gallo when he's having good games, you would swear this dude is one of the best scorers in the NBA
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Well Proph, we have a game Friday vs. GS.

Can you make it your birthday again ?

I'm sayin. 
 He musta stayed off them Williamsburg streets is what did it.
It ain't possible to lose to the Warriors without Lee right? 
1. In FA you are going to over pay unless you land a top 5 player. End of story. Enough about Stats contract.

2. Gallo played euro ball, so his understanding of the NBA game will improve over time. So yes, right now Rob Kardashians IQ > Roosters IQ
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Stat with 27/10/2 Blocks...Yet after we lose another game we'll hear Knicks critics *****in' that he doesn't contribute enough because he isn't averaging 45 points/36 rebounds a night

I like stat, trust me i do...but 27/10/2 isn't that impressive for 100 million dollars. Its good, no hate...stat is solid, im a fan...and some people may be too hard on him, but the truth is thats the very least he should be doing on a team that has very few offensive options in the post. 

i dunno why anyone is even criticizing stat. he's been holding his end of the bargain so far. yea he doesn't rebound well...but we knew that going in
Cause STAT look like he is turning in to a black hole, his turnover is way to high, if he is not scoring he is basically out the game and he was about to turn on his teammates plus he makes a 100 millions.

I have no problem with him but I understand why someone else would
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Cause STAT look like he is turning in to a black hole, his turnover is way to high, if he is not scoring he is basically out the game and he was about to turn on his teammates plus he makes a 100 millions.

I have no problem with him but I understand why someone else would
If his teams can hit open, or any shots for that matter, on a consistant basis he wouldn't be double and tripled team and teams wouldn't go into a zone against us. If no one else is scoring he needs to put up shots because he's the "$100 million man"

Stat is damned if does, and damned if he don't.

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i dunno why anyone is even criticizing stat. he's been holding his end of the bargain so far. yea he doesn't rebound well...but we knew that going in
Originally Posted by youngin33

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

i dunno why anyone is even criticizing stat. he's been holding his end of the bargain so far. yea he doesn't rebound well...but we knew that going in
Excactly, we knew we were overpaying Stat...And he has actually been playing better D than he has before, he's not the problem.  IF you didn't know Stat was a crap rebounder and defender with no real Iso moves than I don't know what to tell you.  He's been playing as well I could have hoped really, the problem is the rest of this team *#+$$@# blows, zero talent anywhere on this roster.
I agree with what most people are saying in here..Before we signed him to this contract we knew Stat's defense was average at best, he wasn't a great rebounder, and he was better in the paint the closer to the rim he caught the ball..

Look at last night's game for example...Once Wilson, Fields, Felton, and Gallo all attacked the basket, the Kings began crowding the paint...The Knicks stayed aggressive and continued to get foul calls..Then when they couldn't create in the paint they would kick out for an open jumper, and those eventually started falling...Once that happened, the Kings could no longer leave the perimeter players and STAT was going off in the paint....Name me 5 Power Forwards in the NBA at the moment with a better 18 foot jumper than STAT so far this season...Don't start bringing up statistics from 2005

I got my flame suit on for this question, but realistically speaking, playing the Warriors w/o Lee, Clippers, and Charlotte back to back nights after 2 days of rest, how likely is it that this team can finish next week 8-8?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I agree with what most people are saying in here..Before we signed him to this contract we knew Stat's defense was average at best, he wasn't a great rebounder, and he was better in the paint the closer to the rim he caught the ball..

Look at last night's game for example...Once Wilson, Fields, Felton, and Gallo all attacked the basket, the Kings began crowding the paint...The Knicks stayed aggressive and continued to get foul calls..Then when they couldn't create in the paint they would kick out for an open jumper, and those eventually started falling...Once that happened, the Kings could no longer leave the perimeter players and STAT was going off in the paint....Name me 5 Power Forwards in the NBA at the moment with a better 18 foot jumper than STAT so far this season...Don't start bringing up statistics from 2005

I got my flame suit on for this question, but realistically speaking, playing the Warriors w/o Lee, Clippers, and Charlotte back to back nights after 2 days of rest, how likely is it that this team can finish next week 8-8?

I use to think like that too but we just lost 6 straight .. with teams like MIL, GS, PHILLY, and some othersBut we should win Friday tho we have turiaf back and Lee is not playing.. Last game Lee played with Turiaf out..I expect us to be .500 again soon tho.. it would be nice to steal both games from the bobcats for Playoff reasons
Nah Penny, there is talent. The vast majority of this team still plays scared. And until they grow some balls and stop hoisting poor shots they'd actually be solid. I didn't see the first half but heard they were down, notice how they only took 15 3s in that game?! Got to the basket and the FT line?!?! Not a coincidence AT ALL.

Low basketball IQ coupled with playing scared is recipe for failure all the time.
Where's the real talent on this team? Who has potential to even be a #3 option on a contender aside from Amar'e cause I don't see it...

Knick fans are ok with mediocrity and that is the main reason this team sucks. You would think 10 years of miserable basketball would have you guys accepting facts but some of y'all try seeing the positive in everything, this team is trash. We have depth but the problem is those are all guys you want coming of the bench adding a spark, not guys you want to rely on night in, night out.

If this team had any sort of talent, Melo would be a knick by now...
We dont need a #3 option. We need a #2 option. We have a bunch of players who are able to score depending on the situation (Douglas, Gallo, Chandler, Fields, Buike when healthy), but neither of them are a reliable #2 option, which is also a huge reason why this team fails.
honestly i'm not sure how good this team would be with melo. we would still need to get a big man who defends and grabs rebounds because amare will never be that dude. plus a great point guard. the cba will most likely end up screwing us to the point that we cn't make enough moves

but i guess once you get amare and melo we have so much more room to tweak the roster around what they would need.

and no we aren't going on some 4 game win streak, you guys are nuts
Originally Posted by DubA169

honestly i'm not sure how good this team would be with melo. we would still need to get a big man who defends and grabs rebounds because amare will never be that dude. plus a great point guard. the cba will most likely end up screwing us to the point that we cn't make enough moves

but i guess once you get amare and melo we have so much more room to tweak the roster around what they would need.

and no we aren't going on some 4 game win streak, you guys are nuts
If we had Melo we would have someone demanding the last shot, we have no one on this team who wants the last shot. Amare should not be our #1 option for the game winner

And if by some Miracle we do get Melo the next step is CP3, and that trio would workout a lot better then the divas in Miami

^ I mean ... it is impossible for us to get Marc Gasol in FA right?

Wouldn't we have the MLE if we S&T for Melo? That'd give us an empty roster to trade for CP3 though/no capspace right?
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