OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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He's not overrated on the Cavs though. He'll get at least what Faried got from Denver. 
Guys are talking about an NBA player having a jump off as an off the court problem? :lol:

80 percent of NBA players probably got off the court problems then :lol:

Geez :lol:
Lol personal attacks? Thats funny

We have enough stirring of the pot as is in this thread. Dont need your garbage added to the mix

You continually respond to me and come at me. Whatever our issue is deal with it on your own because I am not taking your bait.

So whatever is stirring in your pot is your own issue.

Sorry buddy you are not getting the old Robin Thicke response you are so dearly hoping I will give. Not happening.

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Ideally the cavs would love to keep him for 8-9... but he proven to be an ELITE rebounder, he's still young, and seems to be a pretty good finisher. The market is already set for him imo..
New kids stomach pump? The hell? :lol:

If its what I think it is, that story has been around for years and the artist involved changes from time to time. Its been Rod Stewart and Elton John. New Kids I guess. Probably will be some other boy band in the future.
[quote name="instagram"][quote name="NobleKane"]Some dude who got multiple banned for posting garbage and racist point of views in the past[/quote]Stop playing cute fambs you've been coming at me since I came back. I don't why you are so butt hurt about me but you need to back off. It's getting weird. I'm sorry I'm not a laker fan.

And for you to attack me personally and skew my own apology and say I had racist point of views is freaking sick.

Yo Ska can you please check this fool.[/quote] Oh, nevermind noblekane noblekane . He's one of these dudes who doesn't really do enough to get banned, but definitely struggles with posting about topics instead of people.

You'll notice that literally everyone except him ignored the question "Who's this instagram dude?" See, everyone else read that and most likely thought, "Nah, I'm not touching that. Rather discuss Bron or something." But nah, the bait was thrown out there and he took it.

Kane, I don't care if you don't like Thicke or what the reason (justification) is for trying to out instagram.


Or don't. Won't bother me at all if you ain't around.

People need to stop posting about positive members negatively. Discuss ideas, not each other.
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I'll give my opinions on contracts once the season wraps up.

But in terms of the finals, assuming rocks don't come back.

I am really curious to see who's defense locks down who's offense. To me that's the secret.

Both teams play their offense in their own great way but which team can really play smart ball to contain he attack from the other end
Oh that story. The artist probably depends on your age. My oldest brother told me the story about Rod Stewart.

What kind of person comes up with this stuff?
Isn't Bron technically TT agent? Or something like that
lebron player/coach/gm/father/ Jerry McGuire [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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