Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

I love how all of you are saying dudes pulling a Bron, he's ditching the Magic, !#+$ this guy trade him to the Bobcats.......Last night Dwight had 24 points and 25 rebounds and beat the Heat. Game before that he had 30 and 13, and the game before that he had 29 and 18. LeBron basically gave up on the Cavs in one of the most important PLAYOFF series of his life. Dwight is still out there dominating, giving his all and winning games for a team that has practically no chance at winning a playoff series against the top 2 seeds in the East. Dwight isn't even saying %$%#, it's just ESPN coming out with new random reports every day so they can make a story about it.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

anything new regarding the pau/booz deal?
Bulls want it, Bulls' idea, Lakers didn't entertain it if it was real. Why trade Pau for another PF who has less skills, size, and experience?

If the Bulls are serious about acquiring him, it'd take Deng for LA to even listen. You can argue about Deng's worth but LA isn't trading Pau just to trade him, they'd only use him to acquire a high-impact All-Star. (IMO I'm not sure if Deng qualifies as "high-impact" from the Lakers' standpoint).
What to make of Ellis-Bogut trade

There are so many angles to this Andrew Bogut-Monta Ellis trade that it's hard to know where to start: the Golden State Warriors finally breaking up the Ellis-Stephen Currybackcourt and going legit with a true center; Milwaukee going the opposite direction and putting Scott Skiles in charge of a free-wheeling, floor-spacing offensive juggernaut; Cap'n Jack returning to Golden State; and significant collateral damage, potentially, in Utah and New York.

Let's walk through it from top to bottom.

1. Follow the money

Let's start, as we do with all NBA trades, with the money. The Milwaukee Bucks traded Bogut and Stephen Jackson to the Warriors for Monta Ellis, Kwame Brown and Ekpe Udoh. It's money neutral this season, but in the two following seasons the advantage goes to Milwaukee in a big way. Bogut is owed $27 million over the next two seasons, and Jackson is owed $10 million next season. Milwaukee replaces that with one year and $11 million for Ellis (or two and $22 million if he chooses not to opt out), and two at a total of $8 million for Udoh.

In doing so, Golden State punted a chance at cap room this summer, while the Bucks gained a lot of cap flexibility -- they could conceivably get $15 million or so under if they wanted to make a run at a player this summer, although this would involve using the amnesty on Beno Udrih and letting Ersan Ilyasova and Carlos Delfino walk. More realistically, they can re-sign the latter two and still stay under the luxury tax when an extension for Brandon Jennings kicks in. Big picture, Milwaukee saved $7 million next season, and it will make a big difference to both sides.

2. Why would it work here?

I see everyone connecting the dots. Curry and Ellis didn't work in Golden State. Jennings is smaller than Curry and less efficient. Ergo Jennings and Ellis won't work either.

I'm not sure it's that simple. For one, Jennings is a pretty solid defensive player and Curry is not. But more importantly, Milwaukee is a very different environment than Golden State. Instead of the rah-rah gang ignoring his defensive apathy and trying to hype him for the All-Star Game, Ellis will be subject to the wrath of Scott Skiles when he jogs back on defense.

Additionally, every other defensive combo in the Bucks' backcourt works much better. The Bucks' backup point guard is 6-7 Shaun Livingston, who is a perfect cross-matching backcourt partner for the smaller Ellis. Udrih is big enough to check some 2s as well. And with wing defenders like Delfino and Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, and a real defensive system around them, the Bucks will likely be better able to his Ellis' defensive shortcomings.

Offensively it will be more interesting, as the Bucks are becoming Contested 20 Footers R Us with Jennings, Ellis, Drew Gooden and Ilyasova. But Milwaukee was also in need of another shot creator to help take the heat off of Jennings, and I suspect Ellis' presence may help elevate Jennings' true shooting percentage to closer to the league average. (His points-per-game average, alas, will likely dip.)

In short, however, it's hard to imagine how this is worse than the status quo. Bogut and Jackson weren't playing; Milwaukee traded them for two guys who are, and both of them are faring pretty well.

