Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Have serious money riding on the hawks coming out of the east, thank god they won. 
Paragraphs breh, PARAGRAPHS :lol:. The length is not an issue you're knowledgeable and passionate about your squad, these are the kinds of posts that are worth reading.

But nah in all seriousness I feel like the ego from Dennis is coming soon. Especially next year when we're closer to the end of the Teague deal and all the "Max Teague" talk will start which we both know it will. Then he's going to say, what about me? They're not going to give big money to both. I'm a fan of Teagues though. 

I feel like I've told you this before, but the year after next is when I feel the Hawks will really turn into a good F/A destination. I gotta see another year of this sort of excellence and all the front office turmoil that will come as a result of the sale of the time pass before I can see someone really want to plant their feet down with the rest of that roster. 

Pipe dream but if the Hawks wait until 2016 and somehow get Dwight Howard..... Roster perfection right there.
Yea paragraphs indeed. And I know better too lol. I agree it's alot of murky waters with the front office and new ownership no tellin what they wanna do or are willing to spend on players. I dunno bout dwight howard tho. For one he doesn't really fit Bud's system cause he can't shoot. And i just don't like the idea of atlanta born players playing in atlanta. Didn't go well with josh smith. Puts alot of pressure on the player to produce and d Howard isn't a guy who id personally trust.

In 2016 it's going down like u said tho with the new f/a minimum and tv contracts kicking in. As for teague getting max money he better win us a ring if he expects that. He will be 29 at the end of this contract and will prob be his biggest payday regardless tho. Teague is still growing and learning. I'm not giving up on him. Yet. Schröder is a bad dude tho. Jus needs to grow into his man body and add bout 10 lbs of muscle. That's all teague really got on him is muscle. Schröder jumper is already on par with jeffs. Not that that is saying much but nevertheless. they're both locked up for the next 2 seasons anyway so time should tell by at the end of Teague's contract who to go with out of him and Schröder. In the meantime there ain't nothin wrong in my mind having 2 pgs. It's a problem I wouldn't mind having. Got Shelvin Mack back there too who while not playing is Definately no scub. He may be dealt.

LMA is my pipedream. He'd fit perfectly in Buds offense and defense. Which relies on the Center and PF to be able to swap at any time on D. Which theu could really do with horford and aldridge instead of millsap who caj only do so much at 6'7 trying guard NBA centers on a switch. Aldridge woukd have no problem being 6"11. Him amd Horford would be scary. And Aldridge is like a taller horford with a better jumper offensively. If they could keep Carroll and get LMA which they damn sure have the cap space to do so this offseason, sky is the limit. But that's why it's a pipe dream I guess. It's still atlanta. Fans are fickle. But i think the city itself as for living purposes go for athletes that atlanta is alot better than most. Tho obviously not NYC, LA, or Chi. But i think players would like playing for Bud. He's a players coach. Only guys he chews out are jeff and Dennis lol.
I just hope for the best. I hope for a team that has a respectable payroll and isn't ******ed with their money like the atlanta front office was til Ferry got there. I mean a trained monkey could have done better than that fraud of am ownership called the atlanta spirit group. What a joke. No wonder the hawks were a joke. Starts at the top.
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Damn I wrote too damn much again. Somebody should be paying me for this. Need to get in contact with Chris Vivlamore or Kevin Arnovitz. I do a better job than them two lol.
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I feel like I'm the only person not on this LMA bandwagon. Its all over the Spurs thread too. 
Yea i mean I really like LMA for Atlanta, peachtreehoops did a whole article about it comparing him to millsap. It even surprised me. I posted it a few pages back. Especially considering the hawks are still playing. I've always thought he was a really good player. Especially on offense. He's elite in my opinion. His mid ranger is better than any big man's today. And he can play with his back to the basket. Something the Hawks really do need like u said. Horford can't play with his back to the basket really either. LMA jus doesn't have all that crazy athletic ability like other players do. He don't really need it tho. His hands and footwork are pretty much flawless in today's game. He's def my pipe dream right now as a fan. Spurs fans damn sure aint dumb either. They're not lookin for him for nothin. I dont blame em.
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Chris Vivlamore on Twitter: "NBA report:Wizards' final five points should not have counted"

screwed the hawks AGAIN and we still won. Pierce 3 shouldn't have counted cause of an illegal screen and Gortats hook shouldn't have counted cause he traveled. due to the official refs report.
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If the Hawks make it the ECF, it will be the first time they've gotten that far since the last time. :smokin
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