OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Who better than to possibly extend our season than big game Vicente Padilla.
"El Toucan"

Yeah, that's right, I gave him a nick name.

Toucans are very common in Nicaragua.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

562 glad you're alive. Me and BN were bout to put out an amber alert for you. We thought you had jumped off one of your charter cable poles last night

why would you put a amber alert out for a grown #+@ man?
Honestly, I'm still mad, sour, sad, bitter, annoyed right now.

How people couldn't see Brox as a softy that turns into a little girl when the pressure is on him is beyond me.

It's gonna be a long off-season if the boys in blue we know don't come through tomorrow.

Ironman said it during the game, we saw glimpses of the team we know ... and thats the problem we haven't seen the team we knew during the regular season.

Team came out flat, bla bla bla ... I can go on, whatever time to man up boys and win anyway you can.

If not, it's gonna be an off-season full of failure, disappointment question marks and looking over your shoulder about your job security.

Now your just ramblin'.

The team didn't come out flat, they came out aggressive and they pressed early. Howard hit that 2 run bomb, and some thought it was "GameOver" right there.

That Philly crowd was pretty quiet when the Dodgers stormed out and took a 4-2 lead.

The bullpen didn't do it's job. Check that, Belisario and Kuo did a hell of a job. Sherrill and Broxton once again failed. Everyone came intothis series talking about how bad the Phillies pen is but it is our back end that has withered and folded this series.

Sherrill allowing the Phillies to blow the game open in Game 1 and then having a shaky 8th in Game 4. Broxton folding against Stairs and ultimately blowingthe game in Game 4.

This off day sucks. We will find out what kind of team we have tomorrow.

It isn't over, but they have managed to dig themselves a huge hole.
Wait, I'm not just talking about the game yesterday ... I'm talking overall in the playoffs.

Our hitters have looked flat, how the hell is that ramblin?
The only game they looked flat was Game 3, they left their bats in LA.

Game 2, both teams were out of it. Philly only had that solo shot from Howard, other than that nothing. Great pitching, and maybe the hot @+% weather thatday.

Game 1, you really think they came out flat that game. They were producing runs. They even had a shot in the 9th, but Casey Blake aka Eric Karros killedthe rally with a double play.

It will be a tough mountain to climb, very very tough. Things need to click again, Raffy playing like he did in the NLDS and the other hitters waking upand acknowledging that there is no tomorrow if they lose. Casey Blake needs to step up, his RBI slap single he had in Game 4 is not enough. Kemp needs torevert to 2009 Kemp, he is playing like 2008 Kemp.

Back is to the wall.

Game 4 aside, the Phillies have not outplayed us the way people make it seem. Every game could have gone either way, unfortunately they have gone thePhillies way, !#@+ happens.
Like you said, we'll see what they're made of tomorrow.

Did anyone else avoid PTI / ATH / ESPN / Sports in general today
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Did anyone else avoid PTI / ATH / ESPN / Sports in general today

i did. I always listen to the sports radio here in the bay but todayi didn't.

Also from the left field pavilion blog
[h3]The team that wouldn't quit[/h3]

I hate like hell to be an optimist, only for this team to rip my damn heart out again. So I tried to think good thoughts. The 1981 team was the team of my youth. Even in the 70's, the Phillies seemed to enjoy kicking Dodgers fans in the balls. Living 60 miles west of Philly made it all the harder for me whenever they lost to the Phil's. The 1981 team was down 0-2 in the best of 5 NLDS and NLCS. They fell behind the Yanks 0-2 in the
World Series. Again they came back to win four straight. To commemorate that that great season. The LA Police dept gave out baseball cards of the players and events of the season. Printed on the back was a little phrase at the end of the paragraph on each card that I remember to this day.

This is what is written on the back of the World Series card.

"The Los Angeles Dodgers capped a fantastic year of comebacks to win the World Series. After dropping the first two games to the Yankees in New York, the Dodgers bounced back to win four straight games. Three of those four wins were come from behind, one run victories. The display of teamwork and determination by the Dodgers is an outstanding example for all of us. If you ever face a tough situation, remember the team that wouldn't quit."

I have never forgotten that. I'm hoping maybe somehow, this team will rise up, and just kick the living sh@t out of those bastards!
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Who better than to possibly extend our season than big game Vicente Padilla.
"El Toucan"

Yeah, that's right, I gave him a nick name.

Toucans are very common in Nicaragua.
If you are gonna do it in spanish then you spell it "tucan"
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

562 glad you're alive. Me and BN were bout to put out an amber alert for you. We thought you had jumped off one of your charter cable poles last night

I'm here, I'm alive. Can't say Im "okay" though got home from work an hour ago, 11 hour shift- I'm exhausted. Crawling under houses,up on those poles, running lines, I'm beat. It helped me take my mind off of last night so for that it's cool, that and the OT pay isn't bad atall. I'm just tired of this. I agree with ironman that the phillies haven't overpowered us at all, we've been manning the ship to the loss columnourselves all series. I just don't want to see that mother +!@+ Victorino cheering on our grass again. I'm just tired of the opposing squadscelebrating in LA in my face instead of their own park. If you're going to be back in la for a game 6, make a stance and actually play with huevos. NOT tojust prolong what seems to be the inevitable and send another phillie team to the fall classic. I believe, I'm just crushed. We had that +!@+ ing game...Vamos Padilla, metele una chingada pero buena!
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE


They're not going to blow up the team if we loose tomorrow.

I don't know why you keep saying that.
I never said they were going to blow up the team, stop putting words in my mouth.

One more thing , if we're going to market Padilla as a coke pusher he needs a better nickname

Pericazo Padilla
Padilla el perico
I really think Cartel Curl has the mental toughness it takes to be able to get the win tomorrow, it's the offense I'm a bit worried about.

It's going to be tough to win 3 straight but if they can get the W tomorrow and bring it back to LA, anything can happen. This team does seem to respondwell when their backs are against the wall.
if they win tomorrow and beat cliff lee friday there winning the series thats how i see it at least.

i think padilla can get the job done if they win then guess what, its 3-2 with the final 2 games in doyer stadium.

i'm not sure who would pitch on friday for them if it goes that far, but i would assume billingsly would pitch a potential game 6 and wolf a possible game7.
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