Longer term, it's true you'd probably rather have Bogut than Ellis. Even with all the injuries and the likelihood that 2009-10 was a career season he won't match, Bogut is an elite defensive center who will probably shoot better on a team that doesn't need to play through him so much.

But would you rather have Bogut than Ellis, Udoh (a pretty fair defender in his own right, albeit one with hands of stone) and $7 million in cap space? I don't think so. Between that and the short-term considerations, I like this deal a lot for Milwaukee.

3. Sorry, Utah

The big loser here may be the Utah Jazz, as part of Golden State's motivation appears to be an elaborate ruse to avoid ceding a lottery pick to Utah. The timing is bizarre because the Warriors had played themselves into playoff contention, but the Warriors' brass had to view the landscape and see that (A) they were still highly unlikely to make the playoffs and (B) they owed their first-round pick to the Jazz if it didn't fall in the top seven.

At 17-21, Golden State has some work to do to finish in the league's bottom seven teams. (And that wouldn't ensure a top-seven pick, since a team eightth or below could usurp a top-three spot in the lottery and push them down one.) Detroit is 15-27, just two back in wins but six in losses, and the Warriors also need to "pass" two other Eastern teams to get into the bottom seven.

But between the trade and the upcoming schedule, they may be in position to do so. Jackson is no longer capable of playing big minutes on a decent team (even if his hamstring injury magically heals itself on the flight to Oakland) and Bogut won't be back until April, if at all. If the Warriors are smart they'll encourage him to take his time. With the Warriors running a gauntlet of elite teams in April, they have a great shot at effectively "trading" for a lottery pick with this deal.

The irony, of course, is that the Warriors are tanking even though they have a better record than Milwaukee! Nothing serves as a more glaring example of the difference between East and West -- the Bucks can load up for a playoff run at 18-24, while a 17-21 Warrior team is playing for next season.

4. Sorry, New York

The other big loser here are the New York Knicks, who are going to have a much tougher time keeping pace with Milwaukee for a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference now that the Bucks have added both Ellis and, don't forget, a much-needed frontcourt defender in Udoh. The Bucks were already playing well, having won four of five -- the only defeat in that stretch came on a Derrick Rose buzzer-beater in Chicago.

They were doing this even while starting Tobias Harris and running Ilyasova and Gooden into the ground; now they have a coherent rotation with Udoh off the bench to spell the frontcourt starters, Ellis and Delfino starting on the wings, Mike Dunleavy backing them up, and Udrih filling in the gaps. When Mbah a Moute and Livingston are healthy, this will be one of the league's deepest teams and one capable of matching up big or small.

5. The big picture

I've long felt that Ellis is one of the league's most overrated players, but every player has a right price. I think Milwaukee hit it here. The Bucks moved a lot of money and have some time to see the Ellis-Jennings combo in action before deciding to commit to one or both via contract extensions.

In the meantime, the transition is as interesting for Skiles as for Ellis; in two years he's gone from coaching a lockdown defensive team that couldn't score in an empty gym to what is basically a Mike D'Antoni roster -- a floor-spacing, empty-middle outfit with zippy guards, jump-shooting bigs and a fast tempo. Before you chortle, remember that Skiles had considerable success playing this way with Ben Gordon in Chicago, and may be able to use that as a template for Ellis.

As for Golden State, one notable development is that this move wasn't driven by a need to win the news conference, which represents something of a sea change for a notorious pom-pom organization. The Warriors will likely slip back in the playoff chase (in fact that may have been one of their motivations) and won't see any return from this deal until next fall.

But they have a more workable roster with Curry-Bogut than they did with Curry-Ellis; as I outlined in Tuesday's PER Diem, the data on their on-court performance was overwhelming. Bogut will also help protect David Lee, and he'll need to create less offense than he had to in Milwaukee. I don't see a return to his 2009-10 level, but the change of scenery could help him a lot.

