Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

You use that gif way too much.

Ignoring the absurdity of the media circus, I saw this as a real possibility since the beginning. It would be interesting if the Magic still made a trade, though
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

I would love to trade for Darius Morris I love his game, I think he could be a player in the right offense, Mike Brown and the laker's were basically the worst team he would have gotten drafted to.

I agree about dudes potential........he just has to learn to play under control and he'll be fine
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

please let it be Barnes or Metta
As a Laker fan I hope not Barnes.. 

His energy and effort is great..  And he's a solid role player.. Hell I wouldn't even be mad if he was starting, and Beasley was splitting 24minutes at the 3 with Barnes..  And Beas getting another handful of minutes backing up Pau.
Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

marath0n wrote:
Clipper fan here. I'd do it in a heartbeat, especially the way Blake and DJ have been playing. CP3 + Dwight, Anderson > CP3, Blake, DJ easily.
So based on how Blake has played these last few games you think we should trade him right now? I understand DJ but Griffin really? 

Ryan Anderson can rebound decently..  And with a guard who can penetrate, and Howard who commands help in the paint..  Anderson would be very effective on the Clips..
Dwights goin to come out April 1st and tell the world it's an April fools joke all along n sign an extension on April 2nd.Smh @ this guy
@SteveKylerNBA We were told at All-Star by a very credible source "Deron is going to Dallas, it's done"

It would be interesting if the Magic still made a trade, though

I think they have to. The "what ifs" are too much to gamble with if your job is on the line. I've never been a big fan of waiting and seeing what happens. There's three things you can do. Move Dwight for a solid package which would be the right thing. Move Dwight for whatever and get something in return. The worse thing you can do is nothing.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

If this Dwight stuff is true then I guess Deron will be signing with Dallas this summer.

its a given. theres nothing else the Nets can do
Unless Dwight signs on the dotted line before the deadline I dont see how they could not trade him and get something back. Then let someone else deal with that headache. Dwight been flip flopping for months now. I wouldnt trust what he says unless he putting it in writing.
After that missed FT to put the Hawks up by 1 and probably secure the W, I wouldn't want Hinrich either.
Never understood why certain teams held back on trades until the big talked about trade went through or didn't when the teams holding back had no chance of getting the player from talked about trade.
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