Official 2012 San Francisco 49ers Offseason Thread

Well I hope something happens ASAP... They need to sit down and start figuring out what they are going to do with the draft and free agency
I'm gonna bang the Mcdaniels drum for a min,

as long as he just coached and couldn't trade players away I would easily take him as a plan B. Yall seem to forget he turned Brandon Lloyd into a probowler. Let that sink in a moment....Brandon Lloyd is a probowler because of Mcdaniels. After getting fired, he's gotta be humbled right about now in Denver he had way to much power and wouldn't listen to anyone, I can't see that being the case here. He may not be the big name yall want but he could easily turn this roster into a playoff team. 
I'm gonna bang the Mcdaniels drum for a min,

as long as he just coached and couldn't trade players away I would easily take him as a plan B. Yall seem to forget he turned Brandon Lloyd into a probowler. Let that sink in a moment....Brandon Lloyd is a probowler because of Mcdaniels. After getting fired, he's gotta be humbled right about now in Denver he had way to much power and wouldn't listen to anyone, I can't see that being the case here. He may not be the big name yall want but he could easily turn this roster into a playoff team. 
I don't know how McDaniels would help Crabtree or Morgan because neither of them are legitimate deep threats, but neither was Brandon Lloyd...
I don't know how McDaniels would help Crabtree or Morgan because neither of them are legitimate deep threats, but neither was Brandon Lloyd...
Don't get me wrong, experience is important, but I think Harbaugh has the energy and smarts to make us a great team again.
Which is EXACTLY why I want us to sign him. 

yeah harbaugh is a good hire but maybe what im looking for is a guy who already knows how to win the NFL. ala jon gruden or brian bilick. im not doubting what harbaugh can bring to the table here but at the same time i guess its just we all want immediate results.
  Did you see what Gruden did his last few years in Tampa Bay??  With him behind the wheel I wouldn't see us winning immediately.  As I said before, I'm tired of the coaching carousel that resides in the NFL currently......"same faces, different places".  I wouldn't mid SEEING somebody new get a chance, there's no need to get a recycled coach like Gruden or Cowher, let's start fresh.

Mcshay said this morning it would tave 3 future first round draft picks for the Panthers to give up the 1st pick.

If we can talk them into two 1st round draft picks then I would say go for it. 

vince young anyone?
No thanks. 

Josh MCDaniels... Do not want!

Don't get me wrong, experience is important, but I think Harbaugh has the energy and smarts to make us a great team again.
Which is EXACTLY why I want us to sign him. 

yeah harbaugh is a good hire but maybe what im looking for is a guy who already knows how to win the NFL. ala jon gruden or brian bilick. im not doubting what harbaugh can bring to the table here but at the same time i guess its just we all want immediate results.
  Did you see what Gruden did his last few years in Tampa Bay??  With him behind the wheel I wouldn't see us winning immediately.  As I said before, I'm tired of the coaching carousel that resides in the NFL currently......"same faces, different places".  I wouldn't mid SEEING somebody new get a chance, there's no need to get a recycled coach like Gruden or Cowher, let's start fresh.

Mcshay said this morning it would tave 3 future first round draft picks for the Panthers to give up the 1st pick.

If we can talk them into two 1st round draft picks then I would say go for it. 

vince young anyone?
No thanks. 

Josh MCDaniels... Do not want!

Supposedly McDaniels isnt interested in the 49ers HC job
Andrew Luck's staying...

and David Carr is the only QB with a contract on our roster. We prolly won't even have to tank to get the #1 pick
Andrew Luck's staying...

and David Carr is the only QB with a contract on our roster. We prolly won't even have to tank to get the #1 pick
Luck staying in school for the niners to get the #1 pick next year to play with his college coach

Maybe he drops in the draft and the niners select him next year

Have fun with Clausen CAR
Luck staying in school for the niners to get the #1 pick next year to play with his college coach

Maybe he drops in the draft and the niners select him next year

Have fun with Clausen CAR
I am incredibly glad McDaniels said no to us. I have a great feeling Harbaugh is heading our way.

And isnt Josh McDaniels the same @*#$$@%@%%#% who tried to cheat and tape our practices before the game in London, and stillllllllllll lost.
.. same dude who traded up for Tim Tebow in the 1st round. (Tebow hasnt looked that bad in the games hes started though)

Andrew Luck is staying per ESPN.

Im really curious to see how who our Quarterback will be this year, my personal opinion is Kolb, McNabb, or a solid rookie out of the draft. With the #7 pick, we have the potential to draft a difference maker. If its not a QB then it damn well better be a defensive player.
I am incredibly glad McDaniels said no to us. I have a great feeling Harbaugh is heading our way.

And isnt Josh McDaniels the same @*#$$@%@%%#% who tried to cheat and tape our practices before the game in London, and stillllllllllll lost.
.. same dude who traded up for Tim Tebow in the 1st round. (Tebow hasnt looked that bad in the games hes started though)

Andrew Luck is staying per ESPN.

Im really curious to see how who our Quarterback will be this year, my personal opinion is Kolb, McNabb, or a solid rookie out of the draft. With the #7 pick, we have the potential to draft a difference maker. If its not a QB then it damn well better be a defensive player.
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