Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

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  • Kawhi Leonard

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  • James Harden

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  • Lebron James

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  • Kevin Durant

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Who would Boston pick if they the #1? I'm still surprised they ain't traded it.
Fultz breh. Just in case IT doesn't work out long term, plus you can play them together eventually

Ainge will be Ainge and probably select Jackson though

I want to get the update on Fultz' knee though

They 2 shoot first PG's though. IT would have to go if they pick him. Like dland said they're in win now mode, they shoulda traded the pick cuz what they need is not in the draft. If it was a KAT in the draft I would understand keeping it but this is guard/SF draft.
Who would Boston pick if they the #1? I'm still surprised they ain't traded it.
Still doesnt make sense to me.  They could have had added a star player that was ready to make an impact now.  Instead, they stuck with having multiple high picks that they can only hope will develop into something useful.  But they are in win now mode, yet wont mortgage a small portion of their future to try to win now.  Makes no sense.

trading away a number 1 overall pick isn't mortgaging a "small portion of their future." that's a pretty big piece. adding a butler or PG could materialize, but it also adds another guy to make a lot of money and take up salary cap space. rookie contracts are friendly, and give the team control. I'd look to trade a couple picks back if i were them but stay in the top half of the lottery.
Who would Boston pick if they the #1? I'm still surprised they ain't traded it.
Still doesnt make sense to me.  They could have had added a star player that was ready to make an impact now.  Instead, they stuck with having multiple high picks that they can only hope will develop into something useful.  But they are in win now mode, yet wont mortgage a small portion of their future to try to win now.  Makes no sense.

It wouldn't have been smart to give up the #1 pick for Paul George knowing he probably wasn't going to stay after next season. The only other real option who may have been on the table was Jimmy Butler. Clippers weren't trading Blake, maybe they could've got Cousins but the Kings went in another direction.

What other star could they have added at the deadline?
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Who would Boston pick if they the #1? I'm still surprised they ain't traded it.
Fultz breh. Just in case IT doesn't work out long term, plus you can play them together eventually

Ainge will be Ainge and probably select Jackson though

I want to get the update on Fultz' knee though

They 2 shoot first PG's though. IT would have to go if they pick him. Like dland said they're in win now mode, they shoulda traded the pick cuz what they need is not in the draft. If it was a KAT in the draft I would understand keeping it but this is guard/SF draft.

Move Fultz to the 2 (which he can easily play), this way they won't have to break the bank on Avery Bradley.
Only thing Saric is better than Julius at is shooting. Julius plays faster than he thinks, if dude learns to slow down he's a beast, he gives those flashes of dominance frequently.

You talk about the Lakers a lot man.

Oh hellllll no. Laker fans on here must get a damn alert every time the Sixers are mentioned with as much as they talk about them. Saric is better at EVERY aspect of basketball besides rebounding and most importantly his basketball IQ is on another planet compared to Randle.
Fultz is very unselfish himself, he doesn't need to be score first. He's adept at creating shots for others.. I heard coaches saying they had to tell him to literally be more selfish
Only thing Saric is better than Julius at is shooting. Julius plays faster than he thinks, if dude learns to slow down he's a beast, he gives those flashes of dominance frequently.

You talk about the Lakers a lot man.

Oh hellllll no. Laker fans on here must get a damn alert every time the Sixers are mentioned with as much as they talk about them. Saric is better at EVERY aspect of basketball besides rebounding and most importantly his basketball IQ is on another planet compared to Randle.

Ain't a better rebounder or passer than Julius.
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Paying Fultz 7 million a year for 5 years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paying IT 30+ million a year
I'm laughing that someone listed a 50 year old sheed Wallace on the finals list as if he was important player

It's debatable who was the best player on that team, but there's no denying sheeds importance to that team. He quite literally 'took them over the edge '. Ball don't lie.

That Juan Dixon story is crazy/sad. Smh, idk what's sadder the real story or the fake one. Smh.

Still baffling that Steve Blake had the best pro career from them Maryland teams. You couldn't tell me Juan ain't have it all.

Referring to the celtics, not pistons

Sheed was :pimp: on the pistons obviously

Sheed was washed and retired and randomly came to the celtics
Sheed was not a star player then, but he was solid for the Celtics. If it wasn't for Perkins injury he wouldn't have had to play twice the minutes his body could handle.
I see the Fox/Wall comparisons now...
He actually might end up being the 2nd best PG Cal has coached at UK
Fox my favourite player in this draft. Got a soft spot for quick, fast point guards who get to the rim. 
Wait there's a bet?

I also don't think Boston is in win now mode. Who's even sure they're ready to go all in on Thomas? Cause the last two years of that contract will likely be a disaster.

For what it's worth I think they should pay him but you never know.
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