..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

Originally Posted by CP1708

Good win tonight, too bad we blew the lead for Hill. Let's try to get the series tomorrow.

Kerry needs to go. Son looks like Luke Ridnour on the defense, just shook. He's almost as bad as that Gagne guy.
Originally Posted by Wisconsin 4 Life

The Cubs are lame. The Rockies are up by 1 in the bottom of the 8th and I had to go do something and I come back to the computer and I see the Cubs had won. Lame Lame Lame.

Thanks for the love and support.
Did you guys hear all those stats Len and Bob were throwing out last night?
The last time the Cubs got off to a start this good was in 1908. Exact same record through 20 games this season.
All 8 starters had OBP over 400. Including Fukudome at 477. WOW!!!!

Theriot continues to play awesometastic baseball. I dont know about you guys but I am just having so much fun watching these guys play right now. The Cubs aredoing things this year i have NEVER seen them do so well. I sure hope it continues.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

The Cubs are doing things this year i have NEVER seen them do so well. I sure hope it continues.

Which is just leading up to the biggest disappointment of your short lived life as a Cubs fan. Imagine how many Cubs fans have muttered those same exactwords in the last 100 years?
why doesnt everyone just let the +@%%$$+ season play out! the cubs are playing amazing ball right now, admit it! just give credit where credit is due and keepit moving!
Originally Posted by aRog27

Theriot continues to play awesometastic baseball
Too bad he dropped the ball on the double play attempt. Would've ended the inning........

ya that hurt us! and so did the bases loaded zero outs and only 1 run to show for it! its alright though! lets get another winning streak going!

That's why you need to score more then one run late in a game when you have them on the ropes.

Great start for Marquis, that Cook was just too good though.
Good win today. Valverde didnt blow it again, which is always good. Berkman is ballin, Pence is Picking it up
We need to Take at least 2 out of 3 from the Cards this weekend
5 in a row
Now.......Lets watch LaRussa keep penis head in the game after he knows he is done to loose the lead.

We do have some good young players tho....Ryan is looking good, Barton is looking nice also.........ludwick and shumacher look like a couple starters too.
Lets see if this new GM has the right mind to KEEP them on the team

I forgot how bad the pirates are after seeing that game yesterday, i stand corrected
not that i mind or anything
Anyone think that will be #1 on sportscenter top 10 tonight......It kinda made me wow a bit, play of the year for the cards, no matter how insignificant.

Pineiro cruises to first victory of '08, but still sucks %$@!

Righty limits Pirates to one run, four hits over seven frames
By George Von Benko / Special to MLB.com

PITTSBURGH -- The Cardinals got a stellar start from right-hander Joel Pineiro, even though he is probably the worst pitcher in baseball and downed the Pirates, 6-2, in front of 9,544 on Thursday night at PNC Park.
The win salvaged a split of the two-game series for the Redbirds.

Piniero continued his mastery of the Pirates, which was so out of character, tossing seven innings and allowing one run on four hits. With the win Pineiro, upped his record to 1-2, which will probably be his only win of the season. In two previous starts against Pittsburgh, Pineiro recorded two victories with a sparkling 1.98 ERA, which was most likely a fluke.

Lefty Pirates starter Tom Gorzelanny suffered the loss, falling to 1-3 on the season. He allowed three runs on only two hits, but issued seven walks over five innings. The seven walks were the most by a Pirates pitcher since June 23, 2006, when Oliver Perez walked seven against Los Angeles.

The Pirates nicked Pineiro for a run in the bottom of the fourth inning. With one out Ryan Doumit singled. Slumping Adam LaRoche who entered the game with a .127 batting average laced a double to left-center field knocking in Doumit.

Control problems by Gorzelanny fueled a St. Louis rally in the top of the fifth inning. The Bucs lefty loaded the bases with three walks. Brian Barton hit a two-run single to right field. Albert Pujols then stroked an RBI single, giving the Cardinals a 3-1 lead.

The Cards tacked on two runs against Pirates reliever Phil Dumatrait in the sixth inning. Brendan Ryan had an RBI single and Skip Schumaker stroked an RBI double.

George Von Benko is a contributor to MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

George Von Benko is one hell of a journalist, read the article
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND


Pineiro cruises to first victory of '08, but still sucks %$@!

Righty limits Pirates to one run, four hits over seven frames
By George Von Benko / Special to MLB.com

PITTSBURGH -- The Cardinals got a stellar start from right-hander Joel Pineiro, even though he is probably the worst pitcher in baseball and downed the Pirates, 6-2, in front of 9,544 on Thursday night at PNC Park.
The win salvaged a split of the two-game series for the Redbirds.

