Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Dahntay Jones is a beast!! I'm so pissed Danny Granger scored 30 first half, and only 3 second half, AND the knicks came back and won what the heckhappened?!
CDR is putting up numbers.
i picked up cdr for 1 of my teams. veto that bron trade. glad rashard n hughes did their thing 2nite. do ya'll think Haywood is going to have a betterseason than Hibbert? Not sure to let Haywood to go after he gave me 3blks 2nite and 10 boards I think.
Antwan Jamison coming through in his first game back. i had to drop stuckey back for brand im low on PG's tho hahah but theres no one worth the pickup inthe FA list
Gasol coming back today...

Can Odom keep playing at the level hes playing right now or is it wishful thinking?
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Gasol coming back today...

Can Odom keep playing at the level hes playing right now or is it wishful thinking?
I think it's wishful thinking. Injury is always a risk with him.
Originally Posted by imrichboy

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

CDR is putting up numbers.

yeah when devin harris comes back, his numbers will come down
For some reason I don't think so.

Also, I'm mad that I was waiting to pounce on AI in one of my leagues but someone beat me to it. If he signs with the Knicks as rumored, that man will gethis buckets.

And what's good Trust?!?!?!
Is Hibbert gonna be better than Haywood this season? Haywood is a beast with the blocks but Hibbert may score a lil more.
I say monitor Hibbert when Murphy returns.
I have a feeling he'll get good pt since he is doing well but you'll never know.
Haywood is solid but after Jamisons return, all you could really expect from him is rebounds and blocks.
Haywood is 4th in blocks so in deep leagues, 8-10 rebounds and 3-4 blocks a game even w/o points isn't bad.
I have both in one of my leagues and so far I have o-reb, d-reb and blocks on blocks.

On assist however, Calderon is killing me. I'm not sure if it's Hedo affecting him but he isn't scoring or passing as much.
Even his ft% is down, good thing I have Bosh to pick up the slack.
Same with Bibby, I was expecting better assists numbers from him, very inconsistent.
I really need Eric Gordon back.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by imrichboy

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

CDR is putting up numbers.

yeah when devin harris comes back, his numbers will come down
For some reason I don't think so.

Also, I'm mad that I was waiting to pounce on AI in one of my leagues but someone beat me to it. If he signs with the Knicks as rumored, that man will get his buckets.

And what's good Trust?!?!?!
I just picked up Iverson in my money league.
Really? Is Iverson going to have Fantasy Value? Somewhat of a big risk there no?
Im thinking of dropping Nate for Iverson, but damn this is such a big risk

Nate put up nice numbers last year... at least during the 2nd half of the season.

Heres the rest of my PGs:

Aaron Brooks

For sure Rondo and Billups are staying.

Chalmers maybe?

Then again, Im hearing that the Heat are interested in AI too...

So many questions...
Originally Posted by RFX45

Really? Is Iverson going to have Fantasy Value? Somewhat of a big risk there no?
Big risk? I think not. It's more of a minimal risk. He was a FA and I just dropped another player that I just recently picked up. If this movepays off, then I may have found a gem on the FA. If not, I can just pick up another 3pt specialist off the FA.

I dropped Morrow by the way for Iverson. I thought things would change with Jackson being gone and Azubuike out for the season, but Morrow still didn'timpress me. Maybe down the road when Raja gets his surgery, maybe that would be another time to look at Morrow, but until then, I'll take Iverson'spossible upside with D'Antoni and the Knicks.
The reason i think its a risk is because its not even 100% sure that hes signing with the knicks (unless im missing something). If he does sign, its def a lowrisk- high reward deal.
The reports are saying that he's going to New York so I'm going with that.

I'm in last place anyway. It's not like I can get any worse
. This is my injury riddled team by the way.
I know Derrick Rose is playing with an ankle injury, but is it getting any better or is he going to play hurt for a while? I want to know because I might wantto shop him if it's going to linger.
I guess in your injury team it's ok to take a risk like that, especially since you will be lacking in scoring.

I guess I was looking at it from my teams point of view.
For me, the only people I can drop are Bibby, Stuckey, Jason Williams, Gallinari and maybe Hibbert (when Murphy returns) or Jason Williams.
At this point, I think J. Williams has more upside since I need more assist that points at this moment.
I guess once Iverson finally signs, I can drop Gallinari for him.

I read that "if" Iverson signs though, it won't be until next week because they want/have to move someone to get him, reports are saying that itmight be Duhon.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I read that "if" Iverson signs though, it won't be until next week because they want/have to move someone to get him, reports are saying that it might be Duhon.
Yeah, I read that, too. Oh well, I can wait for that.
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