Where Golden State erred is in managing the cap. Taking on $10 million for Stephen Jackson is a hefty price to pay when the Warriors could have been players in free agency, and despite adding Bogut their depth in the frontcourt remains a major question mark going forward.

That's why I like this trade better for the Bucks. But this wasn't a bad deal for the Warriors either … especially if they can manage the tanking part.
Dwight Howard is REALLY going to screw the magic. He's saying that he wants to finish the season w. the Magic...well, give the FO a guarantee that you'll re-up w. Orlando if that's the case. If not (and we all know his plan is to bolt anyways), then I hope the Magic do the right thing and trade his ###.

Another thing, who the hell would want to coach or be the GM in Orlando if the rumors are true about Dwight having all the input as far as FO decisions and so forth? SVG and Otis Smith should quit on the spot if this is what it's going to come down to.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

anything new regarding the pau/booz deal?
Bulls want it, Bulls' idea, Lakers didn't entertain it if it was real. Why trade Pau for another PF who has less skills, size, and experience?

If the Bulls are serious about acquiring him, it'd take Deng for LA to even listen. You can argue about Deng's worth but LA isn't trading Pau just to trade him, they'd only use him to acquire a high-impact All-Star. (IMO I'm not sure if Deng qualifies as "high-impact" from the Lakers' standpoint).

@ LAL FO or Fans believing they should receive an impact All Star for Pau.  A player they've been dangling as trade bait since the Lock out ended... A disgruntle player who has clearly been an emotional wreck and hasn't played like his previous all star seasons because of it. :I have an issue with them feeling as though they have the leverage or believing that we should be willing to include a guy like Deng.  From a team standpoint the Bulls would be foolish to do it considering they're damn near guranteed a trip to the ECF with the crew as is compared to the LAL who depending on their draw might not make it out of the first round.

I mean I understand its a business and you want to get as much as you can for your pieces but that's OC in my opinion.
Brook and Dwight are going to be a hell of a frontcourt. Even if Brook is charmin soft. He'll have Dwight to cover his +%%.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

anything new regarding the pau/booz deal?
Bulls want it, Bulls' idea, Lakers didn't entertain it if it was real. Why trade Pau for another PF who has less skills, size, and experience?

If the Bulls are serious about acquiring him, it'd take Deng for LA to even listen. You can argue about Deng's worth but LA isn't trading Pau just to trade him, they'd only use him to acquire a high-impact All-Star. (IMO I'm not sure if Deng qualifies as "high-impact" from the Lakers' standpoint).

@ LAL FO or Fans believing they should receive an impact All Star for Pau.  A player they've been dangling as trade bait since the Lock out ended... A disgruntle player who has clearly been an emotional wreck and hasn't played like his previous all star seasons because of it. :I have an issue with them feeling as though they have the leverage or believing that we should be willing to include a guy like Deng.  From a team standpoint the Bulls would be foolish to do it considering they're damn near guranteed a trip to the ECF with the crew as is compared to the LAL who depending on their draw might not make it out of the first round.

I mean I understand its a business and you want to get as much as you can for your pieces but that's OC in my opinion.
When/If the Lakers trade Pau, it'll be for an All Star caliber player or 2-3 good players. Despite being the third option now, he's still putting up very good numbers.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

I love how all of you are saying dudes pulling a Bron, he's ditching the Magic, !#+$ this guy trade him to the Bobcats.......Last night Dwight had 24 points and 25 rebounds and beat the Heat. Game before that he had 30 and 13, and the game before that he had 29 and 18. LeBron basically gave up on the Cavs in one of the most important PLAYOFF series of his life. Dwight is still out there dominating, giving his all and winning games for a team that has practically no chance at winning a playoff series against the top 2 seeds in the East. Dwight isn't even saying %$%#, it's just ESPN coming out with new random reports every day so they can make a story about it.

wait....Didnt the Magic get kicked out of the first rnd last year by atlanta....Oh ok.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

anything new regarding the pau/booz deal?
Bulls want it, Bulls' idea, Lakers didn't entertain it if it was real. Why trade Pau for another PF who has less skills, size, and experience?