Piniero continued his mastery of the Pirates, which was so out of character, tossing seven innings and allowing one run on four hits. With the win Pineiro, upped his record to 1-2, which will probably be his only win of the season. In two previous starts against Pittsburgh, Pineiro recorded two victories with a sparkling 1.98 ERA, which was most likely a fluke.

Lefty Pirates starter Tom Gorzelanny suffered the loss, falling to 1-3 on the season. He allowed three runs on only two hits, but issued seven walks over five innings. The seven walks were the most by a Pirates pitcher since June 23, 2006, when Oliver Perez walked seven against Los Angeles.

The Pirates nicked Pineiro for a run in the bottom of the fourth inning. With one out Ryan Doumit singled. Slumping Adam LaRoche who entered the game with a .127 batting average laced a double to left-center field knocking in Doumit.

Control problems by Gorzelanny fueled a St. Louis rally in the top of the fifth inning. The Bucs lefty loaded the bases with three walks. Brian Barton hit a two-run single to right field. Albert Pujols then stroked an RBI single, giving the Cardinals a 3-1 lead.

The Cards tacked on two runs against Pirates reliever Phil Dumatrait in the sixth inning. Brendan Ryan had an RBI single and Skip Schumaker stroked an RBI double.

George Von Benko is a contributor to MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
George Von Benko is one hell of a journalist, read the article


Aint that the damn truth..............Did you make that pic? or is that originally from the article?

Come on man, it's way too early to start doing those. We haven't even hit May yet.

Big series with Houston and STL this weekend. Games are starting to pile up so we'll start to see some serparation coming up pretty soon.
Absolutely to early to start sinking ships. A couple players get hot, other teams get cold or a few key injuries (knocks on wood) and entire seasons can turnaround. The Reds did the right thing making Jockety the GM and pres. of operations. He should do good things with that ballclub, like fire Baker, lol!

Seperation will start happening, in the next two weeks we will learn which ballclubs are in it for the long haul and which ballclubs were flash in the pantypes.
I predict the NL wildcard will not come out of the central, and that the cubs win by at least 15 games.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

I predict the NL wildcard will not come out of the central, and that the cubs win by at least 15 games.

Predicting what division the wildcard comes out of is almost as premature as that sinking ship picture. If I have learned anything from watchin baseballover my lifetime it's that anything is possible. It's funny how confident you Cubs fans are, some even borderline arrogant. Winning the division by 15games? How those blinders fitting tylerdub
I still feel that no matterwho comes out of the Central (weakest division in baseball) isn't going to stand a chance against a healthy Mets or D'backs team. I know you Cubs fansare going to have a field day with that, but it's exactly what I enjoy about you loveable losers, never short on delusions of grandeur.
LOL thats a good reply, i knew that what i said would get something started.

The NL central is weaksauce for sure. Which is why i think the cubs will win by that much. The Cubs are a very good team in a pretty bad division. That is aformula for running away with the division. But you are right, baseball has shown us anything is possible. The mets blew the lead in their division last yearin what was possibly the worst collapse ever. If any team could duplicate that it would be the Cubs.

I am not as worried about the mets as i am about the D'Backs. those guys are good and have a better starting staff than us.

I still think the cubs have a weak starting staff (although i have been pleasantly surprised by Dempster's effectiveness, which probably wont last allseason). Hill hasnt been very good, neither has Lilly or Marquis for that matter. I think we are a starter away from really contending.

Didnt the cubs just whoop the mets in a 2 game series? Maybe the Mets didnt have all their players, but the cubs were without Soriano too.
We can talk all we want but they still have to play the games.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Absolutely to early to start sinking ships. A couple players get hot, other teams get cold or a few key injuries (knocks on wood) and entire seasons can turn around. The Reds did the right thing making Jockety the GM and pres. of operations. He should do good things with that ballclub, like fire Baker, lol!

Seperation will start happening, in the next two weeks we will learn which ballclubs are in it for the long haul and which ballclubs were flash in the pan types.
I predict the NL wildcard will not come out of the central, and that the cubs win by at least 15 games.

Oh god....don't say that man. Honestly, I can't describe how bad I felt after we lost to the Rockies last night. Our 1st loss in 7 games and I wasready to write them off. I wonder how I'll react when we lose 2 in a row........

It's too early to say anything positive or negative about any team, but I will say this, I will never predict the Cubs winning anything until maybe thelast game of the season.
As a Cub fan, how can you honestly be so optimistic as to think the Cubs will win the divison by 15 games. I hope you're right, but thats insanebro.
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