Official 2013 NFL Washington Diplomats SEASON Thread - Last Game 12/29 @ 1:00 PM vs. Giants

Shanahan just said they dont know anything about RG3's knee. Said RG3 will fly tomorow to see Dr.Andrews for more tests.:smh:
im no expert on injuries, but would you be able to walk on the field if you have a torn acl/pcl etc?
Walking with an ACL is definitely possible. I dont know about an ACL and PCL.

He didn't even have a bag of ice on his knee when he was sitting though. I thought that was standard when you have a serious knee injury. At least that's what happened when i tore mine. But im not an athlete surrounded by top trainers, so who knows if that's a positive sign or not.
I just knew he had an ACL.

He played on a torn ACL for a half in college. RG3 is a tropper but he is destroying his knees.

I am willing to bet it was damaged after the Ngata hit to be honest. :x
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I just knew he had an ACL.
He played on a torn ACL for a half in college. RG3 is a tropper but he is destroying his knees.
I am willing to bet it was damaged after the Ngata hit to be honest. :x

I know he's a tough guy but damn your career is JUST starting. I know play every down like its your last but live to fight another day as well. Gotta have balance.
sad to admit this but....

As soon as I saw his leg buckle the first time I stopped watching the game and put the radio on :lol:

Hope the "partial" diagnosis isnt a lie too...
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sad to admit this but....
As soon as I saw his leg buckle the first time I stopped watching the game and put the radio on :lol:
Hope the "partial" diagnosis isnt a lie too...
I swear only in DC do we get sketchy medical reports from all of our sports teams.
No matter what is said it can't be good.

So the news now is it is a partial tear of the LCL (I have no clue what that means in terms of recovery, anyone?). They aren't sure about the ACL because of the last time he tore it. The report said something like well he has screws and a rubber band in there holding it together (greaatttt.....) so they aren't sure if its previous injury stuff they are seeing or new injury.

Best Case - its just a partially torn LCL and the ACL is sprained
Worst Case - Its an LCL and ACL tear.

Either way, I don't know why but this actually makes me upset. I enjoyed ******** football this year for the first times since i was a kid in my Gus Frerotte jersey yelling at Terry Allen. This is going to mean RG3 will miss most of next year I am assuming because there is no way we are going to rush him back after we "rushed him back" after the knee sprain. So Cousins will be our starter. He will have a decent season....and we will have a QB controversy some how and everything will go to hell again.

I hope the full story comes out about RG3's knee. Because honestly his knee never looked like it got better. He looked ok against the eagles but against the cowboys and seahawks he was basically playing on one leg. It must have been worse then initial reports. Or maybe even torn to begin with. The hit he took from Ngata was not pretty.

I wish him well and a speedy recovery but i hope he takes his time and they get everything right. He is young and even if he has to miss all of next year i am fine with that because he gives us a chance to win a super bowl later in his career.
Charlie Casserly was on The Junkies this morning and brought up a good point regarding whether or not RG3 should/shouldn't have been pulled.

He mentioned the likes of Big Ben, Rodgers, and Brady as guys who would NEVER be taken out of a game unless they asked out. Obviously, Griffin doesn't have the same resume as those guys, but he's cut from the same cloth as far as being competitors.

I still don't fault Shanahan for how he handled the situation on Sunday.

Casserly also said that despite the prognosis of today's results, he will expect Griffin to be ready to go by the time next season rolls around. He cited Welker and AD as examples. Obviously, they may be outliers...but the recovery process is much different with today's athletes than it was in years past.

That's not what he said verbatim, but I think you all get the picture.

Washington ******** team orthopedic surgeon James Andrews said on Monday that coach Mike Shanahan didn’t fabricate a sideline conversation between the two as they decided whether or not to allow Robert Griffin III to re-enter Washington’s game against Baltimore four weeks ago. Instead, Andrews said the account of the scenario simply got misconstrued.

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I still don't fault Shanahan for how he handled the situation on Sunday.
Do you at least fault the Shanahan's playcalling champ??  RGIII began to hobble around after he got knocked down to the ground before he threw that 2nd touchdown.  It was quite clear to everyone that RGIII just didn't look the same after that play and looked as though his knee or leg was worse. 
Do you at least fault the Shanahan's playcalling champ??  RGIII began to hobble around after he got knocked down to the ground before he threw that 2nd touchdown.  It was quite clear to everyone that RGIII just didn't look the same after that play and looked as though his knee or leg was worse. 

