Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Been proposed to me:

Gerald Wallace


Stephen Curry

Not sure if I take it or not. Wallace is my 2nd-3rd best player
Originally Posted by wohcttank

Been proposed to me:

Gerald Wallace


Stephen Curry

Not sure if I take it or not. Wallace is my 2nd-3rd best player
Don't do it, gerald wallace is a beast right now, only thing you have to worry about is him getting injured like always.

david west though
Haywood is a good source of blocks and rebounds right now, in the past two games, i believe he had 29 rebounds and 10 blocks, I'd keep him and Magette willhave inconsistent playing time.
Hibbert is a good big too, 10-10 with 3-4 blocks a game.

Davis West is stinking up right now, I don't think CP3 trusts any of his team mates right now. Good for CP owners, not so good for West.

I need some tips, should I drop Bibby for Tyreke Evans?
Assist-wise, they are the same and Evans will probably get more pt with K-Mart beign out.
Bibby does provide more 3's but I am just not sure if I should drop Bibby for him.
What do you guys think?

I also dropped Kenyon Martin for Josh Howard, hopefully he gets some pt, he seems to be starting over Terry, which is good.
Just dropped Michael Beasley for Tyreke Evans. Is this a good move on my part? I figure Ty will get more production now that K-Mart is out.
Originally Posted by HighRiser07

Just dropped Michael Beasley for Tyreke Evans. Is this a good move on my part? I figure Ty will get more production now that K-Mart is out.

good move

should i trade thaddeus or wilson chandler for mario chalmers?
Originally Posted by JJ1223

just dropped D Rose for Beasely. good move?
eh, imo no. Rose may not be putting up numbers, but it's cause he's still nursing that injury. He'll be ready to tear it up soon. Meanwhile, Haslem continues to impress off the bench and may end up taking more minutes away from Beas
Just dropped Biedrins for Shaq good move?

Joakim Noah and Haslem is available also...

help me out guys =)
Instead of dropping Bibby for Tyreke Evans, should I pick-up Udrih instead?
He'll have more pt also but probably more efficient and provide more assist than Evans.
Or is Alston a better choice in the short run?
Tyreke is on fire right now and should stay that way as long as Martin is out. Pick him up if he's on the FA list. Tyreke> Beno. I need help sellingRondo high. Is Hughes and Rondo for Pierce, JJ, or Roy a fair trade? I'm getting killed in 3s and need a stud scorer/ 3pt shooter like the guys mentionedbefore.

My team:
PG-Paul, Rose, Rondo, Calderon
SG-Allen, L Hughes
SF- Rashard, Hill
PF- Thompson
C- Gasol, Horford, Haywood, Chandler
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Tyreke is on fire right now and should stay that way as long as Martin is out. Pick him up if he's on the FA list. Tyreke> Beno. I need help selling Rondo high. Is Hughes and Rondo for Pierce, JJ, or Roy a fair trade? I'm getting killed in 3s and need a stud scorer/ 3pt shooter like the guys mentioned before.

My team:
PG-Paul, Rose, Rondo, Calderon
SG-Allen, L Hughes
SF- Rashard, Hill
PF- Thompson
C- Gasol, Horford, Haywood, Chandler

I think Pierce is your best shot with that trade but Joe Johnson and Roy are possible too depending on what the other owner needs. That's a good amount ofsteals and assists between the 2 guys.

is JR Smith worth picking up? He's back from suspension tomorrow and I'm thinking of dropping either Stephen Curry or Wilson Chandler. Leaning towardsCurry cuz Chandler just got a PF spot in yahoo
Yeah pick up J.R. if u need pts and 3pters. I'd drop Curry if ure good in asts and stls; drop Chandler if ure good in boards and blks. I ended upoffering Rondo and Haywood for Roy or JJ. Rondo for Bargnani straight up. Rondo and T Chandler for Pierce. I'm contemplating trading Rose for MoWilliams since I'm good in assts already and need to keep increasing my 3s and FT%.
Damn, someone beat me to Tyreke Evans.

So now, drop Bibby for Beno or Alston or Felton?

My roster:

G: Calderon, Gordon, Arenas, Ellis, Stuckey, J. Howard, Bibby
F: Galinari, G. Wallace, Granger, J. Thompson, Hedo, Aldridge
C: Nene, Haywood, Hibbert, Kaman, Bosh
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by JJ1223

just dropped D Rose for Beasely. good move?
im an idiot. meant to say dropped Rose for Jennings
That's a good look. I thought about doing the same but was trying to trade him off instead of switching pgs, yet Rose seems to be warming upand getting his numbers up. nike4KJA05 pick up Kidd. conley seems like he'll just have an avg. season and the grizzlies seem like there will bea conflict with the guards' playing time e.g. iverson cutting into their time. freshKRN Noah, Haslem, and Shaq are all playing better than Biedrins. It's hard to say who to pick up. Noah seems tobe on a breakout yr suprisingly. Haslem is coming off the bench, but is a good double double in only boards and blocks. Shaq always gives you a good FG% anda good # of boards and pts; hopefully teams are too busy fouling Bron and not Shaq cuz we know Shaq cnt shoot FTs. I'd take Noah probably because he seemshigh risk and high reward: potential breakout season but only decent stats in the previous yrs of his career, so hopefully he's not a fluke, flop, w/e uwanna call it.
What you guys think of my team... 9 man roster league
My Team is:

PG: Arenas, Rondo

SG: Carter& Tmac

SF Pierce & Josh Howard

PF Dirk

C Noah & Bynum

Okur is a FA should I pick him up ? Who should I drop for him?

Also, I dropped both Rip&Prince today for Josh Howard and T-Mac. T-Mac will be back next week.
So, Tim Duncan will miss tonight's game, and it won't be the only game he'll miss this year, and they're already struggling a bit..

Maybe they don't make it back on top this year.

TP already out AT LEAST a week, now Duncan is day-to-day.
I got so screwed in this auto-draft.

I got Josh Howard, Antawn Jamison, Pau Gasol, Kevin Love, and Kevin Martin. Screw it...I'm about to pick up T-Mac too.
Should I dump Ramon Sessions? It's a 16-team league so there's not really much in the free agent pool anyways. I would just stash him away, but therest of my team is struggling, so I was thinking of using the slot to pickup hot players or a guy with more upside.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I got so screwed in this auto-draft.

I got Josh Howard, Antawn Jamison, Pau Gasol, Kevin Love, and Kevin Martin. Screw it...I'm about to pick up T-Mac too.
man I feel u. I drafted Bynum, Carter, and Troy Murphy. I was
about drafting Bynum and Carter too but so they were doing it upthe first few games but I didn't expect it from T. you mite as well drop Love and pick up someone off the FAs. He's the most expendable andyou're def. getting hurt in stats right now. To the other guy, drop Sessions if u need to; he's getting his playing time cut anywayz.
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