Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

My team has been killed with injuries, I'm sick of it. Dropped Redd for Larry Hughes. Also added Thabo and Jared Dudley, while letting go of Rudy and Blake Griffin. I know Blake is gonna produce when he comes back but they're saying not until January and that's optimistic.

Core is solid though: Pau, Rashard Lewis, Billups, Rose, Bogut, etc.

Waiting for Tayshaun to return...
yeah but the rest of you're team is not solid: Shane Battier, Chuck hayes, Jared Dudley, and Thabo Sefolosha. jared dudley for blake griffenwas a bad move.
So Iverson is finally about to play after me waiting and waiting ..............

and I have a bye week
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

I've herd tht Gomes' stats will drop now that Love is back. Dropping Ersan already? you just picked him up last wk. I just traded Rondo and Rashard for Granger but I had to veto the trade as soon as I got word that Granger left the game with a walking boot.

Yeah, but again, I am in a H2H league and I really can't hold on to someone and wait for them to play better, especially if they are not a top tier player.With the Eric Gordon and Granger injury, and Aldridge being somewhat hurt along with Dunleavy and Bogut not being 100%, without any moves for someone who couldproduce, I might lose this week.
I barely won the ast this week by 4 though so I think I need to drop someone for that, I was going to drop Dunleavy but with Granger hurt, his value goes up abit and will get more pt.
i told you guys not to pick up ersan except when bogut and moute first got hurt.
now they're putting them at the wing, and ersan's value has dropped.
i would take westbrook and run. calderon is playing well lately, and might boost up his value, but i dont see him keeping it up.
I was offered CB4/Westbroook & D Will/Brook Lopez for Dwight. Which one should I consider?? I do need a high-assist PG. Clearly

My team:

Allen Iverson
O.J. Mayo
Anthony Morrow
Rodney Stuckey
Danny Granger
Carl Landry
Anthony Randolph
Josh Smith
Kevin Love
Mario Chalmers
Paul Milsap
Erick Dampier
& Dwight Howard
^ True. Plus I don't think i'll be missing much gaining Brook's defense and rebounding as well. Thanks!
Originally Posted by BangDak

i told you guys not to pick up ersan except when bogut and moute first got hurt.
now they're putting them at the wing, and ersan's value has dropped.
i would take westbrook and run. calderon is playing well lately, and might boost up his value, but i dont see him keeping it up.

I did drop Gooden for him and he did give better numbers than Gooden for the week so it was a good pickup either way.
ahh duno wut to do. feel like a dummy somewhat for dealing rashard and rondo for Granger. I'm just hoping CP3, Calderon, and Rose can win me assts stillevery wk. Hopefully I can cuz I was winning assts by a 25-30 margin when I had all 4 pt guards in my line. I may have to grab courtney lee too or Beno againnow since I have a spot to fill.
Damn, hate it when I have no one playing like today for example. I pretty much lost this weeks match-up.
its only the first day bro. you've got plenty of time.
my teams been playing bricks and to games lately though
Originally Posted by HighRiser07

I was offered CB4/Westbroook & D Will/Brook Lopez for Dwight. Which one should I consider?? I do need a high-assist PG. Clearly

My team:

Allen Iverson
O.J. Mayo
Anthony Morrow
Rodney Stuckey
Danny Granger
Carl Landry
Anthony Randolph
Josh Smith
Kevin Love
Mario Chalmers
Paul Milsap
Erick Dampier
& Dwight Howard
Either deal is a steal imo, but I would learn towards Deron and Lopez.
I guess Iggy wasn't affected by Iversons presence.
I was hoping he won't produce as muchw ith AI1 back because my opponent this week has AI2.
Someone dropped Ginobili in my league, is he worth picking up at this point?
Not really sure who to drop though...
Originally Posted by RFX45

Someone dropped Ginobili in my league, is he worth picking up at this point?
Not really sure who to drop though...

I'd do it, the guy in your league obviously gave up on him way too early, and he's too talented not to bounce back to his 6th man role, the only thingyou have to worry about with him is the injury bug.
Thinking about dropping Thompson for Bogut. good idea? Can Bogut make it through the rest of the season?
Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

Originally Posted by RFX45

Someone dropped Ginobili in my league, is he worth picking up at this point?
Not really sure who to drop though...

I'd do it, the guy in your league obviously gave up on him way too early, and he's too talented not to bounce back to his 6th man role, the only thing you have to worry about with him is the injury bug.
isnt that the reason why someone else dropped him?

who are you dropping t hough? he MAY be an sleeper pickup but theres no guarantees..
damn I'm so assed out. My trade of Rondo and Rashard for Granger activates tomorrow and Granger is out for 4-6wks now!!! I doubt the people in my leaguewill veto the trade for me cuz most of them seem like inactive owners.
The only players I could really drop for Ginobili is either J-Will, Dunleavy, Bogut or Dampier though.
J-Will is settling to being the starting PG in Nelsons place and it could be a month or two away from going back to the bench so he is a keeper.
Dunleavy is slightly more valuable now that Granger will be out (Granger is in my team too so I need Dunleavy more than ever).
Dampier, I just got him but he "should" help me win the boards and blocks.
Bogut, well, I hate to have to drop him but after his great comeback game last week, he has stunk and hasn't given me much.

Other players I could drop but most likely will not is Thompson and Stuckey.
Thompson could play but lately, he has been very inconsistent and has had more bad games than good lately.
Stuckey, his stats might suffer once Rip returns but I really do not want to drop Stuckey til that day comes.
i see jwill, thompson, and stuckey most expendable. stuckey might keep it up since rip might be traded once he gets back but eh.
manu has more upside then any of those 3 though.

and no ones going to veto that trade. me included. got to take the consequences sometimes.
I might drop Thompson because ast is the one area I barely win or lose on a weekly basis and JWill and Stuckey actually provides a good enough amount to keepme competitive in that department. Only if Calderon gets back to his old self and actually make ast in the double digits again I'd be set.
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