OFFICIAL 2010 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD [79-82] : The losing season

@ you guys blaming off-season personnel decisions on Frank McCourt.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

@ you guys blaming off-season personnel decisions on Frank McCourt.
I think it's funny that you keep on blaming Ned Colletti.


I know you are going to bring up the Jamey Carroll contract...

As a storied team in the second largest media market, that draws over 3.5 million fans yearly and came in 3rd in revenue last season, we shouldn't be arguing over the allocation of $4 million dollars.

We also shouldn't be throwing in better prospects in order for a team to pick up the remaining salary of a player they just traded to us(Blake/Santana, Garland/Abreu)
its always going to fall back on mccourt because of his cheapness. no matter how incompetent ned is, if he had money to work with then the roster would be different. might not be better but he never had a chance to improve it.
[h3]Colletti takes team to task for slow start[/h3]Dodgers GM unhappy with level of play, Kemp in particular
By Ken Gurnick /

04/28/10 1:00 AM ET

NEW YORK -- Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti unloaded on his last-place club in an interview on KABC Radio on Tuesday morning.

"I talk to Joe [Torre] all the time. He understands my position and my frustration level," said Colletti. "I grabbed a couple of players one-on-one and let them know I'm not satisfied with their approach. It's not an easy game, and when you think you've mastered it and you can take it easy and walk to your position and not hustle, the game catches up to you. And some guys think they're better than they are and they think the opposition will roll over and get beat by them. That just doesn't happen.

"We lost two of three to Cincinnati, we lost two of three to Washington, we lost two of three to Pittsburgh. No offense to those clubs, but we're better than they are. It's frustrating. We can continue to work at it and talk it through, but at the end of the day they've got to execute it."

And that was before the Dodgers were swept in a Tuesday doubleheader by the Mets. The Dodgers have lost all five road series they've played this season, all of them in the Eastern time zone. They are 4-10 on the road, 2-6 against the National League East and 2-4 against the NL Central.

Colletti, however, wasn't finished, and he was especially critical of the play of center fielder Matt Kemp, who signed a two-year, $10.95 million contract coming off a Silver Slugger/Gold Glove season last year. Kemp went 1-for-9 in the doubleheader, his average dipping to .294.

"It's below average. The baserunning is below average, the defense is below average. Why is it? Because he got a new deal? I can't tell you," Colletti said of Kemp. "But it's below average.

"If this was the last day of the season and you were voting for Gold Glove, his name would not be on the ballot. It's a shame to go from where he was, to where he was a year ago, and to revert back to, when the ball goes up in the air, you're not sure where it's going or if it's going to get caught. It's not right."

Colletti said it's too early in the season to look outside the organization for pitching help, and that, with 142 games to play, he's "not jumping to conclusions. But our pitching has got to get better."

He also said if any of his players "don't want to be in L.A., we'll figure that out, too."
You guys keep saying that %#!%, it really doesn't make sense.

My Dad gave me $80 to buy graduation announcements the other day

I spent it on beer and food

But it's my Dad's fault that I don't have my announcements yet.
And it's great that our GM who has no clue how to do his job is calling out the best player on the team.

pretty depressing.

they dont even look like a team right now..
i wonder if the rough travel month to start the year has anything to do with it.  east coast swing to start the year? seems strange to me.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

You guys keep saying that %#!%, it really doesn't make sense.

My Dad gave me $80 to buy graduation announcements the other day

I spent it on beer and food

But it's my Dad's fault that I don't have my announcements yet.
I'd like to see it as more of your pops giving you $80 to buy graduation announcements, when they actually cost $100
.  Oh yeah, pops is loaded, he just doesn't want to give you any money 'cause he likes buying fancy suits for himself.  Go sell your shoes (top prospects) on eBay to cover the cost.

We can go all day.

I'm not defending Ned completely, but the blame should be 75% Frank, 25% Ned.  Good thing for Jerry Buss, we have two of the worst owners in all of sports (Frank and Donald
But who's fault is it that my announcements finally just got ordered two weeks before graduation?

Not my pops.
But you've been telling your dad for quite some time, he continually blows you off, telling you to look for a cheaper alternative.
So that made it okay for me to spend the money he gave me on beer and food, or to make the analogy more realistic, if I spent that money on a bag of grade A pure dog %%**.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

My Dad gave me $80 to buy graduation announcements the other day

I spent it on beer and food

But it's my Dad's fault that I don't have my announcements yet.

Dodgers went 2-7 on the road trip and are now dead last in NL standings at 8-13 looking up at the Pirates, lulz.

Who extended Ned Colletti's contract?
As i'm updating the thread I see Torres work his way out of an 0-2 count with bases loaded and 2 out and musters a walk. And then a basehit.

