Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Damn that sucks.

I always set up my lineup like a week or two in advance just in case.

I also picked up Lee for one of my leagues but im not sure if I should pick him up for my 2nd league.

Will bynum

are the only ones that are expendable...
who's the better pickup?

Danilo or Morrow?

Stats are identical (almost) with Danilo hitting more 3's but Morrow has the sg/sf

btw i play in a 10 team h2h
Blake Griffin was just dropped in my 12 team, standard 9 cat H2H league.


I was thinking of dropping either:
Diaw - all around game just isn't that great right now. maybe because of Cap Jack?
Thornton - just for points/boards but playing well
Brewer - mainly just a steals guy but getting huge minutes as of late

What do you think?
shuhbonkboo, drop Thornton. His stats will sink prolly wen Blake is back. Are you want to pickup Blake so soon cuz he wnt be back till next month? Bullet, Ilike Gallo over Morrow cuz he seems to get more boards and is prolly guaranteed his mins. I wouldn't hop on C Lee so quick. He had one big game. Unless pplare always fighting for FAs, then I wuld see his stats in one more game or two. Do you guys think it's worth it trading 2 players for a stud like Bron? Iwas reading on another message board how this guy acquired 5-6 studs by doing some big trades. He said ".I drafted dwight in first round...i tradedRondo, Battier, and Villanueva for Bosh (deep league makes all those guys better than anything on FA). I got Dirk and Calderon for Billups, Rashard, andHughes. I got James for Nash and G Wallace"
Is Oden> Haywood. Oden is almost 100% owned but I'm still skeptical about his performance. I'm thinking about dropping Haywood for Oden.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Is Oden> Haywood. Oden is almost 100% owned but I'm still skeptical about his performance. I'm thinking about dropping Haywood for Oden.

Is there anyone else you can drop? Haywood + Oden would be a nice combo to keep...
^^ I have J Tom and Udrih. J Tom has a higher PPG, FT%, and maybe rebounds too. I'm tryna drop Beno right now for Redd and am waiting for the waiver toclear on Mon.
why pick up redd.
i dropped him for courtney lee.
dude is just going to keep getting injured over and over again. he'll never be able to put up more then 10+ppg unless he gets traded somewhere else.
The teams I'm going up against in the upcoming wks are bums so I should be able to do arite even if Redd isn't putting up the numbers. Do you guysreally think Redd cnt turn it around with his injury?
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

The teams I'm going up against in the upcoming wks are bums so I should be able to do arite even if Redd isn't putting up the numbers. Do you guys really think Redd cnt turn it around with his injury?

I doubt he'll be able to turn around, luke ridnour has been playing is his absence and the backcourt duo of him and jennings has been flourishing with reddout. He might be able to turn around, but the only thing holding him back is his injuries like always
Hey guys... I'm in need of some advice. Mario Chalmers and LaMarcus Aldridge for Devin Harris and Zach Randolph. I'm not a big fan of how Chalmers isplaying and I think Harris could pick it up as the season goes on.

Here's my team.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.
Put Gordon in your lineup if you have room anyways. dnt make the same mistake as me wen I assumed CP3 wasn't playing last nite. I'd trade Chalmers forHarris. Mario has been really inconsistent and it sux too cuz he dropped 4 3pters last nite too. Him and Lamarcus have been struggling and Devin would give you3 solid pgs. I just dropped Beno for K Love.
i would pull the trigger as well.
pick up love in all your leagues if hes available. i would pick up lee was well, but some of you may want to hold onto that.

and i benched cp3 as well. in two of my leagues.

dude had EIGHT freaking steals. smh.
I asked about Eric Gordon because of non-fantasy basketball reason. I wanted to know who would have the upper edge.

I did start Gordon. I have empty slots I can put him in.
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