Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Bucks announcers just said during smarts review the officials when talking with Secaucus referred to giannis as the alphabet. :smokin
Grabbed Alphabets shoe as he was stepping over him so they called it a flagrant foul
I need to see this 
Lol, the magic announcer said "Westbrook has taken 39 shots and still had time to dish out 11 assists".
Roberson may be the worst offensive player in the league.
This guy played as s SG last year and can barely hit a free throw. He's a good defender though.
MJ was trash at d too i found a clip of him getting toasted

Can you also find hundreds of hours worth of data consisting of not one, not two, but three advanced defensive stats to prove that he is an inferior defender?

But hey, that's how it is: You post cold hard facts consisting of numbers assembled over many years and they hit you with a "he got skated on though". Then you post a video of their player getting skated on and they deflect again by referring to a third player getting crossed and a "Was he trash too?" comment.

You posted all that defensive stat **** with literally no explanation as to why or what they indicate. Yeah, the calculations are "facts" but they are formulas that some people decided should be a measure for good defense and not everyone agrees with that. And there are factors that don't involve the player directly that affect those numbers.
Posting 3 clips of him getting worked is a pretty pathetic followup to copying and pasting **** from Basketball Reference with no personal input on the numbers.

lmaooooo funniest thing about that waste of bandwidth post was that the numbers showed no indication of how they were measured. Whom they were guarding. We've literally seen bron get cooked by elite wing defenders. Of course bron did a good job about his own position, there were only 2 other elite guys in that marquee, melo, who always cooked bron, and kd, who has cooked bron despite bron being able to put both hands and feet, knees and elbows all over him with no calls.

Kobe checked perimeter players regularly. Bron typically did it only on switch offs. Dude wasn't bout that life of guarding the true best player except with Rose, and I keep telling yall, check the tape, they were doubling Rose. Haslem's help d was the true x factor b.

those numbers, while showing that bron's are better, do not convey who bron was actually guarding the majority of the time.
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