OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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If you can't pick up on the overwhelming insecurity and the desperate need for everyone to like him in LeBron, I believe you are either in denial or you have 0 ability to read people
They're plenty of fans who aren't Kobe or MJ fans that dislike/hate LeBron. Hell even his own NBA peers don't really respect him and call him out. But you see what you want to see. 

I don't hate LeBron. But I don't really like him either and I think its more interesting to root against him.
Bron is playing with a higher level of confidence, dude has his teammates on a string. wish we could say the same about his handles though :lol:
i once had a friend that took a mirror selfie on instagram. i deleted him from all my social media and stopped talking to him 

That is overboard. 
what is your IG?? 
Or just not concerned with why grown men don't like a basketball player.

It's not like he's had some off-court issues that've rubbed folks wrong it's usally petty.
Why does it have to be off court? He does plenty on the court to rub people the wrong way. It's happened for literally every great athlete ever, yet nobody is caped for to be universally loved like this guy is. It's quite amazing. 
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Obviously I have a bias here.

But I honestly can't name one other player that could take the Cavaliers to the Finals this year or lead this roster to over 50 wins. What he's doing right now is pretty amazing win or lose in the Finals.
I don't hate LeBron. But I don't really like him either and I think its more interesting to root against him.

kinda funny because that's how I thought growing up in a house full(and family full) of laker fans. I don't "hate" the lakers but it was/is always fun rooting against them, it brought another layer of "fun" at family functions and what not. I think me and my dad are the only non-laker fans(he's a clipper fan btw)
Bron has things about him that I can totally understand people really, REALLY not liking. Some of those things I understand and agree with, others I understand and completely disagree with.

Bron has some numbers and achievements that I can totally understand people really, REALLY liking. Some of those things I understand and really like also, others I understand but they don't mean much to me.
It's his public personality, seems so forced, like he's not naturally cool at all anymore on or off the court :lol:

OG Cleveland Lebron was my dude tho, once he tired to play the villain role in MIA fam just became corny to me :lol:

Oh yeah, his shoes ain't been dope since the 10s, figure I'd throw that in there while I'm at it :lol:

You mean a celebrity has a forced public persona? naaaaaah I've never heard of such a thing :rolleyes

Like I said, OG Cleveland Lebron persona wasn't as forced as it is in now.

You gonna ask a question then roll your eyes and get mad at the response? Stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop it Banks :lol:
I think current LeBron deserves all the praise though.

The praise of there even being an argument that he's the Best to EVER do it??? that praise isn't premature for a player who we've seen go to the Finals and

1) completely be scared of the moment and lose to an inferior team
2) Lose in a Finals by the biggest Combined Margin in finals History

Yes that may seem like splitting hairs when you look at his epic resume, but here's the thing.... when your sitting with the best of the best, they have Resume's that match, Some may even have better ones.

And more importantly those guys who sit in front of him all have Won A lot more than Him, and have played better in the most meaningful games. I just don't get how someone can skip all of these other players accomplishments and put Lebron their based off what we've seen so far.

SPECIFICALLY him vs MJ, he has him beat in NOTHING except random ESPN stats, in order for them to say LBJ>MJ
the hate from lebron comes from

1. him acting like a drama queen

2. media and his fans hyping up every little thing he does to be the best thing ever 
Bron has things about him that I can totally understand people really, REALLY not liking. Some of those things I understand and agree with, others I understand and completely disagree with.

Bron has some numbers and achievements that I can totally understand people really, REALLY liking. Some of those things I understand and really like also, others I understand but they don't mean much to me.
took the mouth right out of my words... or whatever, but ya basically this.

Its how I feel with pretty much all big name athletes in all sports and why I choose to just sit back and appreciate rather than grab a pitchfork.
Bron is playing with a higher level of confidence, dude has his teammates on a string. wish we could say the same about his handles though :lol:

BTW as far as on court this is probably my biggest issue with him, he's Confident as hell when he's toying with the Paul Milsaps & Mike Scott's of the world, but when he's playing them big boys and the odds ain't in his favor suddenly you see the confidence in his game Slowly Evaporate.

ALL of the greats could be having terrible games, but never could you look at their body language and see fear & self doubt in their game, I have seen it happen to him SEVERAL times.
I think current LeBron deserves all the praise though.

The praise of there even being an argument that he's the Best to EVER do it??? that praise isn't premature for a player who we've seen go to the Finals and

1) completely be scared of the moment and lose to an inferior team
2) Lose in a Finals by the biggest Combined Margin in finals History

Yes that may seem like splitting hairs when you look at his epic resume, but here's the thing.... when your sitting with the best of the best, they have Resume's that match, Some may even have better ones.

And more importantly those guys who sit in front of him all have Won A lot more than Him, and have played better in the most meaningful games. I just don't get how someone can skip all of these other players accomplishments and put Lebron their based off what we've seen so far.

SPECIFICALLY him vs MJ, he has him beat in NOTHING except random ESPN stats, in order for them to say LBJ>MJ
If that's what you believe that is fine. But LeBron, faint memories of MJ aside, is the best player I've ever seen even when I don't factor in accomplishments. I also realize that situations differ from player to player so depending on what happened I can't automatically expect someone do to what this player did because the game changes.
the hate from lebron comes from

1. him acting like a drama queen

2. media and his fans hyping up every little thing he does to be the best thing ever 

The thing about #2 is they treated Kobe the exact same way. Especially out here in LA. When a player is clearly one of the All time greats (Bron is the GOAT; fight me) why does hype bother you?
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