If the Bulls are serious about acquiring him, it'd take Deng for LA to even listen. You can argue about Deng's worth but LA isn't trading Pau just to trade him, they'd only use him to acquire a high-impact All-Star. (IMO I'm not sure if Deng qualifies as "high-impact" from the Lakers' standpoint).

@ LAL FO or Fans believing they should receive an impact All Star for Pau.  A player they've been dangling as trade bait since the Lock out ended... A disgruntle player who has clearly been an emotional wreck and hasn't played like his previous all star seasons because of it. :I have an issue with them feeling as though they have the leverage or believing that we should be willing to include a guy like Deng.  From a team standpoint the Bulls would be foolish to do it considering they're damn near guranteed a trip to the ECF with the crew as is compared to the LAL who depending on their draw might not make it out of the first round.

I mean I understand its a business and you want to get as much as you can for your pieces but that's OC in my opinion.

no matter how you look at it pau > boozer and pau > deng. you have to understand pau gasol is a legit number 2 guy for the bulls something they have always needed. you have to sacrifice to get what you want. the lakers arent dumb to just take anything for gasol. otherwise we would have traded for garbage %$@ scola and trash from the rockets.
i dont want boozer on my team. hell to the naw. you include deng in there and boozer looks a bit more attractive. but still i think gasol would probably be better on the bulls and deng and boozer would be better as lakers. kobe and rose. two totally different situations.

pau gasol is a rarity in this league. a big man with all around skills. hes taken a bit of a backseat since the emergence of andrew bynum but the lakers would be dumb to trade him. despitehis age those skills he has wont go away anytime soon. just look at other skilled big men like webber and divac who although broke down because of thei age still maintained the skills to be productive  in the long run.

i dunno. i just want to see some trades go down lol
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Bulls want it, Bulls' idea, Lakers didn't entertain it if it was real. Why trade Pau for another PF who has less skills, size, and experience?

If the Bulls are serious about acquiring him, it'd take Deng for LA to even listen. You can argue about Deng's worth but LA isn't trading Pau just to trade him, they'd only use him to acquire a high-impact All-Star. (IMO I'm not sure if Deng qualifies as "high-impact" from the Lakers' standpoint).

@ LAL FO or Fans believing they should receive an impact All Star for Pau.  A player they've been dangling as trade bait since the Lock out ended... A disgruntle player who has clearly been an emotional wreck and hasn't played like his previous all star seasons because of it. :I have an issue with them feeling as though they have the leverage or believing that we should be willing to include a guy like Deng.  From a team standpoint the Bulls would be foolish to do it considering they're damn near guranteed a trip to the ECF with the crew as is compared to the LAL who depending on their draw might not make it out of the first round.

I mean I understand its a business and you want to get as much as you can for your pieces but that's OC in my opinion.

no matter how you look at it pau > boozer and pau > deng. you have to understand pau gasol is a legit number 2 guy for the bulls something they have always needed. you have to sacrifice to get what you want. the lakers arent dumb to just take anything for gasol. otherwise we would have traded for garbage %$@ scola and trash from the rockets.
i dont want boozer on my team. hell to the naw. you include deng in there and boozer looks a bit more attractive. but still i think gasol would probably be better on the bulls and deng and boozer would be better as lakers. kobe and rose. two totally different situations.

pau gasol is a rarity in this league. a big man with all around skills. hes taken a bit of a backseat since the emergence of andrew bynum but the lakers would be dumb to trade him. despitehis age those skills he has wont go away anytime soon. just look at other skilled big men like webber and divac who although broke down because of thei age still maintained the skills to be productive  in the long run.

i dunno. i just want to see some trades go down lol

No matter how you look at it production wise 31 pts 15 rebs & 5 ast > 17pts 10 rebs & 3.4 ast

Yes he can be a legit # 2 guy but in doing so we'd lose waaaaaaaaay more than we'd gain in making that trade and if you can't see that then there is really no point in us continuing to converse.  I'm not trying to over value him or devalue Pau but the things he allows this team to do from a defensive stand point alone are reason enough to say hell no.  From guarding the opposing teams best wing night in and out to keeping teams honest on the perimeter.  Don't get me wrong I love Pau but he doesn't make us better in that situation, in fact he actually makes us worst from depth & versatility standpoint .

