OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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Even with all the Wittman love going around, he still [james franco voice] gots to geaux [/james franco voice].
I was never on the Lowry hype train, he has grit and is a hard worker but sometimes his decision making skills are terrible, especially when he tries to play hero ball.

Raptors free throw shooting yesterday was disgusting as well
Harden is one of the few who can have a terrible shooting night and you still say he had a good game.

Man had 13 FTs. Its to the point I don't even acknowledge his actual FG numbers.
i forgot which player said it, but they described in detail what its like to guard harden and how hard it is to not foul him while playing defense. dude is a master of drawing the foul. all those lil hesitations and broad sweeps with his arms make it near impossible to play him without contact

KD taught him well
Better off giving Greivis all the minutes at this point , cuz Lowry ain't it right now

Raps gotta wait another year or 2 b4 they can fully tank, they stuck in that 4-7th seed zone in the East

nah Lowry still the only gaurd that plays D. were good when he's in the game. when he leaves and it becomes the Demar show is when it all falls apart.
Might not have to worry about the Demar show as much if Lowry could stay outta foul trouble and score in double digits
Looking back on the wizards thread entering the postseason, a ton of us were doubtful

I picked em to win and i wasnt even this optimistic, i picked the wiz in 7, to show some respect for the Raps

Obviously I'm a realist and i know we arent gonna win a championship this season, but for most of us to say we were gonna lost to the raps was pretty bad

Lastly if we reach the hawks i honestly believe we can beat em

Honestly I didnt pick them at all. The way they were playing after the ASG break was horrible. Glad they got it together though.
Otto Porter been balling since Paul Pierce went through a slump late in the season

What you mean
Will admit I haven't seen him much. 

Just looked him up. 7 ppg in Feb and 4.4 in March. 

Kinda mean what I said after looking at those numbers. Raise the bar if that's balling. 
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Will admit I haven't seen him much. 

Just looked him up. 7 ppg in Feb and 4.4 in March. :lol:

Kinda mean what I said after looking at those numbers. Raise the bar if that's balling. 

I watch the Wizards fairly regularly, Otto has not been ballin whatsoever. Especially for a 3rd pick. He has moments where he's good, like last night, but for the most part he plays timid and scared.
If you look at Otto's per 36...there was really no reason for him to be out of the rotation.

That's on Wittman...not Otto's play.

Don't let the Shaqtin clip fool you...he makes an impact every time he's on the floor, even if it doesn't show up in the stat sheet.
Per 36 only means something if the player plays around that. Anything else is a waste of time. 

Possible but I haven't seen it. I'll have to pay better attention. 
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OKB in here camping for Lowry like he hasn't shot 34% since the AS break and been a 2 net negative his time on the floor.

He ain't the problem? When that's your best player, that's a problem.

You like to call DeRozan trash but he was putting up 24/5/4 on 45% over the last two months since Lowry been ghost, yet he's still the one.

I don't believe in DeRozan on a contending team but Lowry is the one that is washed.
playoff rondo did not travel to dallas...or houston for that matter

Horrible damn. I was pulling for Dallas. They looked like a much better team before the Rondo trade and I think whoever was rooting for Dallas would hope he'd get it together but man I almost feel like Rick should just bench that fool since it seems Rondo's given up on the team already.
I love seeing the Raptors struggle. Lowry's flopping and constant complaining might be the worst in the league. If they played on national TV more, he'd be hated around the league. Combine that with Demar playing hero ball or getting bailed out by the refs + Grevis Vasquez existing - I can't stand that squad. Top to bottom. They need to rebuild and let the homie Bruno shine.
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