OFFICIAL 2010 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD [79-82] : The losing season


The replays had me rolling.

You'd be surprised how many people get plunked during BP, even in center field.  People just don't pay attention
.  McLovin was clueless, staring into space, then got hit

The best is people that are sitting down and they get hit in the stomach
.  I would feel bad, but c'mon it's common sense.  You're sitting in the Pavilion during BP.

I've also seen countless people in the AYCE get trays of food knocked out of their hands
picked up dugout club seats for tonight of craigslist.

Had to do it at least once this season.. some peeps are unloading them for cheap.  
guy i got them from said he has gone to 67 games this season sitting in the dugout club.  only reason he isnt going is cause he wrecked his car.. CL63 in the driveway with the front end tore up.  I was a bit worried if they were legit, because dude lives in my old hood off the 101 and sunset close to the home depot.  then i walked thru his gate at his house and saw the cl63 and went "phew"...haha

dude had 4 seats, and has gone to all the games but three.. even if seats on a discount were 350 a seat.. 115k for the season?

havent eaten anything since 10am.. want to take advantage of that wolfgang puck.. haha.

side note..  when the trial starts up again.. you guys down for a meet up down there?  im thinking of starting a page on facebook, try to get a rally of people down there who are in support of them selling the team.  if this was in NY or BOS, people would be burning cars in front of the court house... we need to show support for this team.  And we can kick it with Molly Knight. 

Try to get some press, show that people of LA DO care about the team, and want these clowns out of town. 
Mother %+*% ING shame on me for leaving with a sense of confidence as Lilly gave up the second dinger in the 8th, was headed out to Downtown LB only to get my Dodger updated on the phone seeing this @$@* happened.

Shame on me for hoping for anything out of these guys in a single game, what a crock of bull @$@*.

I can't believe I let myself get sucked into tonights game here at home before I left, actually cheering for this team for the first time since maybe mid July, only to see this @$@* happen.

Mother %+*% ing pile of steaming hot dog @$@*, i'm so damn disappointed.

I blame myself, dumb muther %+*% ers
 @ the dude getting hit by the ball.  But wouldn't you know already to always watch out during BP?  I couldn't help but
 at the repeating scene. . .
Originally Posted by Beermann2

 @ the dude getting hit by the ball.  But wouldn't you know already to always watch out during BP?  I couldn't help but
 at the repeating scene. . .
Same exact response for me.  Its actually kinda funny if you watch the video looking at the crowd as a whole.  There are very few people paying attention at all.
3 @ SD
3 @ HOU
3 @ SF
3 V SD
3 @ AZ
3 @ COL
3 V AZ

25 games left.

I'm hoping for AT LEAST a 9-16 finish, i'd be ecstatic with a 7-18 though

Your guesses?
my guess? i hope we win every game and end up one game short of making the playoffs, that way none of you bums are happy.
@ that bum broxton.

Just found out my girls homegirl met bellisario at a bar (where else
) and let him smash.
she WAS the goods before me hearing about this.
IYN ruining my hopes for the one potential positive outcome from this bull *#*! team and their even worse season

0-25, lets make it happen!
IYN ruining my hopes for the one potential positive outcome from this bull !$!% team and their even worse season

0-25, lets make it happen!
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

pics of this broad that belisario smashed? and was it at wokcano?

I was just about to ask the same thing. I see him at wokcano all the damn time. He does pull some decent breezies the moment they find out he plays for the Dodgers.
later belliard!

thanks for hitting half as many home runs all season compared to how many you hit in your first at bat with the dodgers last year.
we should all meet up, get good seats and heckle the team if its gonna be like this. 562, you can bring your war drum.
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