OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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The only thing that would cause me to not tip is disrespect. Not happening. I can understand being inattentive, forgetful, or just making mistakes. But disrespect. NAH

I prolly had the worst service ever one time, dude was rude, never refilled drinks, only came back to the table to take a chair from us, and then after we ask for refills homie says..."oh what yall had? Waters?" :lol: :smh: needless to say he got that 0.00 tip. Dude came outside with the receipt in his hand and yelled "NO TIP?!" :rofl: we all went back in there I was ready to square up with dude. Pretty sure he got fired cuz I've never seen him there again
so you guys automatically tip because their boss pays them nothing? shouldn't it be their boss's responsibility to properly pay their workers a fair wage especially if it's a hard job? if their tips don't add up to the minimum wage, they are still going to get the minimum wage. no shade, i actually tip pretty well but most of the time, i don't understand why i tip them so much.

i'm hoping you guys also give money and/or buy food to the homeless when you see them.
No, because McDonalds doesnt work around tips. You cant even tip at McDonalds so it isnt the same.

If its an establishment that works off the tipping system then yes I am tipping.
I see, so your logic is: establishment that can get tipped/traditionally tipped, you're tipping

Most of the spots I call-in order to don't do tipping traditionally outside of Denny's
Bingo. The only place where I slip up is Chipolte, I rarely have cash when I'm in there. When I'm going out to eat I'm prepared for cash tips, but Chipotle is fast food so I'm just going in there with a credit card only.
Question: you order food to go and go pick it up, do you tip or nah?

always a dollar when i go to pick the food up. They remember you and your face, then if you have any special requests in the future, they look out.

I've always tipped. typically 20%. Even more around the holidays and i'm feeling generous.


I go to the same places alot. That extra dollar for take out gets me bigger portions and free drinks.
[quote name="BLASTERCOMBO"][quote name="DarthSka"]Nope.

You are a person who has killed.

You are not what you have done; you are what you continue to do.[/quote]
Tell that to the dudes in jail :lol:[/quote]Are you suggesting that they still wear the label because they are still serving the sentence? That's terribly flawed.

Or are you suggesting that they are still criminals because they are in jail doing criminal jail activity? That almost makes sense, except that not all criminal labels are the same, so someone who hit a cop and then went to jail and figured how to smuggle weed isn't still a violent madman just because he had figured out a new criminal activity.

He's a violent madman if he's still being violent; not because he's still suffering a consequence for it, not because he's doing other criminal activities. He is what he is doing. Simple.
those people probably make nothing but waiters and waitress make good dough. i have a homie who is a waiter at benihanas and dude make good money. 

Depends on the location and time of day. I know waiters hate working mornings. Unless they get a lunch rush, they aren't making jack. I've seen battles over late shifts. If your at a IHOP near the hood vs one near the high end part of town, you attract different customers and tax brackets.

Most famous guy that ever came into the restaurant I worked in was the homie Mike Beasley. Don't know what he tipped:
so you guys automatically tip because their boss pays them nothing? shouldn't it be their boss's responsibility to properly pay their workers a fair wage especially if it's a hard job? if their tips don't add up to the minimum wage, they are still going to get the minimum wage. no shade, i actually tip pretty well but most of the time, i don't understand why i tip them so much.

i'm hoping you guys also give money and/or buy food to the homeless when you see them.
You should tip when you go out ALWAYS. It's mandatory as far as I'm concerned.

And I do give money to the homeless. My mother raised me that way, if I see a homeless person and I have money he is getting it, regardless of how much it is. There have been times where all I have is a 20, and that homeless person has gotten that 20. She always told me that the money in my pocket isnt making or breaking my day, I get to come home to a house, eat whenever I want and have a family support system. What is 20$ compared to that?
so you guys automatically tip because their boss pays them nothing? shouldn't it be their boss's responsibility to properly pay their workers a fair wage especially if it's a hard job? if their tips don't add up to the minimum wage, they are still going to get the minimum wage. no shade, i actually tip pretty well but most of the time, i don't understand why i tip them so much.

i'm hoping you guys also give money and/or buy food to the homeless when you see them.

That's not how the restaurant business works. Unless your cooking or making the food your not on a normal payroll. They live off tips.
so you guys automatically tip because their boss pays them nothing? shouldn't it be their boss's responsibility to properly pay their workers a fair wage especially if it's a hard job? if their tips don't add up to the minimum wage, they are still going to get the minimum wage. no shade, i actually tip pretty well but most of the time, i don't understand why i tip them so much.

i'm hoping you guys also give money and/or buy food to the homeless when you see them.
i tip my budtenders when they show me love...tip my barber, not if he does a bad job though. people dont deserve tips for lousy work. shouldnt reward ppl for that. 

i always give out money to homeless people tho . have alot of love for the less fortunate . 

What the hell.
You should tip when you go out ALWAYS. It's mandatory as far as I'm concerned.

And I do give money to the homeless. My mother raised me that way, if I see a homeless person and I have money he is getting it, regardless of how much it is. There have been times where all I have is a 20, and that homeless person has gotten that 20. She always told me that the money in my pocket isnt making or breaking my day, I get to come home to a house, eat whenever I want and have a family support system. What is 20$ compared to that?

Agreed. All I am saying is if people are tipping for sub-par services because they feel bad about the pay of servers and not giving to the homeless, it doesn't make any sense to me.

That's not how the restaurant business works. Unless your cooking or making the food your not on a normal payroll. They live off tips.

yeah, but how does that make sense. the owner or boss pays them a lower wage and expect that their customers should make up the difference even if their workers are subpar? also, how about the workers taking on a job that they know relies on tips.
we talk about all kinds of random stuff when theres no bball.

imagine the convos in a couple weeks :x
Agreed. All I am saying is if people are tipping for sub-par services because they feel bad about the pay of servers and not giving to the homeless, it doesn't make any sense to me.
yeah, but how does that make sense. the owner or boss pays them a lower wage and expect that their customers should make up the difference even if their workers are subpar? also, how about the workers taking on a job that they know relies on tips.

I agree it's not the ideal working situation. I don't know what the solution is. I just know how it is. Hey man people have to do what they gotta. Getting a job as a waiter is easier than a lot of other jobs because of the constant turnover and need for waiters.
Yo what in the DF?!

Real talk Lovetohate3000 Lovetohate3000 is straight in my book.

He could've kept deflecting but kept it one hunna and admitted he was wrong and no longer does it.

Takes a man to admit his wrongdoing and even more to correct it.

I didn't realize the strength of the subject of tipping had on nt lmao.

Can we move on guys?

Remember it's all love. Just sports. We all nt famb in da end
[quote name="instagram"]Takes a man to admit his wrongdoing and even more to correct it.[/quote]Tru.

But I don't expect that to sink in with people who are more comfortable denying their own serious flaws.
we talk about all kinds of random stuff when theres no bball.

imagine the convos in a couple weeks :x

Honestly, man, this thread probably should be suspended between when the conference finals end and finals start, assuming there's a pretty big gap. Nothing good can come of all that time with no games.

But I don't expect that to sink in with people who are more comfortable denying their own serious flaws.

Def feel you on that man. Since my return I get a sinking feeling that nt doesn't like my whole turn around. It's like they want the caps lock villain back.

But he's gone
[quote name="instagram"]Since my return I get a sinking feeling that nt doesn't like my whole turn around. It's like they want the caps lock villain back.

But he's gone[/quote]Nah. Collectively, you're good.
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