OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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what about that video makes it look like it was intentional? dude grabbed the ball in the same goofy messy way he plays. draymond always looks clumsy/sloppy, but he was supposed to tap the ball out on a hustle play with his pinky? yall reach a lot man
I would think its because Conley clearly had already called timeout BEFORE Gaymond even began to reach for the ball and then how he rake across his face with his forearm. Its just not a good look
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I've come to the conclusion that Tony Allen in a 7 game series is essentially Batman w/ prep time.

Conley was amazing last night.

Easily the best guard on the floor.

That's the only way Memphis can win this. Keep the pace, the MVP, & Klay under control. They have the roster to do that which is why I was intrigued with the matchup.
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Only on NT do people have standards for the type of game you're supposed to have after winning an award.

Ya'll really that mad Steph won MVP?

I'm happy for Steph. 

But dudes been slandering Lebron and whoever else is considered elite for a bad performance, but somehow dudes give a pass to Curry. 

He's not immune from that. 

Hopefully he can bounce back. 

Exactly Earl...

That was my first post in here this morning. I remember watching that...:pimp:

People are still in the "We love Steph Curry" stage. I don't think he should be killed for last night, he had a bad game no big deal but if this was LeBron or CP3 they would be called chokers all day. The inconsistency is the problem.
What is that 
son was dying to use that gif
Point was without Wall we should have won still. Down 3 in the 4th you gotta close that deal. I'm not letting my team off the hook with excuse. Not taking a Chicago fans stance on the game.

An btw the Hawks weren't suppose to win game one. How you figure that, because we were down and ATL went cold? They were cold last night. 3-13 from 3 at one point.

I'll say this again. Jump shooting teams with little guys down low are always playoff BBQ. Unless you have the best player in the world. LeBrons Heat. GS has one legit big but they got put on notice last night.
Bro, what are you even talking about?

Based on your logic the Hawks SHOULD have won Game 1 then, because even after their atrocious second half, they got it back to 2 with like 1:20 left. I hope you realize how flawed that is, but I doubt it.

Please explain to me how you figure the Wiz should've taken Game 2, because from what I saw they didn't have the lead for a single second last night. Hell, it was only even tied twice and one of those times was the opening tip 
i wonder when tony allen punched oj mayo, did he call him "one eye chawlie" as well? :nerd:
i'd rather have the warriors lose when the splash bros play like crap than them lose while they play up to par.

i can't wait for game 3
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Any fan of any team that is only down a few with little time left and loses, is going to say we should have won.

That's like the simplest thing to understand for me. No flaw in te logic of what bowb4me is saying. Dude getting his support on is all, blindly but all the same.
Seth really does look mad

Wonder what type of relationship they have.
seth can't afford them diamonds so imma say it can't be too bad
Its hard to do anything with your off hand. I feel like people forget that. I can barely write using my left hand. Go ahead and try to use your off hand dominantly for a day, you will do nothing but struggle.
not if what we're doing is making off hand layups and we play point guard (especially on an nba team) but yeah writing is a different story
Chef Curry shot 2 for 11 from long range last night. Very Un-MVP like.

Then on the ESPN recap they follow up his stat line with he didn't have much help.  

Nah. On MVP night I'm thinking 30 + on the home floor at least. 
very popular saying now a days..

at that dude explaining his emergence as a Clippers fan.

If Chris Paul  can go tonight he should. No sense in being content with one road game win when playing CP gives you a better chance to win. 
People are putting too much stock into this one game. 

 at Houston has no shot....i want (and think) the Clipps to advance but saying Houston has no shot is crazy

edit: thought i posted those first 2 quotes last night
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in all fairness, asking a warriors fan who his/her favorite player was prior to this current roster is like asking a clippers fan who their favorite player was prior to CP3/blake...only difference being that there might not be one.
If you are insinuating that there were no fans of our team prior to this current team, then you sir are either a moron or just trying to stir the pot.  You have been on NT long enough to remember the 800 page Warriors season threads when we weren't very good.  You are in the bay right?  Why are you acting like Warriors games haven't been rocking for decades, even in spite of being a terrible team.

You are better than this man.  Don't fall into the NT hype machine.  Us Dubs fans been here for EVER.
I feel like the Wizards internally won that game last night.

They were in it until the last 5:00 and then the wheels fell off. Not having Wall obviously changes the dynamic of the series. If the Wizards got ANY sort of production from Nene, we might have a different outcome in game 2.

At this point, I hope Randy gives Nene a DNP for game 3 and gives Hump his minutes.
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