OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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I saw that earlier. Jalen Rose better leave with him. Loyalty
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To be honest. If you had thousands of fans heckling you and saying some wild disrespectful things, you tell me you would eventually say something back to one of them. It just so happens to be one of those fans was an NBA players mom.

Absolutely. Agree with that.
What you said made no sense considering that he apologized to her because he said he didn't know that she was a mother.

Willis told reporters that Barnes corked off a remark in her direction that angered her older son.

"My older son walked over to [Barnes] and told him to apologize," Willis told reporters. "And he did."

Barnes told her he had lost his own mother and didn't mean to disrespect her.

"What he told me was that he would never want to disrespect anyone's mother because his mother passed from cancer…and that he was sorry," Willis said.

She accepted his apology. As for the exact nature of the remark, Willis said she'd rather not say.

"We'll leave that on the court," Willis said.
agreed..the fact that she is a mother doesnt matter...the problem was that it was a players mother..,.........

i like the grantland ball hour and love jalen... hope they still continue it elsewhere
Also with all of these injuries, silver better do something in the offseason about the schedule of games at least.. And should consider cutting down to like 65-70 games

or he can let players take hgh and not get injured

No bball tonight, so went to the gym and hooped for 4 hours. My team was like the 2012 heat. Just destroying teams. Even games when we started slow and teams got out on us like 3-4 pts, we came back and won. Ended up taking about 11 straight. All games to 15. Wore the f out b. Rolled my ankle in like the 5th game. Was weird as **** to me. When I was in middle school I rolled them all the time, hooping and playing soccer. But I havent rolled my ankle in, feels like idk, 14-15 yrs, and thats all through hs and college lol. It immediately sent me down memory lane lol. I was heated too, dude dauntay jones'd me, I went for the jumper and dude stood under me when i came down :l. I left the game for about 5 minutes, stretched it out, tightened my shoe, then went back to it and just kept rolling. it did slow me some though, I was more hesitant running and cutting, but jumper was still wet and as long as I was mindful of foot placement I was good ankle/foot wise. Joint kinda sore now doh.

now that i think about it same **** happened to me the other day. I went for a jumper and the guy checking me walked under me and i came down on his foot and fell. He was literally on top of me i didnt even see it go in, but it did. Got that And-1 :wink:. I didn't hurt myself or anythng that day, but i dude feel his foot under mine.

dudes don't be knowing how to play defense without being grimey i guess.

i cant wait till i get to D town aka detroit and play ball with you fam :wow: so excited
or he can let players take hgh and not get injured
i cant wait till i get to D town aka detroit and play ball with you fam
so excited
Because HGH prevents all injuries 
Grantland, the sports and entertainment site run by Simmons for ESPN, will be unaffected by his departure, Skipper said.
No clue what this means, needs more clarification 
considering the amount of stuff he did.. plus his personal friends being heavily involved.. things have to change substantially
So he's leaving but they're keeping Grantland?!

This is like McGruder leaving Boondocks and they made another season anyway.
I don't really care for Bill Simmons and his ******** whininess and negative opinions. I do like that he's spoke his mind with regards to Goddell tho.

I'm sure he'll be back just like Oberman tho
everything good for grantland comes from:

bill simmons

Zach lowe


jacoby (bill's personal friend)

no way grantland lasts.. love the boondocks reference, repped
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