Giants are playing %!#!%#@ solid ball rightnow.
its like your dad gave you 4 bucks and told you to hit the arts and craft store and make some magic happen with your announcements. instead you walked in the store and bought a really cool 3 dollar paint brush even though you already have 72 paint brushes at home and you are a terrible painter.;pos=T;sz=728x90;tile=1;u=<a href=/,0,5699407,full.story;ord=42900581?">;ord=42900581?"target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
/,0,5699407,full.story;ord=42900581?">;ord=42900581?"width="728" height="90" border="0" alt="">
[h1]Dodgers are cold, but emotions flare[/h1] [h2]A7-3 loss to the New York Mets to cap a 2-7 trip comes amid acontroversy created by comments from Ned Colletti about Matt Kemp.[/h2]

Dodgers General Manager Ned Colletti publicly criticized Dodgers center fielder Matt Kemp on Wednesday. (Lisa Blumenfeld / Getty Images; Reed Saxon / Associated Press)

By Dylan Hernandez
April 28, 2010 | 6:55 p.m.


Reporting from New York
The baseball season is barely three weeks old, but the Dodgers already have a new controversy.

On the day the last-place Dodgers absorbed a sweep-sealing 7-3 defeatto the New York Mets at Citi Field that sent them home with a 2-7record on this trip, Matt Kemp's agent held nothing back whileresponding to critical comments made about his client the previous dayby General Manager Ned Colletti.

Dave Stewart, the former All-Star pitcher who represents Kemp, saidWednesday that Colletti was using the center fielder as a scapegoat toshift blame from his own failures in assembling the team.

"What I would suggest for Ned Colletti to do is look at himself in the mirror," Stewart said.

In a radio interview with Peter Tilden of KABC on Tuesday, Collettisaid he thought some Dodgers players were overestimating theirabilities and taking certain elements of the game for granted. Whenasked specifically about Kemp, Colletti said the outfielder'sbaserunning and defense were "below average." Colletti said he didn'tknow whether Kemp was regressing as a result of his new two-year,$10.95-million contract.

The fallout prompted Colletti to call Kemp into a postgame meeting that also included Manager Joe Torre.

"I wanted to explain to him that I didn't single out Matt Kemp,"Colletti said. "I was asked a question about it. It's not one guy'sresponsibility. It's a team effort. It's a team effort when it goes inthe right direction. It's a team effort when it doesn't. It starts withme."

Kemp declined to talk about the meeting, but Stewart said the reasonColletti offered for saying what he said wasn't a valid one.

"No, not at all," Stewart said. "To me, he didn't need to answer the question. If anything, he should have said, ‘No comment.' "

Torre avoided taking sides.

"Well, when you have the best statistics, you're going to get the most attention," he said of Kemp.

Kemp, who leads the Dodgers with seven home runs and 20 runs batted in,sounded particularly disturbed by the implication that he was playingworse because he was a newly minted millionaire.

"The new deal, that has nothing to do with anything," Kemp said. "Ofcourse, it's good to make money. But that's not why I started playingthis game. I started playing this game because I love the game, and I'mgoing to continue to love this game."

Kemp was upset enough that when Casey Blake interrupted the interviewby jokingly calling him a liar from a couple of lockers away, Kempcalmly but sternly told him to be quiet.

Stewart was less restrained.

"A man panicking is what it sounds like to me," he said of Colletti.

Stewart said Colletti should take more responsibility for the Dodgers' 8-13 start.

"He hired the manager," Stewart said. "He hired the coaching staff. Theplayers on the team were selected by him and the coaching staff."

Stewart said that no player has called out Colletti for wasting tens ofmillions of dollars on Jason Schmidt or Andruw Jones, and that playersdeserved the same level of courtesy from their general manager.

Colletti and Stewart spoke Wednesday afternoon, but it was uncertain whether anything was resolved.

"I got a lot of respect for Dave Stewart and Matt Kemp," Colletti said."I've known Dave Stewart for a long time. His perspective is his.Everybody's got their own. That's all I want to say about it."

Relayed Colletti's comments, Stewart replied, "I have great respect forNed Colletti, too, but that wasn't the correct way to handle" thequestion posed to him by Tilden.

While Colletti insisted he didn't single out Kemp, he didn't take back anything he said about him.

"I know that I don't see the same player that I saw at the end of lastyear," Colletti said. "Maybe it's early. Maybe that's what it is. It'snot just Matt. I haven't seen it across the board, with rare exception."

Stewart defended Kemp.

"You have to look at the fact that Matt is a 25-year-old player,"Stewart said. "He's been very successful, but you cannot forget thefact that he's still learning to play the game. He's only played centerfield for two years. He's done everything the organization has askedhim to do."

Colletti said he spoke to Kemp during the Dodgers' previous homestand.Has Colletti seen any evidence that his message was taken to heart?

"No," he said. "Have you?"

Asked whether he perceived any changes in Kemp's work habits, Collettireplied, "I don't want to make this [about] Matt Kemp," and proceededto talk about the team's shortcomings.

"We're in the top of the lower half in pitching and we're at the bottomin defense," Colletti said. "If they had a category for execution, we'dbe at the bottom half of that, too. It's just time to get it better."

this is what happens when you have an owner who's the mlb version of james dolan and a gm who's just there.

the team doesn't suck but their not better then what they were in 2008 and 2009 and that's the problem. you knock on the door in 2008 and improve in 2009 and don't do whats necessary to continue to get better in 2010 and it's unacceptable.

the dodgers will beat up on the pirates this weekend and most likely go 6-4 or 7-3 on the homestand and they'll be over .500 by the end of may. the nl west has looked average so far so as long as they don't fall to far behind they'll be ok.
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