Official 2013 Boxing Thread: Year is over, please lock.

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Oscar a cluck forreal huh...

And nah I'm as excited for Swift vs La Maquina as I am for Canelo/Floyd .... Gonna be an exciting night of sports... If Manziel and A&M somehow beat Alabama Saturday, I'll know something wild is happening in the fight FORSURE :rofl: :rofl:
LAS VEGAS -- On the eve of potentially the biggest fight his Golden Boy Promotions has ever staged, Oscar De La Hoya announced on Tuesday that he had voluntarily checked himself into an undisclosed drug and alcohol facility.

The legendary De La Hoya first went into rehab on May 21, 2011, and later admitted he was an alcoholic who had begun using cocaine. He also said he had been suicidal.

He has since spoken very publicly of his fight to stay sober, and he was a visible presence in the promotion of Saturday's mega-bout between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Canelo Alvarez at the MGM Grand Garden.

But in a stunning statement his publicists released to the media early Tuesday afternoon Eastern time, De La Hoya announced he would not attend the Mayweather-Alvarez bout because he has checked into an undisclosed treatment facility.

[Watch: Floyd Mayweather's advantage over Canelo Alvarez]

His statement in full:

Canelo Alvarez and I have big fights coming up this weekend. His is in the ring and mine in treatment.

I will not be at the fight this Saturday to cheer Canelo to victory since I have voluntarily admitted myself into a treatment facility.

I explained this to Canelo and he understood that my health and long-term recovery from my disease must come first.

Thank you for your understanding. I ask for your support and privacy during this difficult time for me and my family.

De La Hoya, 40, last boxed on Dec. 6, 2008, when he was stopped by Manny Pacquiao. He ended his career with a 39-6 record and 30 knockouts. His company, Golden Boy Promotions, has become one of the two largest boxing promotional companies in the world.
This sh*t is taking a weird turn. I'm starting to think FreakDestroyer is on to something 
What do you guys think of Floyd wearing shades during the stare downs ?

I personally think it's a way of hiding lol
Calling someone a clown for having an addiction and voluntary seeking help is cool now?

I see where you're coming from but all the reckless and judgmental **** that DLH has spewed through the years at boxers and writers, I can see why some would go at him like this.
Floyd wore shades to the press conference against Guerrero and others as well.

No controversy will happen yall reaching. maybe some of you secretly want Floyd to lose
Mosley also took some vicious flush shots from Canelo extremely well. Canelo is not a one punch KO artist. He's a boxer with good power. That's it that's all.

So you're going to take away from Canelo because Mosley had a good chin? :lol: cmon man. I never said Canelo was a one punch KO artist. He never has been. He hacks and hacks and finds holes and little mistakes.

Stop hating on him, he's still young and has a future ahead of him regardless of how this Saturday night goes. He'll evolve and learn and get even better. I'll check back with you in a couple years.
Angel Garcia is hilarious. With that being said, I can't wait to see him helping Danny off the canvas.
the only surprise theres going to be saturday night is Garcia putting a hurt on matthyse...matthyse will control and look great for the first five rounds but Garcia always lands a shot.
So for those of you in/or will be in Vegas. What are some of your tickets looking like? Any predictions, insight? I'm going with Cinnamon for the 7th round K.O., and will hedge it with a Money 12th round decision...amounts to be determined.
I might be a bit biased because of my bold prediction, but does anybody else get the vibe that Showtime is painting Canelo to be the superhero that will save the day?
Showtime is just trying to build up that hype...

Sucks that oscar won't be there, even though he's been there through the whole process. At the end of the day, health over everything though.
Ever since Floyd signed this deal it seems he has dropped the whole bad guy act, he's getting paid no matter what so the need really isn't there anymore

Granted I haven't watched all access ever so perhaps I am wrong *shrugs*
Damn i havent posted in here in forever , Floyd wins by uni dec most likely , Canelo will have to do a lot of body work impose his size a bit and not give floyd enough space to let the lead right hand go .
Hey they are showing this fight at movies has anybody watch a fight at the movie or planning to ?
Can someone explain to me how Canelo and Mayweather have the same record despite a more than 10 year age difference? Thats pretty impressive.
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