OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Can't Decide

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I just saw RyanJumpman post in the Hawks thread that this wasn't supposed to be their year anyway, that it's only Year 2 in a 5 year plan :rofl:
Don't care who comes out of the West, just as long as they beat the Cavs.

As far as the Hawks, it's going to be interesting to see what happens to the team this offseason. They have a lot of big decisions on the horizon. I still think they were a fraudulent squad that benefited from bad matchups/big injuries during this postseason run. It just caught up to them in this series vs. the Cavs.
uh oh. sounds to me like your getting into your old ways again...

Idk what you are trying to insinuate by responding to this.

I'm sorry if I find bringing up the nypd breaking someone's leg as part of the whole "they want lebron to win" as classless and wayyyyy beyond the usual slander.

Yet out of the nonsense people post in this thread you decide to continually single me out talking about my old ways. So please tell me how something I've never really spoke up on is going back to my old ways since apparently you've been tracking me?
I just saw RyanJumpman post in the Hawks thread that this wasn't supposed to be their year anyway, that it's only Year 2 in a 5 year plan :rofl:

Man Hawks had they chance. They will be 3rd next year in the Southeast division. Behind MIA and the winner WAS.
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perk icing his knees after 5 minutes of playtime 
using terms like "salty secretions" and "hater" like the other dude did is an easy way out imo.

you make it sound like saying lebron led teams wouldn't make 5 straight finals playing in the west is "hating" or "throwing slander"

that 2011-14 heat team was loaded. are we suddenly going to pretend that they weren't? if you want to make a case for wade being hurt in 2014 i'll give you that.  that team could for sure compete in the west and would win titles.   no one is denying that.

however those heat teams and as this playoffs has shown for this cavs team are head and shoulders above their eastern conference competition.  

compare the road to the finals in the east to the road to the finals in the west. it's much stronger competition from the first round on.

being realistic isn't throwing shade.
That's the problem. You are not being realistic. If you were being realistic u wouldn't say the 2011 and 2012 teams were "stacked." Besides Big 2 and a possible(the big "3") who else was on the team that would make u consider them "stacked?" Carlos Arroya, Eddie House, Juwuan Howard? Or maybe Eric Dampier,Mike Bibby, Jamaal Maglore. Oh wait, that's right, they had Mike Miller, Jerry Stackhouse too.

Truth is the 2011 and 2012 were NOT stacked outside the big 3. And like
You siad the 2014 probably could compete with West teams. So really you are talkin bout 1 season. But then u use that to discredit his 5 straight appearances. Not one but all 5.

But yea that don't sound like shade at all.
I'm a Kobe & Laker fan and I won't be rooting for the Cavs in the finals. But when and if the Cavs lose in the finals, I don't wanna hear stans go Kobe's 5/7 in finals > Lebron's 2/6 as proof that Kobe's superior in that regard. Look at the team Lebron is pretty much carrying. Not to that extreme, but it would be as if Kobe carried the 06 Lakers to the finals and lost to a superior team, and someone want to talk down on it since he didn't win it. Going to the finals itself is an impressive feat, let alone 5 straight.
I just saw RyanJumpman post in the Hawks thread that this wasn't supposed to be their year anyway, that it's only Year 2 in a 5 year plan
In all fairness he did only predict ECF this year and thats what he's done all year long. He never predicted a title from what I've seen. I'm sure he didnt expect a sweep though, who would. 

Also the Hawks have a lot of cap space and I honestly think they're prime candidates to get Dwight come 2016, whatever he will look like then. All the stuff about LMA this year is not happening though, the Hawks need another year of playoff "success" before I would view them as a prime FA destination.
using terms like "salty secretions" and "hater" like the other dude did is an easy way out imo.

you make it sound like saying lebron led teams wouldn't make 5 straight finals playing in the west is "hating" or "throwing slander"

that 2011-14 heat team was loaded. are we suddenly going to pretend that they weren't? if you want to make a case for wade being hurt in 2014 i'll give you that.  that team could for sure compete in the west and would win titles.   no one is denying that.

however those heat teams and as this playoffs has shown for this cavs team are head and shoulders above their eastern conference competition.  

compare the road to the finals in the east to the road to the finals in the west. it's much stronger competition from the first round on.

being realistic isn't throwing shade.
That's the problem. You are not being realistic. If you were being realistic u wouldn't say the 2011 and 2012 teams were "stacked." Besides Big 2 and a possible(the big "3") who else was on the team that would make u consider them "stacked?" Carlos Arroya, Eddie House, Juwuan Howard? Or maybe Eric Dampier,Mike Bibby, Jamaal Maglore. Oh wait, that's right, they had Mike Miller, Jerry Stackhouse too.

Truth is the 2011 and 2012 were NOT stacked outside the big 3. And like
You siad the 2014 probably could compete with West teams. So really you are talkin bout 1 season. But then u use that to discredit his 5 straight appearances. Not one but all 5.

But yea that don't sound like shade at all.
put lebrons miami teams in the west and they make the finals twice at most

these are facts 
ill try and be more like u and add little to nothing of substance to the thread.

i tried being civil with him but at this point I'm scrolling past his bs.

He keeps trying to bait me, prob waiting to hit report.

I'm out
If the Cavs win a chip this year!? There will be historical ramifications. The roster now ain't no big 3 that's for sure.
For those saying Lebron's road to the finals has been too easy this year, would Lebron be able to lead the Warriors to the Finals in the west?

Would Steph lead the Cavs to the finals in the east?
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As a Pelicans fan I have no dog in the fight. But I hope the Warriors get this ship. Not a LeBron fan ( not a hater either ) , but Curry and crew look better to me than the cavs.
For those saying Lebron's road to the finals has been too easy this year, would Lebron be able to lead the Warriors to the Finals in the west?

Would Steph lead the Cavs to the finals in the east?


LeBron gets hate for trying to play with better players but I've never once seen cats hold it against Curry that he plays on a stacked team created for him.
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