Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Hawks will be the underdogs for the first time this playoffs. They've Been Playing tight and trying to not do what every other hawks team had done in the 2nd round. Not choke. This round they will he playing loose and have nothing to lose. All pressure is on cleveland. And lbj. Who has been known to choke. Many many times. Also been known to have the refs cheating for him. As was the same with the first round. Being the underdogs now straight plays right into the hawks favor. They play worse when they are getting praise anyway. They must in their words "play pissed off" they will they have a great shot at winning this series. Cavs are no juggernaut. And they're wounded. Which so are the hawks but nobody says anything about that.
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I may wear my Pumps around to call on the power of Nique for this series. You are welcome for the extra karma :lol:
I gotta get myself some tickets to the game no way I'm missing lebron james in atlanta for the eastern conference finals. For the first time ever. No way I miss that. With no more expectations from me I can now just watch their games without worrying about them choking. In peace really. cause they're suppose to lose this series regardless. Not like we have a lbj or a kyrie. Got a Horford - Millsap - Carroll - Korver-Teague tho. And Delledova or whatever that dudes name is is gonna be BBQ chicken for Schröder.
Hawks have now won 3 playoff games in a row and 2 of them were on the road. Boy that was quiet. Wouldn't have even known by the disrespect they're STILL getting
Good thing I was banned from both threads cause all those haters got something to answer for now.
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[quote name="ryanjumpman420"][quote name="dmxfury"]Now you will have a ton of 'fans' for this series. Get the wagon ready[/quote]not here. I'm banned from both nba threads and they're not coming to the hawks thread. Outside NT I will tho.[/quote]Iono, I see a few people that are regulars in here, and now that the Cavs/Hawks is set, I see a few more... like dmx. :wink:
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There are already a few here that are really just carry overs from the nba thread. Nobody new is showing up or has. Theyre by all means welcomed tho. Funny thing is a celtics fan created this thread to shut me up
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I'm here baby, happy as hell for the Hawks. Hopefully they beat the Cavs. Just because I don't like u doesn't mean I don't respect the Hawks.

Too bad we couldn't beat the Cavs :smh:

I should be at Game 2, I would tell u to come thru like I did for the Braves game last month but you're not about that life :lol:
I know u don't like me but u did post a picture of a guy pissing on the hawks logo. Jus sayin but I appreciate your input. Good luck with the bulls this offseason. And i dont go to playoff games cause I can't handle the stress. Hard enough at home. But with the first ecf ever with lbj in town it might be different so i may see u there. Never know may even become friends and surprise each other.
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What up ATL

good luck this series let's hope it's a good one.

Good luck should be a good one. Nobody is even giving us a snowballs chance in hell in beating yall. I think the hawks do much better as underdogs anyway. And even with us having home court we still will never be favored and are still the underdogs. Big time.
I'm trying to just respond to you without the life lesson stuff you said you hate, but the reason very few are giving you a chance is because the MAIN guy on the team you're facing is trying for his 5th CONSECUTIVE Finals.

It's not because of Atlanta, mostly; it's him.

And truth be told, I know Cavs fans who said they were hoping for the Wizards. Why do you think that is? Honestly. Think about it.

Because they would rather have the easier opponent, and the one who say that think Washington would have been easier.
I'm here baby, happy as hell for the Hawks. Hopefully they beat the Cavs. Just because I don't like u doesn't mean I don't respect the Hawks.

Too bad we couldn't beat the Cavs :smh:

I should be at Game 2, I would tell u to come thru like I did for the Braves game last month but you're not about that life :lol:
I know u don't like me but u did post a picture of a guy pissing on the hawks logo. Jus sayin but I appreciate your input. Good luck with the bulls this offseason. And i dont go to playoff games cause I can't handle the stress. Hard enough at home. But with the first ecf ever with lbj in town it might be different so i may see u there. Never know may even become friends and surprise each other.

Matter fact let me rephrase that, I don't know you not to like you. What I didn't like was ur consistent Hawks trolling and banter EVERYDAY clogging up the NBA thread.

First thing every morning, "HAWKS, HAWKS, HAWKS" .. Like c'mon son, we get it, the excitement for team who hasn't done anything in decades is understandable but you were over the top.

That's what rubbed me the wrong way and led to me taking shots at you daily. I'm like how can somebody who has "420" in their user name be this damn annoying :smh: :lol:

90% of us want the Hawks to win and stop lebron cry baby *** from making the finals.

But it's all good fam, I been let our little Internet beef go, don't have any issues with you.

If I'm in town for game 2 will shoot u a PM, my firm has season tickets so I'm trying to finesse someone in our ATL office for a few, maybe get up in the suites.
My job all of a sudden wants to start going to Hawks games, its comedy. Now its "We" 
^ 8, 9, 10 years ago, though, bet it was all Heat. 

(no, this isn't a dig on your squad, or you, ryanjumpman. It's a mockery of fickle sports fans everywhere; no one is saying it's just Atlanta. It's everywhere, but this is the Hawks thread and he was joking about "We" being thrown out there now regarding the Hawks.)
^ 8, 9, 10 years ago, though, bet it was all Heat. 

(no, this isn't a dig on your squad, or you, ryanjumpman. It's a mockery of fickle sports fans everywhere; no one is saying it's just Atlanta. It's everywhere, but this is the Hawks thread and he was joking about "We" being thrown out there now regarding the Hawks.)
Real talk it was. All the people I know around here were all "heat fans" and I had to spend the last three NBA Finals hearing their nonsense. Now Hawks apparel dominates the city.

Ryan knows it too, city is bandwagon central. Blame it on the transplants or whatnot but it is what it is.
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Congrats Hawks. Great series. Really dodged a bullet(wizard) with Wall getting injured. Dude was balling before that.

Please beat the Cavs.
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