Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Woj is now saying that a Magic player said next season was never mentioned, but Dwight was "all in" on this season.!/WojYahooNBA!/WojYahooNBA@WojYahooNBA Three Magic players tell Y! Sports that Dwight Howard did not tell them he was opting in for next year.
to be fair
we know Woj is all in for the nets getting dwight. dude is on the take 

but yeah dwight is gone and the magic are going to look terrible. and dwight is going to look terrtible. and we will hav another lockout too
This would mean Billy King would need to be with Deron now and asking if he too will pick up his option. The Magic play tonight, we would know everything by then. the reports are saying Dwight has that ETO wavier with him in San Antonio and Fegan is with him as well. If he signs it tonight, then all eyes are on Deron to sign his.

I have been saying it for months. Deron will make 18 mil next year off that option. If he signed an extension in the summer previously, he lost money. He can get 101 from the nets for 5 years this summer or 74 from another team for 4 if he walks. The most money he gets is that option.

So why not take the option, say I came to Brooklyn as I said I wanted to and then moan and groan to be traded. He would put the pressure on the Nets to do something or trade him to the team he wants to go to. Deron gets his 18 million and then can sign an extension for 123 million. (Same thing with Dwight being able to get more money in 2013)
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Woj is now saying that a Magic player said next season was never mentioned, but Dwight was "all in" on this season.!/WojYahooNBA
Three Magic players tell Y! Sports that Dwight Howard did not tell them he was opting in for next year

As the deadline approaches the reports from sources are reaching Melodrama levels.
I'm a huge Net fan but if Howard does not to opt out, Deron is going to Dallas 100%. He's not going to put up with another year of this. We might as well let Deron leave, go into Brooklyn with Lopez, Brooks, a good rookie, cap flexibility and rebuild. We're all in for THIS off-season. Deron won't waste another year, I know that for sure, especially when he has an awesome situation in Dallas waiting for him. 
Deron is coming to Dallas. You can take that to the bank. He doesn't want to be in Jersey.

And Dwight opting in gives the Mavs an extra year to sign guys to one-year deals and clear out the cap for another max deal.

All the talk about them being able to do it this year was overblown. They'd have to find too many teams to take on too many players. Sign Deron now, let Odom and the other contracts run out, then sign Dwight next offseason.
Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

marath0n wrote:
Clipper fan here. I'd do it in a heartbeat, especially the way Blake and DJ have been playing. CP3 + Dwight, Anderson > CP3, Blake, DJ easily.
So based on how Blake has played these last few games you think we should trade him right now? I understand DJ but Griffin really? 

Dwight > BlakeRA > DJSorry man im a clipper fan, not a Blake griffin fan. Any opportunity for our team to improve and I'm all for it. And if you don't think the clippers would get better with a trade like that, then I don't know what to tell you.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Deron is coming to Dallas. You can take that to the bank. He doesn't want to be in Jersey.

And Dwight opting in gives the Mavs an extra year to sign guys to one-year deals and clear out the cap for another max deal.

All the talk about them being able to do it this year was overblown. They'd have to find too many teams to take on too many players. Sign Deron now, let Odom and the other contracts run out, then sign Dwight next offseason.
This is exactly what the first thing I thought when I heard Dwight is staying next year. If he's in Orlando next year, it's a done deal that Deron is going to Dallas. Still the fact remains that we have to deal Haywood and Marion at some point, and still have to figure out what we're going to do with JET and Kidd.

With Kidd, I actually think he stays and retires with us if Deron come next year. He'll play for the league minimum backing up Deron Williams, he has said he wants to be behind him to begin with.

As far as JET goes, I know I'm about the only dude that supports him, and I'd like to see him stay at least next year, but it's going to be hard, because I doubt he takes a one-year deal.

Regardless, if Dwight is in Orlando next year, all signs point to Deron in Dallas.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Confused Dwight meme



i swear this dude is just saying anything and everything. coming soon: "Howard- 'I want to spend the rest of my career here in Orlando and win not 4, not 5, not 6...'"
The Warriors preferred to deal Stephen Curry rather than Monta Ellis, but Curry's ongoing ankle issues hurt his trade value.

This is a level of stupidity that I can't describe, the owner seems like a melding buffoon, I think GSW will go back to being a perennial joke franchise.
he's not signing that option for next year and if the magic are stupid enough to believe he is then they deserve to lose him for nothing after this season.

i know i can't be the only one that would love to see the magic "roll the dice" and trade dwight to the bobcats, hornets, or kings.
They don't have to trade Haywood... Amnesty him before July and you're good to go there... Having an extra yer to trade Marion will certainly make that a lot easier.

Terry won't be back. The Mavs wont commit to him long-term and he won't sign a one year deal. Kidd can kick rocks. He sucks.
@BlazerFreeman A source tells me there is legs to the three-team trade that would send Jamal Crawford to Minny and Steve Blake to Portland.
@BlazerFreeman The #Blazers would get a 1st-round pick in addition to Blake in the three-team deal. Not sure where the pick is comingfrom yet

@jwquick Sorry been trying to tend to a family matter, but agent Andy Miller (Crawford) says deal with Minn/LAL is close to being done. Blake to PDX.
@jwquick Steve Blake says he has not been informed of deal to Portland yet. @BlazerFreeman source says PDX gets 1st round pick, too
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

This is a level of stupidity that I can't describe, the owner seems like a melding buffoon, I think GSW will go back to being a perennial joke franchise.
Go back? 1 playoff appearance in the past decade plus, we've been a perennial joke
I see D12 had a talk with his publicist.So now Orlando look like the "bad guy" if they trade him. Too bad his %+!*+$# waited to the last day to play the victim
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

They don't have to trade Haywood... Amnesty him before July and you're good to go there... Having an extra yer to trade Marion will certainly make that a lot easier.

Terry won't be back. The Mavs wont commit to him long-term and he won't sign a one year deal. Kidd can kick rocks. He sucks.
I know but maybe someone is stupid enough to take on Haywood soon, and we could amnesty Marion, or get a piece that might actually help. I definitely wouldn't mind having Marion around another year, he's the only starter that gives a goddamn this year.

As far as Terry goes, I know, but I just wish there were a way to figure something out. I know you and a lot of others are a lot more willing to move on, but whatever.

Kidd sucks, I agree, but he said his intent was to retire with Dallas, and I think he's at the stage now where he knows he's not worth million anymore.

I'd rather have Nash back, but he won't be as cheap as Kidd, so that kind of throws that out the window.
Originally Posted by MR RASKATRIPAS

I see D12 had a talk with his publicist.So now Orlando look like the "bad guy" if they trade him. Too bad his %+!*+$# waited to the last day to play the victim
Did his publicists mention to Dwight that he looks like an, trolling, narcissistic %@$ hole?

Dwight Howard's desire to be loved has become truly nauseating.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

We are so close to gettin Beas. 
@actually having someone who can score come off the bench along with Goudelock. 
Edit: does giving away our backup point guard who is better than our starting point guard going to help us when we really need a point guard?
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