OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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jr with the clothesline and delly gonna lock in the figure four :smh:

delly coming home. interested to see how fans greet him

was surprised at cavs being +260 and w's -230
thought it was gonna be a little closer. vegas throwing that trap trying lure people into betting cavs
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:lol: the screens Moz was setting in game 4 against the Hawks were atrocious. Run up, give a little push and roll to the basket.

This is going to be a great match up. If Steph gets hot, it's a wrap. Both teams have great shooters but consistency is key. They'll put Iggy on Bron Bron obvoiusly, but he still gon get his. Question is who is gon guard Steph and Klay? Moz won't have a big impact with GSW's big men and Green and Thompson will cancel each other out.

Will be interesting.

JR is gonna be in Klay's pockets

They're both gonna be jackin up 3s :lol: It's safe to say they cancel each other out too.

The front court is going to be the key match up. GS has rebounders, Atlanta didn't
Shumpert CANNOT guard Curry, ever since he became a Cavalier dudes defense has been overrated. 

He can guard thompson. Put lebron on Curry. Game blouses.

no way on earth bron can guard Wardell fam. It'd be like Bron guarding Kyrie. It would kill his energy on offense chasing him around and running through all of those screens. Guarantee they try to bury bron on someone like harrison so he can keep his energy on the scoring end. they may just live with what steph does. I just dont see how cleveland can win.

With draymond, it pulls TT out of the paint, which means, no more Defense boards. And it's hard to get offensive boards when there's actually bodies in the paint like bogut and Dray, guys that bang. Mosgov will be neutralized. Bron will get his, but Iggy and Linvingston and barnes will frustrate and tire him out some. JR is NOT james harden. Klay will have a much easier time keeping him from scoring and forcing him to iso. Depends on which shumpert shows up. Shumps defense be overrated for years. Ever since he mad a few good plays on Dwade like 3 yrs ago, dudes been gassed. Kyrie and dellavadova will be food, nightly. Kyrie needs surgery on that foot, he wont be healthy no matter how much time passes.

And no lead is safe. No finals experience on the GSW. That's fine. Who on the cavs have the experience, besides Bron? Mike Miller? James Jones? Matrix? lmaoo they dont even play. If you have experience and you dont even get minutes, then you're just talking, which is exactly what Kerr will be doing, and he has plenty of experience. And I'm sure he hit up Pop on how to guard the big fella. Bron would have to be transcendent 4 times for them to get this chip bro. Warriors dont even have to play their best to win. And because scoring it pretty balanced across the board, you cant just stop one guy. Bron is the engine and the doors, the windows and the wheels, the seats, the etc. of the cleveland vehicle. You stop him, or slow him, everybody suffers. You take steph out of the game, like game 4, the team is still capable of operating. It was in the span that he was out that they cut a 22 pt deficit to 6. That's a tough squad.
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what? Jr can't guard a dead body.
oh geez Klay? that's a bummer. I'm happy as hell they finished it up last night. good lord, can you imagine...:nerd:
Let Curry get his, and try and contain everybody else. Cavs have better personnel to try and clamp up everybody not named Steph, compared to the Rockets. Can't wait for TT and Bron manning up to Green. Who's the biggest cry baby on the floor, every given night.
Probably too much drinks after winning the WCF. If mom and dad keeping your money tight for you, the alcohol might be harsh.

Not srs
Wonder what Adam Silver is gonna do about that. Doubt the NBA doesnt look into that to see if protocol was violated.
Wonder what Adam Silver is gonna do about that. Doubt the NBA doesnt look into that to see if protocol was violated.

Everybody knows concussion symptoms can take awhile to pop up. I think a clear knee to the temple should have been an automatic you're out for the game. On top of blood doing out your ear.
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