He'd be a great #2 guy and make our championship aspirations reality only if we could keep a guy like Deng as our #3 guy.

@ you stating that Luol would be better served as a Laker than he is as a Bull currently, he's better playing with Kobe than Pooh. 
Why is that again?

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Brook and Dwight are going to be a hell of a frontcourt. Even if Brook is charmin soft. He'll have Dwight to cover his +%%.

isnt brook gone after next year? they wont re sign him
/\ They wouldn't have to let Brook walk in order to sign Dwight. Theoretically they'd be able to retain D-Will and Brook and still sign Dwight straight up and that's what most people believe what will happen. Even early on when the D12 to the Nets movement started...Deron was commenting on how the best case scenario would be Lopez playing the PF spot if D12 does come. That would mean that they have to let Humphries walk...and someone is going to severely overpay for him anyway this summer.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

@ LAL FO or Fans believing they should receive an impact All Star for Pau.  A player they've been dangling as trade bait since the Lock out ended... A disgruntle player who has clearly been an emotional wreck and hasn't played like his previous all star seasons because of it. :I have an issue with them feeling as though they have the leverage or believing that we should be willing to include a guy like Deng.  From a team standpoint the Bulls would be foolish to do it considering they're damn near guranteed a trip to the ECF with the crew as is compared to the LAL who depending on their draw might not make it out of the first round.

I mean I understand its a business and you want to get as much as you can for your pieces but that's OC in my opinion.

no matter how you look at it pau > boozer and pau > deng. you have to understand pau gasol is a legit number 2 guy for the bulls something they have always needed. you have to sacrifice to get what you want. the lakers arent dumb to just take anything for gasol. otherwise we would have traded for garbage %$@ scola and trash from the rockets.
i dont want boozer on my team. hell to the naw. you include deng in there and boozer looks a bit more attractive. but still i think gasol would probably be better on the bulls and deng and boozer would be better as lakers. kobe and rose. two totally different situations.

pau gasol is a rarity in this league. a big man with all around skills. hes taken a bit of a backseat since the emergence of andrew bynum but the lakers would be dumb to trade him. despitehis age those skills he has wont go away anytime soon. just look at other skilled big men like webber and divac who although broke down because of thei age still maintained the skills to be productive  in the long run.

i dunno. i just want to see some trades go down lol

No matter how you look at it production wise 31 pts 15 rebs & 5 ast > 17pts 10 rebs & 3.4 ast

Yes he can be a legit # 2 guy but in doing so we'd lose waaaaaaaaay more than we'd gain in making that trade and if you can't see that then there is really no point in us continuing to converse.  I'm not trying to over value him or devalue Pau but the things he allows this team to do from a defensive stand point alone are reason enough to say hell no.  From guarding the opposing teams best wing night in and out to keeping teams honest on the perimeter.  Don't get me wrong I love Pau but he doesn't make us better in that situation, in fact he actually makes us worst from depth & versatility standpoint .

He'd be a great #2 guy and make our championship aspirations reality only if we could keep a guy like Deng as our #3 guy.

