OFFICIAL 2012 LOS ANGELES DODGERS THREAD : 68-58 Dodgers/BoSox complete minimal trade

Moe - shoot you a PM soon.

It's laughable that they traded for League and Victorino and call it an upgrade. League has been awful but apparently they had to trade for him to trade Lindblom for Victorino, who simply isn't that great and is horrible vs LHP. Calling up a young pitcher to replace Lindblom would have been ok but they compounded the problem by trading for League so now you've essentially traded 5 players for a LF who can only hit vs the pitchers he faces 30% of the time.

Not really if the vision is to make the playoffs. You take a chance on a Shane Victorino, hoping a change of scenery and a chance to capitalize on a walk year would turn his season around. He's been struggling, doesn't change the fact that it finally gives us a legit leadoff hitter and some playoff experience as well. League, same boat, hope is recapturing what he once was and it seems like he hasn't. A gamble worth taking considering they gave up marginal minor leaguers to get him. Lindblom is a middle reliever, which are seen as expendable in our organization.

I like Cruz' hustle but don't see him as an everyday player. Don't know where they put Dee during this division race however next season, this is what it's going to look like:

CF Kemp
RF Ethier
LF ?
1b ?
2b Ellis
SS Gordon
3B Ramirez
C Ellis

Names and positions in bold are almost certain locks, don't think they'll consider moving Hanley to LF next season although if his defense continues to regress, that move will be done during the season or ST 2014. Cruz is and hopefully will be a solid addition to the bench.

Kemp is in a slump, it happens and he'll snap out of it.

Hopefully they put some space between that other team during this series.
Not much "Great" players in the FA pool for next season to fill the LF and 1B positions, but Josh Hamilton.... :nerd:
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Jeff Kent is going to be on Survivor now :lol:

Not much "Great" players in the FA pool for next season to fill the LF and 1B positions, but Josh Hamilton.... :nerd:

Don't know if I want to take a chance on Hamilton, don't think he'll be sheltered here the way he is in Texas. Wish we had the ownership we have now last off season, then again we would've had Prince with the old ownership if it wasn't for Victor Martinez' ACL.
Hamilton in Los Angeles would not be a good look, the temptations would be calling him like R. Kelly at a junior high dance.
I want NO part of Hamilton. Guy is a walking liability, and for the money he's gonna command :smh:

Ironmn hit me up if you still need that Lids card
that crack head wouldnt last a second in LA

i cant be the only one not high on Ethier anymore?
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Going to the game tonight...still pissed about last night's game, hoping they can bounce back.

Its not panic time yet but Kemp and Ethier have to turn it up soon.
Ethier n Kemp need to wake up now.
A.Gon on waivers im ready

Gonzales would be huge, interested to see what type of package the Red Sox are seeking considering Gonzales has six years left on his deal.

They really want to make Bobby Valentine work, however, he is a square peg in a round hole in Boston. Clearly a move that backfired. If Boston trades Gonzales, then they will stick with Valentine. If Gonzales stays, it could mean a quick exit from Boston for Valentine.

Don't see the Red Sox dumping Gonzales, especially since they traded Youkilis, a hometown hero to get him back to first base.

I just don't see it, then again Boston is a mess right now.


...all toxic assets at this point.
That series was extremely depressing. This team needs to wake up, this is the time to get hot and ride the momentum into the playoffs. History has shown us you have to be hot going into the final month of the regular season. Wake up Dodgers!!!!
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