Official 2012 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: The Dwightmare is Over.

Knicks fire D'Antoni.
Knicks win by 40.

New low Blazers. New low
Have fun with whatever team you get moved to, Jamal.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Deron is coming to Dallas. You can take that to the bank. He doesn't want to be in Jersey.

And Dwight opting in gives the Mavs an extra year to sign guys to one-year deals and clear out the cap for another max deal.

All the talk about them being able to do it this year was overblown. They'd have to find too many teams to take on too many players. Sign Deron now, let Odom and the other contracts run out, then sign Dwight next offseason.

making ++#@ up i see
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

ORL should just trade him to the Bobcats and let his clown !$% rot for the rest of the season

Dwight is the best big man in the league and ANY team should be lucky to have him...regardless of his indecision. He can make any team elite...if he ever made up his mind. Oh but I forgot, he's not saying anything. Everybody just keeps making stuff up about Dwight. Poor Dwight. Nobody understands him. Not even him.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

ORL should just trade him to the Bobcats and let his clown @@% rot for the rest of the season
I was about to ask why would CHA do that but Jordan we be the only owner to trade for Dwight without a commitment

@ Dwight saying he didn't know the ramifications of his statement and deciding not to sign the waiver
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

And if not, is he a member of the Houston Rockets?

Say what? 
That's one of the teams that is in the Rent-A-Dwight..

But I don't see Dwight costing the Rockets anything short of Martin & Lowry + Picks

If possible, get it done.
D.Will to the Mavs has been mentioned as a lock by a handful of people around the league.  I mean it makes so much sense, he gets to become the #1 as Dirk ages, play for a great coach in Carslile in his hometown.  It's gonna happen.
I don't blame Dwight for wanting to be the guy.  He's taken a team to the Finals and is one of the 5 best players in this league.  I mean is there anyone really caring as !$%%!+ a roster as he is this year?  People point to the fact that the he plays in an era with an astounding dearth of good centers, which is true.  But once again, that's not his fault.  Last year in the playoffs just proved once again that Championships are won by controlling the paint.  He does that better than anybody.  Is he more Alonzo Mourning than Shaq? Sure, but its irrelevant cause he is the best by miles.  Everyone mentions how he should be better offensively but what he gives every night on defense is so far ahead of what anyone else can do.

As a person though, Dwight comes off as a little private school kid who grew up sheltered and cause of it acts like a complete clown cause he was always used to being the center of attention.  Now he is realizing he is stuck in a weird place.  He's looking at the options:

Lakers- Doesn't want to be second to Kobe.

Nets- Deron prolly is bouncing so he is assed out.

Chicago- Logical move but the Adidas thing is what is really holding that back I think.

Dallas- Doesn't look like they will have cap for all 3 guys like some would thought but still wait and see.

Now what else is out there?  I honestly think his best move would be Philly.  He goes there and makes that team an defensive juggernaut.  Plus I think they could amnestie Brand and sign someone else.  They could swing a deal for a guy like Josh Smith as well.  Philly isn't one of the biggest markets but its not Milwaukee either.  

Other place I think he should consider is Houston.  They have a legacy of great centers and Morey knows how to consturct a team better than anybody.  He built the team in '09 around Yao that could have won a title, you can put faith in him to try to do it again.  Plus he gets to be coached by McHale who would be the perfect coach for him and maybe even help him take that next step offensively.
Why do you have a playoffs hashtag attached to every tweet?

Oh, never mind I just realized it's a parody account.
Why would Adidas care about him and Rose being on the same team? They don't even go a good job of marketing them. I still remember in the 09 finals wondering why they didn't have a commercial featuring him running during them. Add to that, during that same era they were doing the Team Signature thing which was a massive failure. Dwight don't like cold weather anyways.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Also, doesn't make sen to me why OKC doesn't jump on this and trade Harden, Kendrick, and Nazr for Dwight.

I don't believe for one second that Dwight doesn't re-sign with Russ and KD locked up long-term.

Plus OKC avoids the headache of having to eventually pay Harden, which will lock up any freedom.
they asked for harden and ibaka.. just saying

also why do you think harden will be a problem?
- i ask because dude hasn't had any issues what so ever about coming off the bench
I just meant having to pay another guy that will literally eat up any and all flexibility you'll have going forward.

And then when Ibaka comes up for an extension, he'll get his money, and go even further over the cap.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Why would Adidas care about him and Rose being on the same team? They don't even go a good job of marketing them. I still remember in the 09 finals wondering why they didn't have a commercial featuring him running during them. Add to that, during that same era they were doing the Team Signature thing which was a massive failure. Dwight don't like cold weather anyways.
I don't know how far in-depth they were talking, but Adidas liked marketing another player with another color, or some crap like that.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Why would Adidas care about him and Rose being on the same team? They don't even go a good job of marketing them. I still remember in the 09 finals wondering why they didn't have a commercial featuring him running during them. Add to that, during that same era they were doing the Team Signature thing which was a massive failure. Dwight don't like cold weather anyways.
What I've been thinking, it all doesn't make any sense... Dallas is warm, NJ is cold, LA is warm... no one buys Dwight's Adidas shoes... offensively he's not a number one option... his GM sucks, he doesn't want to come out and demand a trade... he wants input on front office decision making, two years ago he was doing the crank dat dance at every opportunity... I cannot follow the logic here at all
I'm pretty sure David Aldridge is going to collapse on air one of these years at the deadline.. Dude does not stop.
Dwight Howard on situation: "They took a chance on me when I was 18. Take a chance again."

What a buffoon. Trade him to the D-League
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm pretty sure David Aldridge is going to collapse on air one of these years at the deadline.. Dude does not stop.
his phone bill though has to be crazy at this time of the year.
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