@ you stating that Luol would be better served as a Laker than he is as a Bull currently, he's better playing with Kobe than Pooh. 
Why is that again?

because kobe already has his number 2 guy in bynum(if he can stay healthy). rose has nobody. its going to start getting like lebron when the cavs never brought in a legit number 2 guy. how many years of not winning a title will it take before we start hearing similar rumblings?
boozer and deng are complimentary players which kobe needs and pau is that number 2 guy which rose needs
Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake

Originally Posted by Buc Em

I love how all of you are saying dudes pulling a Bron, he's ditching the Magic, !#+$ this guy trade him to the Bobcats.......Last night Dwight had 24 points and 25 rebounds and beat the Heat. Game before that he had 30 and 13, and the game before that he had 29 and 18. LeBron basically gave up on the Cavs in one of the most important PLAYOFF series of his life. Dwight is still out there dominating, giving his all and winning games for a team that has practically no chance at winning a playoff series against the top 2 seeds in the East. Dwight isn't even saying %$%#, it's just ESPN coming out with new random reports every day so they can make a story about it.

wait....Didnt the Magic get kicked out of the first rnd last year by atlanta....Oh ok.

The hell does that have to do with anything?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

because kobe already has his number 2 guy in bynum(if he can stay healthy). rose has nobody. its going to start getting like lebron when the cavs never brought in a legit number 2 guy. how many years of not winning a title will it take before we start hearing similar rumblings?
boozer and deng are complimentary players which kobe needs and pau is that number 2 guy which rose needs

GTFOHWTBSG!!! No its not... This isn't refusing to trade J.J. Hickson to get Amare.  This is trading your 2nd & 3rd leading scorers for one player. Trading 2 players who combined give you 14 more points 4 more rebounds and 1.5 ast per game than the player you're bringing in.  STOP TRYING TO SPIN IT
  Lets not confuse this.  Let's not act like this is the 27 yr old Pau coming from the Grizzleys this is a 31 yr old Pau Gasol who's been emotionaly frail this season and the playoff run. Pau has what 3yrs left? I know your a Laker fan and you want the best for your team, I understand that but you're out the game. This isn't what you attempted to make it out at all sir so please stop trying to G it.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Dwight Howard is REALLY going to screw the magic. He's saying that he wants to finish the season w. the Magic...well, give the FO a guarantee that you'll re-up w. Orlando if that's the case. If not (and we all know his plan is to bolt anyways), then I hope the Magic do the right thing and trade his ###.

Another thing, who the hell would want to coach or be the GM in Orlando if the rumors are true about Dwight having all the input as far as FO decisions and so forth? SVG and Otis Smith should quit on the spot if this is what it's going to come down to.

Or at least the option for next year, give them another summer.  I was a little against what Cake was saying yesterday about him but I'm leaning more towards that now.

I don't think the Nets will be able to afford Deron, Dwight & Brook.
that Boozer (alone) is a suitable trade for the Lakers.

Even as an emotional wreck Pau has played better than Boozer.

Pau is only 1 year older. And is a better scorer. Better defender. Meshes better with our other superstars. Better passer. Can run the pick and roll better as well..And even has a better contract..

Pau's points are down only 2ppg (from all his years with the Lakers). And only 1 rebound from his career high (but this is his second best year rebounding in his 10 year career).. Everything else is within his total career numbers.

And I want you to remember this.. Bynum is shooting 5 more shots a game. A lot more of the offense is run through Andrew than it has been in previous years.

So let's not act like Boozer is even the caliber player of Pau. Even as an emotional wreck, he's not.
BJENNINGS finally has some help
. im kinda conflicted though cause i want the knicks and bucks to make the playoffs but its looking like only one of em is gonna grab that last spot
Originally Posted by Essential1

that Boozer (alone) is a suitable trade for the Lakers.

Even as an emotional wreck Pau has played better than Boozer.

Pau is only 1 year older. And is a better scorer. Better defender. Meshes better with our other superstars. Better passer. And even has a better contract..

Pau's points are down only 2ppg (from all his years with the Lakers). And only 1 rebound from his career high (but this is his second best year rebounding in his 10 year career).. Everything else is within his total career numbers.

And I want you to remember this.. Bynum is shooting 5 more shots a game. A lot more of the offense is run through Andrew than it has been in previous years.

So let's not act like Boozer is even the caliber player of Pau. Even as an emotional wreck, he's not.

Understand this I'm not saying that Boozer = Pau ... what I'm saying is that Pau doesn't = Boozer/Deng.  I'm not willing to make that move.
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