I don't fault anyone for anything on Sunday (aside from the grass). The team rides and dies w/ RG3. It was a win or go home scenario and EVERYONE was trying to leave it all on the field. Those guys wanted that "W" real badly. It came at a price, but it's football.
Do you at least fault the Shanahan's playcalling champ??  RGIII began to hobble around after he got knocked down to the ground before he threw that 2nd touchdown.  It was quite clear to everyone that RGIII just didn't look the same after that play and looked as though his knee or leg was worse. 
I don't fault anyone for anything on Sunday (aside from the grass). The team rides and dies w/ RG3. It was a win or go home scenario and EVERYONE was trying to leave it all on the field. Those guys wanted that "W" real badly. It came at a price, but it's football.
Okay fair enough.  We'll have to wait and see what the report is later on today as it pertains to RG3's knee, but if he is out for the upcoming football year or a good portion of it (NOT wishing that on him or the franchise) can you honestly say him attempting to finish the rest of the game was worth it??
Right when he started gimping I said take him out.

Dudes career > one wild card game.
I completely agree.
So you guys are happy with the ******** turning RG III into Apollo Creed? In boxing you have a corner man for a fighter is going to voluntarily quit or stay down while doing battle. It is the corner man's job to throw in the towel when he feels his fighter's overall health is in jeopardy.

Mike Shanahan should have thrown in the towel Sunday during the second quarter.....not only for the team that day, but for the overall health of that young man playing Quarterback for the franchise. 60+ year old man should know better than a 22 year old young man.
So you guys are happy with the ******** turning RG III into Apollo Creed? In boxing you have a corner man for a fighter is going to voluntarily quit or stay down while doing battle. It is the corner man's job to throw in the towel when he feels his fighter's overall health is in jeopardy.

Mike Shanahan should have thrown in the towel Sunday during the second quarter.....not only for the team that day, but for the overall health of that young man playing Quarterback for the franchise. 60+ year old man should know better than a 22 year old young man.
Excellent point, and I don't think no one wanted RGIII to turn into Apollo Creed.  Of course RGIII would want to go back in and try to finish the game as he had a very competitive spirit and drive.  Even if Shanahan didn't pull him from the game, if nothing else I disagree with the playcalling after it was noticed that something was definitely wrong with RGIII by the 2nd quarter. 

This goes back to what I said about Shanahan during the Steelers game when he sent RGIII out on a passing route and he got lit up by the safety in during that pass  You have to treat your star quarterback better than that and protect him and even protect him from himself.
The ******** already tipped their hand with an injured QB in the previous weeks.....showing that they would call the Zone Read plays just to try and put doubt in the defense that Robert was going to be a running a thread (even though the entire world could see he was hobbling for 7-9 yard gains where he used to explode for 20+ with ease).

There aren't many plays in the Kyle Shanahan playbook for a one legged QB who can't run or throw effectively out there. It was painful to watch the second half and not because the ******* lead was dwindling.
The ******** already tipped their hand with an injured QB in the previous weeks.....showing that they would call the Zone Read plays just to try and put doubt in the defense that Robert was going to be a running a thread (even though the entire world could see he was hobbling for 7-9 yard gains where he used to explode for 20+ with ease).

There aren't many plays in the Kyle Shanahan playbook for a one legged QB who can't run or throw effectively out there. It was painful to watch the second half and not because the ******* lead was dwindling.

So true man. I was holding my breath on that goal line sack. Every time a defender got close to him i was just thinking...please don't get hurt please don't get hurt. Waiting for the new reports today.......are there any stories of dudes coming back after 2 ACL tears in the same knee? Will he return to normal?
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Playing through injury depends highly on the injury. A broken finger or a sprained ankle? Sure, tape it up and go back in. They'll be stable and likely won't get much worse.

An unstable knee? On a guy who uses his athleticism to the max? That's not a gamble. That's just a matter of time until something goes. I couldn't believe they put RG3 back in against Baltimore, much less keep him in so long against Seattle.

I would say I can't blame him for wanting to play... but he's already torn an ACL so he has no excuse for not understanding the dangers. In my younger days I would've played through something like this but, after seeing friends tear an ACL because they decided to keep playing with a "minor" knee injury, I understand that it's stupid. It's baffling that neither RG3, Shanahan, nor the trainer stopped him from playing.

This is sad and inexcusable. Let's just hope an entire career wasn't ruined.
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